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聖若望英文書院... HOW SAD!!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-9 14:07 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
BIG and very upsetting news for SJC on Friday!!!!

The campus on Flint Road will be closed soon!! Miss Cxxxg, the long time (more than 30 years!!!!!) Principal, Supervisor and Director, was strongly against closing the campus since she would like to continue the will and also legacy in terms of education of the late and respectful Dr. Liang.

Sadly, the sons, daughters and daughters-in-law of Dr. Liang, came to the school today and demanded Miss Cxxxg to leave right away. Also, Miss Chxn (the Vice Principal who has devoted herself to the school for over 20 years!!!!); Miss Chxxxg (Prefect of Studies who has worked for almost 20 years!!!!!); Miss Wxn, Deputy Prefect of Studies; admin staff in primary and kindergarten sections and some of the teachers were ALL being terminated today with immediate effect becoz they don’t want to shut down the campus on Flint Road.
I really feel ashamed of whomever decided to terminate the loyal staff mentioned below. The decision maker obviously didn't put the students and parents into consideration.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-10 02:58 |只看該作者
吓~咁點算呀~我係因為ms.cheung先俾個女讀,ms.chung & ms.cheung都唔喺度,對呢間學校仲邊有信心呀!!!!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-10 14:16 |只看該作者

回覆 2# ScarlettChan 的文章

How come SJC will be closed?
By the way, how do you know that news, and is there anything that we can do as a parent to help our child?

發表於 10-1-10 15:34 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-10 19:41 |只看該作者
hihi, i heard for long that school will just have some changes of school management in 2010, seems getting some new perspectives and insights.  To me, it sounds a good sign of change.  Am thinking to get my girl to its nursery this year.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-10 22:08 |只看該作者

You seems are senior staff or teacher of the school?? becoz i talk to school and everything no change last friday, but anyway, it is good for SJC, the old school needs a big change for improve many of problems, for example, you can see

這校行政是否有問題 ?

i think the problems mainly from quality of some teachers and admin staff (including relatives of Principal), i hope the new management as you
mentioned will bring new direction into school and finally everything better than now.


原帖由 ScarlettChan 於 10-1-9 14:07 發表
BIG and very upsetting news for SJC on Friday!!!!

The campus on Flint Road will be closed soon!! Miss Cxxxg, the long time (more than 30 years!!!!!) Principal, Supervisor and Director, was strongly a ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-11 06:52 |只看該作者
Is it a really good changes to the school and our children????
Actually, i think that if the school changed a lot especially for the teacher and management no one will get benifit (except who want to make "change" ).
By the way, how come you all can know all these news well, it is amazing that you all can know the school management well too?!
So do you all know any more news? i woud like to take precaution and help our children.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-11 12:36 |只看該作者
慘啦, 都差不多下學期先轉, 其實有冇考慮到d 小朋友適唔適應到. 你知啦, d bb 個個都好痴e家d 老師. bye bye 都冇一聲.   
攪到個 k 的生活冇完美的結局tim........
好心啦, 問都冇問過就幫我地d 媽咪決定哂....
不過, sjc 的admin 不樓都有d 問題的, 有時真係不民主的. 而且有d 不合時宜, 不過佢地好warm law, 不太commercial. (除了要我地捐款外)

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-11 14:18 |只看該作者

回覆 1# mmkk203 的文章

I agree that it will be diffucult for student to adapt the new environment.
Meanwhile, i think we should focus on the new management, that is wheather they would provide a better school life to our kids. So, i guess, now we shouldn't argue the previous things. Most importantly is to solve the existing problem which caused by the new arrangement .
Now the situation is alarming, they ought to consider our children,  nevertheless they should respond toward such serious issue.
So now, i think we should keep an eye on Dr Liang' son ,that is to monitor the current situcation , in order to ensure our kids would not affected by these huge changes.
If there's anything would harm our kids, than it's time for us as a parent to strive for the best !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-11 14:57 |只看該作者
Hope SJC can give our parents the notices or announcement about the management change ASAP.
It will make me so worry about the future study in this school. And also heard and knew that Miss Cheung for Donald Duck K1 class teacher was not work today. It was so sudden.
原帖由 anorangetoday 於 10-1-11 14:18 發表
I agree that it will be diffucult for student to adapt the new environment.
Meanwhile, i think we should focus on the new management, that is wheather they would provide a better school life to our k ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-11 16:59 |只看該作者
I am very sad!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-11 17:27 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-12 11:12 |只看該作者
The notice only mentioned change principal immediately, but not talk about the class teacher arrangement. so worry.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-12 11:15 |只看該作者

Dr. Liang (Founder of SJS)

梁 挺 生 仙 遊 今 晚 設 靈
  上周五因病逝世的「加州」系資深馬主梁挺生博士將於明日出殯,今晚在香港殯儀館設靈 2009-09-17

聖若望書院創辦人 大慈善家

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-12 17:55 |只看該作者

回覆 2# chriskoo 的文章

Yes, so how about the class teacher?
The notice didn't mention why there are a sudden change in regard to the principal , since now are in the middle of term ,  it is a great burden to our kids , parents as well as the teacher have to cooperate with such huge changes.The main concern of mine is that , can't they make these arrangement later when it is end of the year, that is sometime about June or July, than our kids would not be affected. More than that, such sudden change would lead me to think of whether there are any hidden message undermined that do not display to us. It is because as a well organized schooling , they should have consider both the need of parents and children .However, these unexpected change is doing more harm than good. For example, our kids have to deal with the new principal and class teacher, it is extremely difficult to them to build up the interpersonal relationship , such as trust , sense of catering, need etc... Like my kids, he really upset with the absent of teachers , and he ought to get use to the new one .
So now, I am strongly advice the school have to answer the following
1. What is the new arrangement?
2.  Explain how is the school going to operate with such replacement .
I guess, what we need is a comprehensive , reasonable and acceptable statement rather than just merely inform us there are changes . Hence, I think most of us would not regard the notice that they given on yesterday is a proper way to illustrate the current situation.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-12 18:39 |只看該作者
唉佢地以後都咪鬼攪elderly day.....
連 ms chung 呢個 elderly 都唔respect, 點叫人support 佢地wo....
不過我相信新團體咁攪法冇非都係想當我地呢班bb係白老鼠先, 因已經係下學期, 一般都唔會退學住, 所以亦都係局住比大家睇下佢地的教學方法掛.....等大家睇完先再作打算law....
不過now始終都會係green d 但又會有新的沖激, so 希望佢地改革係成功又有建設性啦, 因為有d 野唔發生都發生咗, 好不好都睇住先啦, 都冇得你簡......
不過 I miss my class teacher....& ms chung........

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-13 10:06 |只看該作者
my son's class teacher keep change everyday, don't who will teach him today.
原帖由 anorangetoday 於 10-1-12 17:55 發表
Yes, so how about the class teacher?
The notice didn't mention why there are a sudden change in regard to the principal , since now are in the middle of term ,  it is a great burden to our kids , pare ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-13 12:27 |只看該作者
Hi all parents,

I am very worry and sad too.

We don't know exactly why the Board dismissed Ms Chung with seemly immediate effect. But anyway Ms Chung is a good teacher who teachs the kids in good behavior. At least, both our parents and our kids should properly say "goodbye and thank you" to her. SHE worked in SJC for 30 YEARS!!!

So I just wonder what is the purpose of the board to make such decision. How can they forsee how harmful to make this decision? Or they really want to harm the school reputation in order to close the school soon (as mentioned by the above message)?

Hopefully, the new BOARD can announce within days.

Pray to the GOD.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-13 13:57 |只看該作者
My son is going to enter K1 in 2010.  What a sad news it is.  

Let's pray.


(星島)2010年1月13日 星期三 06:30




Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-13 14:39 |只看該作者








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