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教育王國 討論區 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 王錦輝轉校長,對學生有何影響?
樓主: van_517

王錦輝轉校長,對學生有何影響? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-7-6 10:17 |只看該作者
After considering all the pro and con of this school, I think both sides are talking about their own feelings, thus, no right or wrong comments.  I will take this school because:
a) as a DDS, it is allowed to select the students with its own criteria.  It would probably reduce (but still have) the diverse academic level among students in some extent, as compared to other gov't or subsidy school under the lucky draw allocation.
b) I didn't buy the duck feed education system, though to a parent, the traditional school of course has its own merits.  Especially it would be more easily to "know" the academic level with "marks" so that greater pressure can be exerted to the kids when they are not up to standard.  It can produce the kids who are good at exam.  Nonetheless, the presentation skill, confidence and independence are not well-trained in most of the traditional school.  I prefer that she has more time to read books.  That’s why I didn’t enroll any traditional school (of course due to my daughter’s character).

c) every school has good or bad students.  I have also visited the school and noted 3-4 students running at the street after school while a hundred of them were just behaved well.  When I rode on the KCR, an elder sister, and one brother (both of them were WKF students) got in with their maid but the brother was very naughty and kept moving and moving (quite annoying I must say) while the sister (about P4) was sitting down and reading an english chapter book quietly.  I am afraid I can't infer from this and tell whether this school's students in general are good or bad.  Of course, I will remind my kid that she is representing the school when she's in uniform.  She must be well behaved.
d) Some may accuse that the curriculum is too easy such that some parents required to provide supplementary classes for the kids to keep up their standard and start query why they need to pay the school fees but at the same time have to spend money in those extra classes.  For me, it's fine.  Even my friends with kids in DGS, St Paul, TSL, APS, etc, enrolled various supplementary classes just to meet up the "standard" but some are ok but some are so so.  That means, even not in this school, this likes a kind of "fixed" cost for me in order to tackle the "not left behind" myth.  You may not agree but this is what my peers are doing.

Every parent has the right to praise or blame the school.  During last one year, I’ve collected various “comments” from many different schools and at the end of the day, parent is the key support to your own kids and the selection is quite personal as no kid is the same.

In fact, the school’s development report has already pinpointed the weaknesses and threats of this school honestly.  I hope I will share what I “feel” later after my kid studying in this school for other parent’s reference.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-8 10:00 |只看該作者
回復 Doray 的帖子

So glad we have some parents with crystal eyes.

For those left the school or hear say, thought they must have a reason behind and not able to tell.  I feel sorry for those attacking WKF in a negative way.

There is never a best school fro your kid but the most suitable...

Some parents they don't understand the teaching way in WKF will consider it is easy, not to the standard or "hee".... for those who know how to support the kids on self-learning and think out of the box, they will find the syllabus in WKF is so much encouraging the kids to have their own thought and point of view on expressing their knowledge from the learning....

And I'm so much appreciated to the teachers where they are really concerns about the kids' learning attitudes instead of the academic standard as the priority during the lower grade...  They all work with their hearts.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-8 11:18 |只看該作者
> jpl : 借問聲, 書單上的兩本字典是否必須買 ? 雖則話optional, 到時是否需要帶回校使用 ( 因家中已有其他字典 ), 擔心要帶回校使用時, 囡囡同同學比有比較.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-8 11:28 |只看該作者
not compulsory... if you have your own, that's fine.  Also, no need to bring them back to school

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-8 11:43 |只看該作者
> jpl : Thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-8 11:44 |只看該作者
Sorry ! Should be " Jql ".
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