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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 ...
樓主: anniehong0918

滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 11:33 |只看該作者
性格內歛的孩子在面議一定是較弱的,這祇是孩子的性格問題,不能全怪維記。小兒性格都是內歛的,當年亦有上那些面試班,實際幫助不大的。其實小兒知識都幾廣博,天文地理的書都很熟悉,英文都很advance,就是很慢熱,所以那些單憑幾分鐘面試決定天下的遊戲,就不能適應。經過當年經歷後,我更有體會,要對孩子有信心。Take it easy. 

原帖由 maxcat 於 08-10-31 11:20 發表
其實維記一般英語同普通話環境係0K嘅!至小我個女睇明珠台一D兒童卡通及國語卡通也明白故事內容,不過佢個性比較內斂,愛絵畫也有攞獎,對住父母親人老師年紀相約小朋友應對都冇問題好熱情多多嘢講,可惜佢見陌生人佢就唔 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 12:53 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

victoria is not that bad.

primary school allocation very much depends on parent's background- the marks you get as old girl, religious marks etc.

i would not blame vic if my children are not accepted by any DSS, it is my problem, how come I did not go to those famous school 20 years ago?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-31 13:24 |只看該作者
Whether a school is good depends much on your expectation, and the goal of the school is relevant in this regard.

To judge whether a school is your right choice, you should check very carefully the goal of that school.  Secondly, you need to check whether they have implemented it in a proper way.

VSA was not my second choice or third choice.  It was my first choice.  Why?  

I expect my son to become an independent person, in the sense that he should finish his homework by himself and prepare the dictation/ test that is required from time to time.  Also, I hope that he can learn the skill of acquiring knowledge.  Of course I hope that he will develop a good reading habit.  With this in mind, I chose VSA.  

In these first 2 months (P1), my son can finish 80% of his homework by himself.  When he finds some words he's not sure about the spelling, his first reponse is to look up at the dictionary.  Furthermore he will check whether he has finished the homework everynight.  With these results so far, I am satisfied.

However, these are not all resulting from the school's input, my input is also important (by reminding him that the homework is his not mine, etc).  

The reason I response to this is to share with the K3 parents how to make an informed choice.  I am not here to advertise VSA.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-31 14:09 |只看該作者
My two kids both study in Victoria Kindergarten (one graduated and one still in K2).
I also want to give my opinion from “user’s point of view”.

I am very happy with Victoria’s standard.
Kids love to read.
Learning is by immersion (native English and Putonghua teachers).
They are confident, curious and lively.  The workload from PN to K2 (1st term) is little, if any, and that I fully agree.
From K2 second terms onward, the homework will increase.
In K3, there is quite a lot.
The nature of the homework encourages reading (1 Chi and 1 Eng reading report each week, plus a graded self-reading scheme - “I can read” each week), expression and presentation of ideas, creativeness (diary writing –
童心集), phonics, projects … after all – learning happily.
Copying is minimal.
Dictation (5 words per week) is reasonable.
K3 kids need to do the homework book (
家課冊) from second term.
I think Victoria does prepare kids for primary allocation after all.
It even organizes P1 parent seminars and reminds interested parents of the application deadlines for other famous primary schools.

The P1 allocation is quite good, as can be seen on the Victoria website.
My son is now in P.1 in St. Stephen’s (Stanley), and a lot of his classmates are from Victoria KG, though different campuses.
I think “many” Victoria parents will love to put their kids in schools that are not so stressful.
I (and many other parents I know) do not wish to put the kids into very traditional famous schools.
It does not mean that
吃不到的葡萄是酸的 or our kids are not competitive enough.
It just means that we prefer a happier learning environment, and more quality family time.

When my son was in
K1/K2, I did apply to transfer him to some famous KGs “out of curiosity” / “
Luckily, he was accepted by all, but finally he stayed at Victoria because we all love this school.
And, I have no regret even now.

I always heard some people describing Victoria as “commercial”.
I do not quite understand.
Yes, Victoria’s school fee is quite high (~4,500 this year) and increasing every year.
For me, it’s okay and it’s worth.
I once heard a parent saying that private hospitals are “commercial” too – they charge for each cotton ball, but why many mothers-to-be want to deliver in private hospitals.
It’s because they prefer the level of service, facilities, etc.
Some parents may be willing to spend 10,000s on luxury handbags (that’s commercial) but think that a school charging high fee is “commercial” (without really understanding the curriculum, mode of teaching).
That puzzles me.
(Ooops, no offensive here.)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 15:09 |只看該作者
cherubic and qqzzma,

100% agree and support, 你地講出晒我既心聲
VSA also is my first choice

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 15:11 |只看該作者


其實我一直覺得維記幼稚園係唔錯 (in terms of happy learning), 只不過到"小學"呢個階段,  覺得需要另覓一所更配合我地的期望和適合小朋友的學校..

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 15:16 |只看該作者
老實講, 知道呢度有家長以維記作為first choice, 我都覺得開心的~   當初替女兒報幼稚園, 都只係報呢一間而已.

相信仍然有些家長會以維小做first choice. 但我熟悉的同學家長當中就沒有了.  
每個人的期望都唔同. 比較過唔同學校之後, 都係想幫自己的孩子找一間最適合的.

無論如何, 都希望在維小讀書的小朋友讀得開開心心!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-31 15:42 |只看該作者
Bobodad - Indeed i had a big struggle in my decision.  I like both Victoria and St Stephen's very much.  I chose St Stephen's finally as since last year, I have become a Christian.  That's why I chose a Christian school.

原帖由 bobodad 於 08-10-31 15:11 發表


其實我一直覺得維記幼稚園係唔錯 (in terms of happy learning), 只不過到"小學"呢個階段,  覺得需要另覓一所更配合我地的期望和適合小朋友的學校.. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 16:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 俊賢 於 08-10-31 00:30 發表
我嘗試用用持平的角度, 不加個人對任何學校的喜好去想:

首先, 報考直資及私校, 本身就像一場遊戲, 主辦單位定好了遊戲規則, 我們報名參加了這場遊戲. 就像下棋一樣, 有些資歷深厚,對遊戲規則十分之了解, 而且不單 ...

I agree that CKY, HKUGA & Victoria的教學模式相似, so they accept more kids from Victoria Kin.  But other schools......

英華&拔 - except 執死雞, we shall also consider the parents are old boy.

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-10-31 16:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 16:24 |只看該作者

原帖由 bobodad 於 08-10-31 01:03 發表
各位家長一起參予討論是一件好事, 各抒己見, 但希望唔好好似某些TOPIC般討論變嘈交.   
既然各人的觀點及感受都唔同, 好難去一概而論.

總之, 作為維記幼稚園的家長而言, 我相信我的意見絕對是部份維記家長的心聲!!! ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 16:44 |只看該作者
I agree that Victoria Kin is not bad but the academic of VSA is not good compared with top local schools.

唔覺得佢比其他幼稚園同學差 - My kid is studying K3.  Now he can read Oxford Reading Tree level 11, but his excellent reading skill is not from the school....

其實小朋友嘅能力係好強,只係有時未發揮出來,千其唔好灰心,明天會更好 - I'm not 灰心 as my boy is accepted by a bilingual international school located in HK Island and it is my target/dream school.  I don't like tranditional schools and VSA not because 吃不到的葡萄是酸的.  I only comment that VSA is not that good obviously.

原帖由 WD40 於 08-10-31 03:35 發表
Hi maxcat,

我都係維記家長,小兒及他的同學舊年大部份都入到心怡小學,例如SMC、CKY、YW、PK及TSL,當然有一部份入返維小,所以我並唔覺得維記嘅認受性有問題,相反係維記呢三年幼稚園生涯,令到我覺得當初無選擇錯誤,個個小朋 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-12-5 20:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 16:53 |只看該作者
But most kids from Victoria kin are 坐唔定, so 名校唔想收

[quote]原帖由 cwb 於 08-10-31 02:01 發表

但從客觀睇,維記的小朋友英文及普通話比一般好,當然比St Cat, KV中最好的三成(30%)學生差;因為佢地有成千幾個畢業生,一定有好多入名校,至於維記又未到好差。

可能考小學,要 ... [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 16:58 |只看該作者

原帖由 mattsmum 於 08-10-31 12:53 發表
victoria is not that bad.

primary school allocation very much depends on parent's background- the marks you get as old girl, religious marks etc.

i would not blame vic if my children are not accept ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-31 21:13 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 22:05 |只看該作者

As most of them cannot get in another good secondary, so they stay in VSA.

原帖由 anniehong0918 於 08-10-31 21:13 發表

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 22:49 |只看該作者

就正如我女兒的普通話, 都不是因為學校老師/課程教得好(她是英粵班), 而是我另外請私人普通話老師和讓她參加朗讀班而已.

即使是數學, 看見她的進步是在參加公文數之後, 每天做練習而培養出來.   學校的數學功課不單只少, 而且十分之淺.....

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-10-31 16:44 發表
I agree that Victoria Kin is not bad but the academic of VSA is not good compared with top local schools.

唔覺得佢比其他幼稚園同學差 - My kid is studying K3.  Now he can read Oxford Reading Tree lev ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-31 23:00 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 23:10 |只看該作者
不知道大家有否參加維小今年的OPEN DAY呢?

最記得...  不單是台上表演的小朋友英文和普通話都好"普通", 特別是一位家長Q&A時間答辯的普通話老師, 她的普通話一聽便知道是香港口音的普通話!!!!!!!  和其他家長傾開, 大家都有同感.....  試問在北京上海等地聘請一個地道NATIVE的普通話老師有幾難呢?

老實話, 在參觀維小前, 我們都打算讓女兒繼續在維小升學的.  但參觀完後........

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-10-31 23:00 發表

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 23:13 |只看該作者
自己在回覆messgae後重看一遍, 都覺得有點兒"唱雙簧"般批評維記...

但其實只係自己的實際感受, 實在無心評擊.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-31 23:45 |只看該作者
Dear bobodad,

Then, have you appled for other DSS schools for your child?  I have paid $3500 deposit to VSA but have decided not to let my daughter study there la!!

原帖由 bobodad 於 08-10-31 23:13 發表
自己在回覆messgae後重看一遍, 都覺得有點兒"唱雙簧"般批評維記...

但其實只係自己的實際感受, 實在無心評擊.   
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