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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 澳大學搶港尖子 不計文憑試成績
樓主: abcd0001

澳大學搶港尖子 不計文憑試成績 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-25 16:10 |只看該作者
回復 Yanamami 的帖子

I just go through the admission requirement of ANU for international students, the table is attached


They require good HKDSE result ( 4 core + 1 > 25 points in most subjects, I guess total is 30 ie A*=6 )or simply, you should get a place in 8 HK's U by that results.:;pppp:

It is a good path if you like ANU.


Yanamami    發表於 12-5-25 17:39

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 12-5-25 19:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elbar 於 12-5-25 19:48 編輯
abcd0001 發表於 12-5-25 16:10
回復 Yanamami 的帖子

I just go through the admission requirement of ANU for international students, the table is attached


Recognition of Qualifications for HKDSE

University Name


Australian National University


Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 12-5-25 19:56 |只看該作者
abcd0001 發表於 12-5-25 14:56
回復 elbar 的帖子

It sounds interesting.

ANU College Foundation to ANU Academic Entry Requirements

Students are required to meet the following entry requirements for their chosen undergraduate degree program [size=80%](2011 ANU Admissions).


Overall Score

Prerequisites and other requirements

ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS)B Arts73%
B Archaeological Practice73%
B Art History & Curatorship74%
B Classical Studies74%
B Development Studies74%
B Environmental Studies74%
B European Studies74%
B International Relations75%
B Policy Studies74%
B Languages (CASS)73%February start only for language beginners.
B Latin American Studies74%
B Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies74%
B Music1Completion of Foundation and audition by submission of DVD/CD recording.
B Philosophy (Hons) ArtsFebruary start only. Case by case assessment. College approval required.
B Professional Music Practice173%AND audition by submission of DVD/CD recording
B Design Arts2February start only. Selection based on completion of Foundation program and submission of portfolio with application. May be slides, photos, web-link or on disc.
B Digital Arts
B Visual Arts2
Diploma Arts
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP)B Languages (CAP)73%February start only for language beginners.
B Asia-Pacific Studies73%
B Security Analysis (Asia-Pacific)73%
ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE)B Actuarial StudiesCase by case80% Calculus. Case by case consideration. College approval required.
B Business Administration75%Assumed Knowledge - Maths
B Commerce75%
B Economics75%
B Finance75%
B International Business75%February start only. Assumed Knowledge - Maths
B Statistics75%Advanced Maths.
ANU College of Engineering and Computer Sciences (CECS)B Advanced Computing75%February start only. Advanced Maths.
B Advanced Computing (R & D)95%February start only. Advanced Maths. Case by case consideration. College approval required.
B Engineering75%60% Calculus. Physics is assumed knowledge
B Engineering (R & D)
February start only. Case by case consideration. College approval required.
B Information Technology73%February start only. 60% Calculus.
B Software Engineering75%
ANU College of Law (COL)B Laws85%Case by case consideration. College approval required. 80% Advanced Academic English.
ANU Colleges of Science (CoS)B Biotechnology73%February start only. 60% Chemistry.
B Computational Science (Hons)94%Advanced Maths. Case by case consideration. College approval required.
B Genetics75%February start only. 60% Chemistry.
B Global & Ocean Science (Hons)84%February start only. Maths & Chemistry. Case by case consideration. College approval required
B Interdisciplinary Studies (Sustainability)73%
B Interdisciplinary Studies (Hons) (Sustainability)84%Case by case consideration. College approval required.
B Medical Science75%February start only. 60% Chemistry.
B Philosophy (Hons) ScienceCase by casePrior knowledge of certain subjects. Case by case consideration. College approval required
B Psychology (Hons)84%Case by case consideration. College approval required
B Science73%Prior knowledge of certain subjects.
B Science (Forest Sciences)
B Science (Psychology)
B Science (Res & Env Mgt)
B Science (Science Communication
B Science (Advanced Hons)84%Case by case consideration. College approval required.

The above information is subject to change. Please refer to the Letter of Offer provided by The Australian National University for final entry requirements. Please note that minimum grades may vary within the prerequisites.
1 Details of the audition requirements can be found at http://music.anu.edu.au/auditions. Students who successfully audition for the B Music degree may be offered a conditional offer to ANU subject to successfully completing the ANU College Foundation Studies Program.

Click here to go back.

2 Details of the folio requirements can be found on the web at http://soa.anu.edu.au/how-apply/undergraduate-applications. Students who are successful in the portfolio selection process for B Visual Arts or the B Design Arts degree may be offered a conditional offer to ANU subject to successfully completing the ANU College Foundation Studies Program.

Click here to go back.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-5-25 20:39 |只看該作者
The original post talking about undergraduate, after disclosing those are  BS. Now downgrade to foundation course, very soon downgrade to secondary school...... Because its ANU......... Advertisement and then advertisement .....

I can't bear with this thread......


Yanamami  咪禁勞氣.....睇下咪算.  發表於 12-5-25 22:08
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 12-5-26 06:57 |只看該作者

「參與計劃的澳洲國立大學,有開辦屬尖子熱門科的法律和精算課 程,要求港生在校內有兩科5級加兩科5**級成績,其餘學科則要求兩科4 級加兩科5級。」

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-26 11:25 |只看該作者
回復 ChiChiPaPa 的帖子



Yanamami  所以個標題咪就係「搶」港「尖子」囉.  發表於 12-5-26 17:14
ANChan59  咁都踢爆  發表於 12-5-26 11:59

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 12-5-26 12:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elbar 於 12-5-27 22:01 編輯
ChiChiPaPa 發表於 12-5-26 06:57

「參與計劃的澳洲國立大學,有開辦屬尖子熱門科的法律和精算課 程,要求港生在校內有兩科5級加兩科5**級成績,其餘學科則要求兩科4 級加兩科5級。」

elbar 發表於 12-5-25 14:09

Form 5

HK Band 1 Schools – Minimum 65% average (or Level 4 average)**

Form 6

HK Band 1 Schools” - Minimum 60% average (or Level 3 average)**

HKDSE - 14 points (3, 3, 4, 4), All subjects must be above 3

Hong Kong

**For average score calculation of Form 5 and Form 6 results, calculation will be based on 3 Core plus 1 Elective, or 2 Core plus 2 Elective. Core must include English and Maths.

依照以上資料估計, 入讀 ANU 法律和精算課 校內成績

Form 6 Mock Exam

HK Band 1 Schools – Minimum 70%-80% average (or Level 5-5** average)**

Predicted HKDSE - 22 points (5, 5, 5**, 5**), All subjects must be above 5

Hong Kong

**For average score calculation of Form 6 results, calculation will be based on 3 Core plus 1 Elective, or 2 Core plus 2 Elective. Core must include English and Maths.


Form 6 Mock Exam

HK Band 1 Schools – Minimum 65%-70% average (or Level 4-5 average)**

Predicted HKDSE - 18 points (4, 4, 5, 5), All subjects must be above 4

Hong Kong

**For average score calculation of Form 6 results, calculation will be based on 3 Core plus 1 Elective, or 2 Core plus 2 Elective. Core must include English and Maths.

khmama 發表於 12-5-26 11:25
回復 ChiChiPaPa 的帖子


此計劃吸引性在此 (好像以前 A Level學生 在 F.6 入讀 本地及海外大學)


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-27 00:02 |只看該作者
各位高手可能家中子女都是在top band 1 school 的高才生,心中計算的是入 Law or Med. A level  考 3A to 5A
但想想大部份是中游學生. 這個計劃可大有吸引力.
須知澳洲是精於education export, 他們是有想過的...

一張中了的mark 6 值多少, 大家有數計. 有什麼成績可以去那裹

但校内成績不是一定和公開試一樣, 不然政府高人不會推校本去平衡一下

況且各校情度不一, 用校内成績參考便可, 對很多中上的學生(如 elbar / ACchan59 估他們的list 就是EMI school, band 1a-1c 成績可有很大距离) 是可有吸引力, 他們在香港可能入Law ....etc 機會不大

現在是用一張可能中的mark 6 去cash 而且讀少一年

不能說不吸引, 況且若然成事 則其他生意人也會仿効
不能不考慮  特别是中游學生


elbar  香港3大在新學制下要想想如何拔尖 (不要只顧收國內尖子)   發表於 12-5-27 22:21
ANChan59  If the consultant is bull shit......... just advertisement gimmick....

Your "Assumptions" are useless.  發表於 12-5-27 00:32

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-27 11:35 |只看該作者
IDP was established by Australian universities in 1969 and has 40 years' experience in international higher education.

Half of IDP's equity is owned by 38 Australian universities through their holding company, IDP Education Australia Ltd. The other half is owned by SEEK Ltd, Australia's leading online employment and training company.

IDP is owned by universities, not private agent, to promote their courses


There is no point for them to tell such lies or play the dirty tricks.

Anyway, it seems they enroll now. So if it is a joke, we will find it in 2 months

At first, I think it plan to have the scheme in the coming year so the P6 parent should plan for it, but now it becomes the concern of current HKDSE student.

If anybody can help me or advice how to relocate the topic to oversea or senior secondary section.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-27 11:48 |只看該作者
回復 abcd0001 的帖子

我有親戚幾年前考完會考去ANU讀foundation + 3years degree course, 今年畢業, 但佢既degree course唔係honour degree, 如果要讀Master未必有大學收,亦可能要讀多兩年先honour到. 唔知係佢選修既科目問題定係澳洲既學制係咁, 冇研究過. 另外有朋友囝囝又係中五畢業去澳洲讀咗一年foundation, 但係因為唔夠十八歲, 所以都hea咗半年先入得U. 所以七月入學而唔夠十八歲未知合唔合資格.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-27 12:19 |只看該作者
回復 khmama 的帖子

Khmama 你好,

你説的情况我也聽説過, 但我知道是有些course 的問題如修hon degree 是修 extra credit not by exam result, so 120 credit pass, 150 credit Hon., 這個要在申請時弄清楚 我也答不上 不過不應是2 years for Honor.....unless combine degree or double degree 那些

至於不足18歲, 那我沒想過, 可能是海外生監謢人的问題

澳洲是行普及 and  精英制的, 小學有OC class for outstanding student ,中學有selected school all selected by public exam., others can go to local school only. Everyone has the opportunity to learn.

有跳班制 depend on your ability. so I haven't think about such questions, if you can arrange such 監謢人 eg. family member or by college ie go for diploma pathway may solve the problem.... I guess  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-27 13:20 |只看該作者
回復 abcd0001 的帖子

我相信係監護人問題, 如果有媽咪去陪讀, 應該冇問題, 但我朋友係working mummy, 所以佢囝囝要等到二月先可以入學. 我見ANU份document有個remark, 假設讀完HKDSE應該夠十八歲, 所以提醒下o的家長.


abcd0001  Good point to note.   發表於 12-5-28 14:11

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-29 00:23 |只看該作者
回復 khmama 的帖子

I have run through some of the universities web to check the question of Honor degree. It seems that Australia takes the Honor year program ie degree program is 3 years + 1 Honor year = 4 years for Honor degree.

For those 3 year programs, they are also fully accredited by professional bodies eg accounting or engineering. The Honor year is research methods and specialised subjects which is good for academic research and further studies. This is what I read in their web sites.

However, it is not a must requirement for further study ( should be preference ), I check Sydney U and ANU both only requirement a degree ( not Honor ) for applying Master courses ( either engineering or business ) but it requires a good GPA which is quite reasonable ( 3.0 out of 4 scale ). So the key point is the GPA.

ANU (Master of Business Administration)   http://studyat.anu.edu.au/programs/7810XMBA;overview.html

Academic requirements - a Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. The relative ranking and/or reputation of the university may be taken into consideration. Applicants completing an Australian degree program must have achieved a minimum grade average of 65% in their undergraduate studies. Students completing degree studies outside Australia will need to meet a similar minimum grade requirement, however due to variations in grading scales the specific requirements vary between countries. As an indication, examples of grades required include a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or Upper Second Class Honours degree

However, it should be clarifed that 3 years for pass degree and an additional Honor year which is same for 4 years HKDSE.
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