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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 蘇浙幼兒園N1大召集(Sep07)
樓主: wongfra

蘇浙幼兒園N1大召集(Sep07) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 13:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 babymok 於 07-9-8 13:54 硐表
28 students with only 2 teachers

Teacher to student ratio should be 1:12 maximum......am I right?

My son should be N1 next year and I am thinking about 蘇浙.  Should I change?


Your son should be in N1C.  My daughter is in this class.  Heard the ration is 1:15.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 13:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-1 17:02 硐表
My son is in N1C (am)

My daughter is in the same class but I regret to pick this school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 14:02 |只看該作者
各位蘇浙n1唧媽咪, 麻煩你地比d意見呀
我個女冇接觸過國語, 而呢間nursery係用國語教授, 係咪唔係好啱我個女呢, 驚佢真係唔知發生咩事,,會唔會呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 14:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 Helen.C 於 07-9-4 19:45 硐表
我的孩子讀下午班,我也覺得老師照顧不到他們,為什麼老師唔用說話, 根本很多人也聽不到指示,也不知道做什麼,而且我覺得遊樂場的地毯很dirty,老師都沒有教什麼,還有的是熄燈叫人走,真搞笑.我打算十月份轉校. ...

I have the same thought.  Is it too late to change?  Can you find a school?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-10 22:02 |只看該作者
My son is also a N1 pm student. But I personally think that it's unfair to use the first two days to judge the performance of the teachers. Imagine there were 28 students plus 28+ parents in the tiny classroom. Not to mention some parents (me included) were too excited/anxious about their children so made much noises and disturbed the class without knowing it. Though I agreed that 1:14 (my son's class) is a bit high, I don't know if other schools are the same so no comparison. For me, as long as my son enjoys school it serves my purpose of him going to nursery.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 15:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 Vitang 於 07-9-10 22:02 硐表
My son is also a N1 pm student. But I personally think that it's unfair to use the first two days to judge the performance of the teachers. Imagine there were 28 students plus 28+ parents in the tiny  ...

I support Vitang statement!!  My daughter is being at N1 am student.  Class ratio is 3:33.  At my observation at the first 2-day, teachers were trying to control the class environment, but too much people at the classroom.  
According to my brother-in-law information, who is a kindergarten teacher, normally class ratio is 1:15.  So, KCS is not being the worst situation that we judged.
Furthermore, my daughter's group teacher also called me yesterday to advise me my BB situation during class.  I believed that it is a very responsible/positive attitude for a nursery teacher, right?  So, pls keep clam, and just try to make our kids at a happy school life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 16:13 |只看該作者

back to my questions, since my baby has never come across any Mandarin and do u think she can cope with the class for N1? Also how about their English level? would that be comparatively quite below standard?
Since I m thinking if I should apply N1 for my baby next year. Would be great if you could share some of your thoughs with this KG. Thanks a lot!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 17:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 shalalaor 於 07-9-11 16:13 硐表

back to my questions, since my baby has never come across any Mandarin and do u think she can cope with the class for N1? Also how about their English level? would that be comparatively quite b ...

Why I chose KCS for my daugther at first school?
1) I've done some testing for my daughter before..... sent her to one Mandarin & English playgroup.  She had much more enjoy Mandarin course vs. English. Also, she pick-up Mandarin more easier.
2) BBs are very smart, they can switch channel when they are being at what kind of speaking environment.
3) It is hard to find Mandarin course vs. English course outside school.
4) KCS will have 20mins English section everyday.  So, I will send my BB to some English course twice a week to practice English.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 17:54 |只看該作者
Thank you for your comment Ma 記!
Then maybe your baby is different than mine. At least you have tried the Mandarin and English environment for her. As for my babe, she s taken care of by my maid all the time. So she already knew some of the English vocabs but none in Mandarin.
Anyway, thanks for your advice.

原文章由 ma記 於 07-9-11 17:29 硐表

Why I chose KCS for my daugther at first school?
1) I've done some testing for my daughter before..... sent her to one Mandarin & English playgroup.  She had much more enjoy Mandarin cour ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-12 09:28 |只看該作者
My elder son went to KCS a couple of years back, and so what went on during the first two days of school in N1C was more or less the same as what happened in the first 2 days of school when my elder son attended KCS.  Give it time Chingmama, I understand that you may be feel very unsure about the teachers' control and the size of the class from what you saw during the first two days at school, but as time pass, you will see that the teachers are actually very good at that and the class size doesn't really bother the kids. They will learn very fast through interactions. This school is not bad at all when it comes to learning outcome, but the traffic conditions and the school envoironment is terrible. Having said that, the kids don't seem to be bothered by that at all, it bothers the parents more, I would say. From my humble experience, I prefer KCS, school with results, more than say, Victoria etc, schools with better hardware.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 12:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-12 09:28 硐表
My elder son went to KCS a couple of years back, and so what went on during the first two days of school in N1C was more or less the same as what happened in the first 2 days of school when ...

Thanks Hermoine.

Agreed that I am too nervous.  My girl is so far happy with the teachers. But the things that bothered me was the school bus.

I found out some of the seats are without seat belt (as I were allowed to get on the bus with my daughter once on 7 Sep).  I reported it to the administrative department on same day.  They said they will follow.

However, I found my daughter sat without seat belt on Monday.  I called Mr. So (Supervisor), you can't believe what he said even he said it was their responsibilites to take care of the kids.

1) Currently, no law request the school bus to install seat belts.  They do more than required.

2) If fire happens, with only 2 aunties, they will burn to die.

I were socked by his answer.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-12 13:09 |只看該作者
睇完各位媽媽嘅concern, 我有以下回應:

我仔仔都係從來無接觸過PTH, 但從日常觀眾中, 我發覺小朋友嘅適應力應該幾強, 佢可以自行tune到用英文同工人對答, 同家人/朋友用廣東話對答, 所以我唔擔心佢可唔可以pick up到PTH, 而且之前問過老師, 佢地話小朋友通常一個月內就可以掌握到PTH

其實日日都有英文堂, 對比起附近的學校 (eg 衛理堂一星期好似得3日),  我覺得已足夠, 而且我本身都會比d 學習vcd佢睇教佢, 如果話比佢課餘學習, 我寧願揀d興趣班rather than語文班
p.s. 我source緊PTH學習vcd, 未搵啱, 有無介紹?

學校環境唔係咁理想, 係舊d...不過我諗對小朋友嘅學習影響唔大

我老公都擔心師生比例不足, 一班又只得一個嬸嬸, 希望老師/嬸嬸真係可以照顧得晒全班小朋友啦

re: ma記, 老師call你講左d咩呀? 老師無打比我喎, 仲有無其他媽媽收到電話?

re: hermoine, thx for your sharing! you mean kcs的成績比victoria好? 你會比小朋友上kcs kindergarten嗎?

re: ching_mammy, 好彩我仔仔唔洗搭校車, 我平時坐車都會攬到阿仔實一實, 無安全帶真係好唔安全! 不過個校車負責人所講嘅都係事實, 好似今晨有單意外, 2個人彈左出車外受傷, 3個人係車裡面被燒死...

聽工人講, 佢話到而家佢送阿仔返學, 臨走時仲會喊唔比工人走, 佢話觀察到多數喊嘅都係男仔, 好少女仔喊, 點解會咁嘅? 你地小朋友有無喊? 鍾唔鍾意返學? 返屋企講唔講得返比你聽o係學校玩過乜學左乜?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 13:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 siumao 於 07-9-12 13:09 硐表
睇完各位媽媽嘅concern, 我有以下回應:

我仔仔都係從來無接觸過PTH, 但從日常觀眾中, 我發覺小朋友嘅適應力應該幾強, 佢可以自行tune到用英文同工人對答, 同家人/朋友用廣東話對答, 所以我唔擔心佢可唔可以pick up ...

Hi sinmao,
I received teacher phone call on this Monday after Am school section (~12:30pm).  She mentioned that my daughter cry very serious (because she was OK on the first week at school).  She asked me what's her sleeping condition........e.g., when did she go to sleep?  did she go to bed very late before?  After our discussion, her conclusion was the sleeping schedule changed after school started.  She will monitor my BB during class, and my BB needs to take time to get use to the school life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 15:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 siumao 於 07-9-12 13:09 硐表
睇完各位媽媽嘅concern, 我有以下回應:

我仔仔都係從來無接觸過PTH, 但從日常觀眾中, 我發覺小朋友嘅適應力應該幾強, 佢可以自行tune到用英文同工人對答, 同家人/朋友用廣東話對答, 所以我唔擔心佢可唔可以pick up ...

I have not yet read / heard the news.  Is it Big / small school bus?  In HK?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 15:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 Ching_Mammy 於 07-9-12 15:23 硐表

I have not yet read / heard the news.  Is it Big / small school bus?  In HK?

It is not school bus accident.  It's a private car.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-12 17:45 |只看該作者
Hi Siumao and other mamas,

I also received the call from teacher on last fri. I think the teachers are quite responsible and willing to listen our concern. Of cos, it's not easy for us to get the feedback from our children.

For the mandarin, I believed that my son can handle it as babies are so easy to cope with new things! Don't worry! And learning mandarin is one of the main reason why I chosen KCS.........you should know the school is teaching in mandarin before you enroll ma.............

My son still cry a little bit when he go in the classrm and my maid leave. But the teacher told me that he's ok after that and play with other children then. I hope that he will enjoy the school life!

But I don't know how terrible the school environment it is........can U share more and let me ask my maid to check out then? Many thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-13 05:31 |只看該作者
Yes, I found generally both the English and Mandarin standard of the children who go to KCS better than those from Victoria's English and Putonghua stream. But the facilities, hygiene standard, toys, school buses and communications with parents are a lot better at Victoria. I am a graduate of Victoria myself, but I prefer KCS because of what the kids can learn whilst having fun, and diciplined at KCS. I will definately let my son studies in its kindergarten section next year. But seriously, the school envoironment (the carbon monoxide emitting from the school buses outside the classrooms, the hygiene standards of the toilets, the rundown playground, the traffic choas, the lack of seat belts on some school buses etc) is no joke and it bothers me too. But I suppose there is no perfect world, and my son has to live with it.

Chingmama, have you considered using Mrs. Shu's (private schoolbus) service if you are worried about the lack of seat belts on school operated ones? I know all her buses have seat belts.

[ 本文章最後由 hermoine 於 07-9-13 05:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 09:36 |只看該作者
I am so lucky, grandpa drives to school and my husband will take my son to school before work, they also compliant the traffic chao, they usually stop at kin Wah st. Because all cars stuck in Ching Wah st.... then walk...sunny day is ok for them, can't image when rainny day.

I send my son to KCS as I want him to learn discipline, he is too spoil by grandparents (haha...even us)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 10:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-13 05:31 硐表
Yes, I found generally both the English and Mandarin standard of the children who go to KCS better than those from Victoria's English and Putonghua stream. But the facilities, hygiene standard, toys,  ...

Yes, please give me the phone number.  Many many thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-13 11:00 |只看該作者
Mrs. Shu's phone number is 9239 3940.
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