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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC 家長請幫忙
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RC 家長請幫忙 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-14 01:32 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我同囝囝報咗出年yr 1,請問要點樣準備面試?面試係用咩型式?一個小朋友定係幾個小朋友一齊面試?會問啲咩?家長駛唔駛見?另外仲有咩要準備?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-14 18:06 |只看該作者


Which shcool is your child in ?

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-14 22:48 |只看該作者
It is actually an assessment rather than an interview which is to be done with the kids only. Kids from the same school are normally grouped together (should be 5 but can't remember exactly) for an assessment section. The kids will be assessed by a team of teachers through games and casual conversations (there will be different toys and kids may be asked to do different things individually). It is done in a relaxing and friendly environment and I don't think there is a standard list of questions.

The kids must have very good proficiency of English and they like active and cheerful kids. So you need to prepare your son to communicate with the teachers in pure English and in a cheerful manner. Despite the questions won't be that difficult and tricky, be sure that your son knows how to introduce himself and the family (in English), express what he likes, his favorite toys and colors...etc.  Go to the school earlier so that he can settle down with the environment. Tell him that there will be toys and teachers playing  with him but only kids are allowed (a staff will bring the kids to the interview room and bring them back when finished).

Don't worry too much on what questions will be asked as the actual activities and conversations may vary a lot depending on the situation and the kids' response (e.g. some may be asked to play a game and some may be asked to draw a picture). Focus more on your son's English proficiency and encourage him to talk more (of course in pure English).

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-15 16:09 |只看該作者
Thank you gentlemanhk!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-15 16:10 |只看該作者
BTW, gentlemanhk, how long does the interview take?

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-15 23:53 |只看該作者
Around 30 mins. Do you know if any of your son's schoolmates are also applying? If so, it is  better as they are likely be grouped together for the interview, so there, so they will be more relaxed and perform better. It is RC's intention to see the real side of the kids.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-16 23:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 gentlemanhk 於 09-10-14 22:48 發表
It is actually an assessment rather than an interview which is to be done with the kids only. Kids from the same school are normally grouped together (should be 5 but can't remember exactly) for an as ...

I 'm also targetting at RC.
but if Eng fluency is all that matter, how did they choose the right kid, because I think many kids now can  talk in Eng very well.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-18 00:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 jamhappybobo 於 09-10-16 23:11 發表

I 'm also targetting at RC.
but if Eng fluency is all that matter, how did they choose the right kid, because I think many kids now can  talk in Eng very well.

I don't think so. If you are not a native english speaker, your kid may not be able speak english in a native way. And ESF / RC 1st priority is to take native english speaker, this is why in Y1 they almost only test english orally. For higher year they teach other stuff too.

發表於 09-10-18 10:33 |只看該作者
Hello, my daughter is a RC year 2 student. She joined the school last year.
Parents are not involved in the interview. That means it only depends on the performance of the child. I asked my daughter about the interview,  she told me that firstly, one teacher asked her some simple questions. such as color, shape, numbers... Then all the children are invited to join the group playing. My daughter told me they could play what they like in the 'room'. (Actually I guess that's like a small toy house)
For myself, I didn't make any special preparation before the interview, the only thing I did is to ensure that my child have a very good rest before the interview.
Even, I didn't told her that's an interview, I just told my daugher she play inside the interview room for a while. What I did so is to lower her stress and hope she could show her 'real face' to the school.
Don't worry, my first language is Cantonese which also the first language in our family. If your child is studing in a internation school/class for K1 & K2, I don't think that's any problem for him/her to attend this interview.
Good luck to you. RC is a real good school. You could raise out any problem in here.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-19 02:42 |只看該作者
Thanks again gentlemanhk.
and also thank you for sharing opakgn.

Don't think any of his classmate applying for RC, as he is studying in a local school instead of an international school.

Daddy talk to him in English at home since he was born... so he is good at listerning... but oral, he can speak English, but not as good as his cantonese... so... it's a bit worrying... hope that I can do something to help him to improve his oral before the interview/assessment...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-19 10:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 @_@! 於 09-10-19 02:42 發表
Thanks again gentlemanhk.
and also thank you for sharing opakgn.

Don't think any of his classmate applying for RC, as he is studying in a local school instead of an international school.

Daddy talk ...

Agree with opakgn that don't let your son feel that is an interview/assessment.
Instead, I told my daughter that there was a party with many new toys in a new school with some new friends and teachers playing together and new teachers would  love to chat with her.
It worked with my daughter.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-21 23:23 |只看該作者
what is the chance of a non-ESF kinder child get in RC? high/low/never?
they said that they may not offer interview to everyone, did any of your child were non-ESF kinder child got interview? and got the place?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-21 23:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 @_@! 於 09-10-21 23:23 發表
what is the chance of a non-ESF kinder child get in RC? high/low/never?
they said that they may not offer interview to everyone, did any of your child were non-ESF kinder child got interview? and got  ...

something happened before does not mean it will happen again. last year only 3XX 1st round applicants but this year is 513!
despite ESF kinder applicants have higher priority for interview (see admission policy in RC website), (i guess) most of them will go to ESF schools at the end. Some of them may block the first round interview places in RC but most of them will turn down the offer if they get the offer from KJS/BHS/SJS/... applicants have to be patient for 2nd or 3rd round....
Last year it seemed all applicants got the first round interview and end up quite a lot of non-ESF kinder applicants got an offer in the first round. (my daughter was one of them).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-22 03:14 |只看該作者
Can anyone please advise -

(1) if applications for ESF and RC a joined one or to be submitted separately?  We are interested in RC only, and friends around told us both stories which made us confusing.

(2) Since there are more kids of the same year of my son (who is now in N1 only...maybe I am too anxious to do early preparation), I guess the competition in the coming years will be very keen.  Can anyone share if you have submitted any portfolio to RC together with the application just like other private local schools or those DSS?

(3) Me and my husband decided not to risk going to Abacus/ESF kinder just for entering RC, and will let our son stay in the current private local kinder for the rest of the 2/3 years.  Did RC care much about extra cirricular activities/music/sports/arts/interest classes and awards/certificate obtained from competitions/public exams?

Music is my Life, my Love, my Everything,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-22 09:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 viv-viv 於 09-10-22 03:14 發表
Can anyone please advise -

(1) if applications for ESF and RC a joined one or to be submitted separately?  We are interested in RC only, and friends around told us both stories which made us confusi ...

Actually all your answers can be found in ESF/RC official website:
1. not confusing. answers have already stated in the ESF and RC website. Apply Separately.
2. no portfolio required while submitting  application form;
3. It is absolutely your personal decision. Studying in ESF kinder is somehow risky if you are still thinking of going back to local primary.
Don't forget ESF kinder applicants have higher priority for interview in ESF primary/RC. This year 513 applicants and not everybody are invited for 1st round interview (see those information in RC website).
Hope it helps.

發表於 09-10-22 09:40 |只看該作者
Hello, everyone.

Totally agreed with oooray.
Honestly, RC is not the first priority of many parents. For the parents of ESF Kinder, they apply for RC just for place safe reason.

My daughter is now in year 2. Due to late application, she was putted in the second round interview of year 1 application.  Firstly, we are informed that seat is not available for her and she's on standby basis. Finally, school offer her a seat. I guess many student got the offer from other school.

Personally, my daughter and me like this school and it's our first and only perference.  No matter for whatever reason she was accepted, we're so excited.

What I said the above is to share my own experience. If you really like RC, just try it. Like oooray said, many parent will turn down the offer once they got another. I know some parents of ESF Kinder, the student was accepted by both SJS and RC. Finally, they chose SJS due to the longer service year / better reputation AND more classmate in kinder joined the SJS.

發表於 09-10-22 09:44 |只看該作者
My daughter also one of non-ESF kinder student accepted by RC.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-22 12:03 |只看該作者
Thanks ooray.

(1) I asked because a friend whose daughter is now in Year 3 of SJS told me she applied both SJS and RC under joined application.  But another friend applied for her girl uner ESF only this year for 2010 Year 1 and she told me just like the RC website.

(2) I have thought of sending my son to Abacus so that my son's future chance of entering RC can be lifted.  However, we will definitely not choosing ESF but will try RC only, and our other priorities (if not taken by RC) will be private local schools and DSS.  Our worries will be:  if RC does not take my son, then he has nowhere to go but to ESF primary as the only choice.

(3) The reason we will not opt for ESF primary but RC is based on comments from friends around whose kids are/were studying in ESF / RC.  The study / creative atmosphere of RC is what we preferred over the relatively higher chances of English speaking with natives in ESFs.  RC is also "one dragon" IB while we still need to worry about the secondary stage for ESFs.

原帖由 oooray 於 09-10-22 09:35 發表

Actually all your answers can be found in ESF/RC official website:
1. not confusing. answers have already stated in the ESF and RC website. Apply Separately.
2. no portfolio required while submitting ...
Music is my Life, my Love, my Everything,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-22 12:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 viv-viv 於 09-10-22 12:03 發表
Thanks ooray.

(1) I asked because a friend whose daughter is now in Year 3 of SJS told me she applied both SJS and RC under joined application.  But another friend applied for her girl uner ESF only  ...

1. Visiting official website and calling/emailing the school is always the best solution, as what i have been doing...
2/3. If you have decided these options, what you need to do is to sharpen your son's Oral English skill. Don't forget there are hundreds competitors from international kindergartens and many of them can think and speak and dream in English...
Good Luck, again!
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