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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's
樓主: ntkwong

Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-8 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

Dear LingChiBaBa,

It is nice to have your sharing.

I've heard from my friends that SSGS is more happier than SH as the latter one is quite discipline, strict with heavy workload. However, do you have any ideas about the standard of SSGS? As a parent in BK state that the MOI in SSGS is Chinese instead of English. Will SSGS teach P.2 English in P.1? Moreover, do you know the percentage of primary students promote to secondary school?

I have too many questions indeed!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-8 19:34 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

The workload on and standard is not high as SSGS is activities education. Compared with traditional education, is easier.

My daughter study happily in P2 in SSGS.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-8 22:27 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

Poppan123 寫道:
The workload on and standard is not high as SSGS is activities education. Compared with traditional education, is easier.

My daughter study happily in P2 in SSGS.


Dear Poppan123,

Your daughter is so lucky to get into SSGS as the school place is limited (only 96 in total and just 48 left in the second round). Can you share the reason why you choose SSGS instead of SH? Are the teacher good and caring?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-12-9 01:01 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

Haileyyu 寫道:
Dear LingChiBaBa,

It is nice to have your sharing.

I've heard from my friends that SSGS is more happier than SH as the latter one is quite discipline, strict with heavy workload. However, do you have any ideas about the standard of SSGS? As a parent in BK state that the MOI in SSGS is Chinese instead of English. Will SSGS teach P.2 English in P.1? Moreover, do you know the percentage of primary students promote to secondary school?

I have too many questions indeed!


I don't know th percentage of primary students promote to secondary school.  However, you can compare the seats of P.6 and F.1.

Number of seats of P.6 (SSGS) : About 100
Number of seats of F.1 (SSGC) : 200
Number of seats of P.6 (SH - aided+private) : About 300
Number of seats of F.1 (SH) : 240

You will find the competition are different.

Poppan123,  Pls correct me if I am wrong.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-12-9 01:59 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

我諗咁既計法有些不對,因為sh下午有約四五十人係band3,此類學生是無機會進入聖心中學,所以應減去這部份學生,應了解學校的band 1 & 2生數量,才可以比較準確計算到入該中學的比率

LingChiBaBa 寫道:
Haileyyu 寫道:
Dear LingChiBaBa,

It is nice to have your sharing.

I've heard from my friends that SSGS is more happier than SH as the latter one is quite discipline, strict with heavy workload. However, do you have any ideas about the standard of SSGS? As a parent in BK state that the MOI in SSGS is Chinese instead of English. Will SSGS teach P.2 English in P.1? Moreover, do you know the percentage of primary students promote to secondary school?

I have too many questions indeed!


I don't know th percentage of primary students promote to secondary school.  However, you can compare the seats of P.6 and F.1.

Number of seats of P.6 (SSGS) : About 100
Number of seats of F.1 (SSGC) : 200
Number of seats of P.6 (SH - aided+private) : About 300
Number of seats of F.1 (SH) : 240

You will find the competition are different.

Poppan123,  Pls correct me if I am wrong.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-12-9 07:17 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

Hi Sindy,

I know it is just  a rough estimation.

I did not consider the number of Band 1/2/3 student factor because right now I don't know which banding of the kid will be classified after the 6 years primary school studying.  If the kid is one of the top students, I think the percentage is 100%.  On the other hand, the percentage is 0% if the kid is one of the bottom students.

Moreover, if we deduct the 50 band 3 student at SH, the ratio of seat on P.6 : F.1 is still 1:2 for SSGS and 1:1 for SH.

Sindy, I don't want to agrue because the estimation may be wrong.



Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-12-9 15:04 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

sorry,我唔係agrue,比你有個咁既感覺,真係唔好意思,我只係想提出呢度少有既呢d意見.......另外,我亦有睇法,對於band 1學生,都可以唔駛考慮升中既因素啦,因為真係你所講,係SSGS同聖心都一樣係100%升讀直屬中學的,係邊度都係bottom student升直屬中學都係0%的呀.....除非該中學都接受埋band 3學生啦....所以如果係band 1學生既話,升讀中學既因素,唔應該列入考慮因素,應該考慮學校既理念否則適合自己個小朋友........

LingChiBaBa 寫道:
Hi Sindy,

I know it is just  a rough estimation.

I did not consider the number of Band 1/2/3 student factor because right now I don't know which banding of the kid will be classified after the 6 years primary school studying.  If the kid is one of the top students, I think the percentage is 100%.  On the other hand, the percentage is 0% if the kid is one of the bottom students.

Moreover, if we deduct the 50 band 3 student at SH, the ratio of seat on P.6 : F.1 is still 1:2 for SSGS and 1:1 for SH.

Sindy, I don't want to agrue because the estimation may be wrong.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-9 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

St. Stephen

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-9 20:14 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

I also agree that the possibility of getting in secondary school in SSGS is relatively higher than SH as there are 3 classes of P.1 in SSGS but 5 classes of F.1 in SSGC.

But, some of my friends said that the standard in SSGS is rahter low (there is little or even no homework in their Kind). Do you know the situation in P.1? I don't agree to have heavy homework loading or too many test/ exam but I also don't want to be too simple/ easy.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-12-10 03:11 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

Sindy 寫道:
sorry,我唔係agrue,比你有個咁既感覺,真係唔好意思,我只係想提出呢度少有既呢d意見.......另外,我亦有睇法,對於band 1學生,都可以唔駛考慮升中既因素啦,因為真係你所講,係SSGS同聖心都一樣係100%升讀直屬中學的,係邊度都係bottom student升直屬中學都係0%的呀.....除非該中學都接受埋band 3學生啦....所以如果係band 1學生既話,升讀中學既因素,唔應該列入考慮因素,應該考慮學校既理念否則適合自己個小朋友........

LingChiBaBa 寫道:
Hi Sindy,

I know it is just  a rough estimation.

I did not consider the number of Band 1/2/3 student factor because right now I don't know which banding of the kid will be classified after the 6 years primary school studying.  If the kid is one of the top students, I think the percentage is 100%.  On the other hand, the percentage is 0% if the kid is one of the bottom students.

Moreover, if we deduct the 50 band 3 student at SH, the ratio of seat on P.6 : F.1 is still 1:2 for SSGS and 1:1 for SH.

Sindy, I don't want to agrue because the estimation may be wrong.



Hi Sindy,

唔駛講sorry,我唔係話你agrue,你都知BK有D家長講2講就開火 ,無謂搞到咁激,不過,你話大家share意見又無妨。     

首先,你提出SH有大概50個Band3學生,我相信SSGS在姊蔭及大抽獎來收生的情況下,比例上同SH(pm session)唔應該有太大分別。所以在考慮升中方面我沒有加入此因素,除非SSGS會逐年踢走D成績差的學生,咁就要搵D SSGS家長發表下。

至於,Band 1學生不需考慮升中問題,這點我是同意的,正如一個很有錢的人便不需擔心他的生活費一樣,不過,當小朋友還在讀K3時,你怎樣知道他能做這間學校的Band1學生呢?我相信絕大部份的家長都認為他的小朋友是可以的,又或者小朋友在適應學校後會開竅,但實際上可能是事與願違,事實是一山還有一山高,有錢人被超級富豪比下去。




Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-10 13:40 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

I believe that calculation is corrected. By chance is SGSS is higher. But one more important factor is the banding of student, band 1 student should be even higher chance too.


Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-10 13:43 |只看該作者

Re: Marymount vs St.Stephen girl's

SH is half day but SGSS is full day. Besides, SH is too heavy in workload. SGSS is not high in P1-P3, but start high in P4.

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