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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBSPD interview schedule
樓主: WD40

DBSPD interview schedule [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-29 22:05 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 18:18 硐表
我用廣東話對話, 不外乎係介紹一下仔仔性格, 同點解咁想仔仔入dbspd讀書!  校方話唔計分, 志在大人陪個小朋友入場, 令佢會安心一d! (我都唔知係咪真係唔計分!)  事關一入房, 大人都有d俾個場面 "嚇"親架! "嘩"係我第 ...

我都是. 四年前,我想好的所有禮貌說話, 在走入房後全都不記得, 連"早晨"都冇講. 但仔仔表現得好過我地, 好定.
孩子的潛能是不能低估的, 可能我們都未必看得到, 但應該相信他們, 不要給他們太大壓力, 輕鬆上場才可能發揮得最好.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-29 22:14 |只看該作者
Hi OnHo & yy98,

如果我都有幸被"嚇"親, 我諗我都會好開心 coz it imples my boy is selected for 2nd in ma~

Hey, 你地點教小朋友架?  我深信佢地入得DBS必有過人之處.  何否分享一下.     唔該晒

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-29 22:05 硐表
[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 18:18 硐表
我用廣東話對話, 不外乎係介紹一下仔仔性格, 同點解咁想仔仔入dbspd讀書!  校方話唔計分, 志在大人陪個小朋友 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-30 12:41 |只看該作者
其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能補得到的, 開開心心輕輕鬆鬆是最好的選擇, 這就是我的經驗.

還有個小插曲, 第二次面試前幾天我還猶豫是否請假一起去, 因為覺得仔仔只是個普通的小朋友, 可想當時我們是多輕鬆. 而在收到通知後, 又猶豫了, 一個普通的小朋友是否適合讀這間學校呢? 怕他不適合最終還是轉校, 怕他心靈受到傷害, 多可憐的父母.

現在, 仔仔一天天在進步, 成績也能保持中上, 很開心,還學了幾門樂器, 當然我們也付出了很多去配合學校教育, 放鬆唔到. 有得有失, 每個孩子都有屬於自己的路,不是我們能計劃到的, 只能盡力給他們個愉快的童年.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-10-30 13:01 |只看該作者
It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

[ 本文章最後由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 14:26 |只看該作者
Old boys' sons and those boys who have brother studying in DBSPD or DBS will have 10% bonus marks.

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:01 硐表
It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

[ 本文章最後由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 14:30 |只看該作者
Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:01 硐表
It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 14:56 |只看該作者
Hi, yy98


Thanks a lot

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-30 12:41 硐表
其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 15:03 |只看該作者
我想問,小朋友要否每月都要補習呢? 同埋除了學費外加埋課外活動,一個月大約要用幾多錢呢?

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-30 12:41 硐表
其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-10-30 17:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:30 硐表
Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


That's means 'No Hope' for those 'simple applicant' like me..........wo wo wo ........

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-30 20:01 |只看該作者
Hi, Junko,

Can you share where you get such information?  


原文章由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:30 硐表
Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-30 20:46 |只看該作者
Dear all,
From our experience of last year you better prepare for 2nd interview right now. Last year we received the notice
only 10 days before the date of 2 nd in. It was the longest 10 days in our lives, we have prepared formal dressing, further training to my son, the one minute introduction of my son.......

It was a board interview. Parents was given one minute to talk about you son (the teacher will start the timer infront of you). Both parents have chance to get prepare cos the head teacher the one not speaking. Them parents were invited to leave the room.

Next round was about 10 minutes. The child has to interviewed by the board. He was asked to follow some instruction to do something (put certain no. of block to the box), to make up something with the colour blocks (my son has make up a zoo, just by imagination) and tell what you have made. He was also ask to look at a picture and tell
what will be happen in the next minute.

Remind your child DO NOT ROTATE the office chair during
interview. It cound be fatel.

FYI Good Luck

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-30 20:50 |只看該作者

the one minute introduction has to be presented in English?

原文章由 肥爸 於 07-10-30 20:46 硐表
Dear all,
From our experience of last year you better prepare for 2nd interview right now. Last year we received the notice
only 10 days before the date of 2 nd in. It was the longest 10 days in our l ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-31 08:45 |只看該作者
Hey, don't be depressed at that moment.  Among those 150 students, around 40 would be with "old boy" is rather reasonable.  There're still around 100 places for our childern ma.

So wait and see la~

Good luck to all   

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 17:40 硐表

That's means 'No Hope' for those 'simple applicant' like me..........wo wo wo ........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-31 11:34 |只看該作者
My boy is in G1 of DBSPD now. The info is from a parent whose husband is an old boy of my son's class.

I remember Phyllis Lo also said that there were about 30+ old boys's sons being admitted in previous year during the briefing session I attended last year.

It's not a significant no. as compared with SPCC that reserves 70% places for relevant groups!

Good Luck!


[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-30 20:01 硐表
Hi, Junko,

Can you share where you get such information?  


Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 11:48 |只看該作者
Do you know when's the 2nd interview date and when will we be notified historically?

I just called up the school and they said they don't have any idea yet and will revert to us later.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 19:48 |只看該作者
如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!


原文章由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 11:48 硐表
Do you know when's the 2nd interview date and when will we be notified historically?

I just called up the school and they said they don't have any idea yet and will revert to us later.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 19:56 |只看該作者
Thanks for your insider information!

I did look into the school calendar from the web but didn't seem to see any days blocked for 2nd interview.

I hope our kids will be all settled by Xmas and we can all enjoy our holiday.

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-31 19:48 硐表
如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!



[ 本文章最後由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 20:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-31 20:36 |只看該作者

More about 2nd In

About the second interview, it lasted from last week of November to first week if December last year. You can choose English or Chinese to introduce your son. Both parents should get prepared because the Headteacher will ask
another parent to continue.

You can submit more certificate directly to head teacher in 2nd interview. If you have achieved good result in open
competition/ exam after the 1st interview. Don't forget to bring these cert. or result slip. I found Certificate of
Speech Festival is quite useful because DBSPD particpate
in this competition every year. The Headteacher would
know your son's ability through its' certification.

The result of 2nd in will be announced before Christmax (a big Christmax gift to many family). If you receive a thick
envolope, congragulation!!!


Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 20:47 |只看該作者
O great!  Then we can plan on our Xmas trip!  It's all in God's amazing hands! ::" />

原文章由 肥爸 於 07-10-31 20:36 硐表
About the second interview, it lasted from last week of November to first week if December last year. You can choose English or Chinese to introduce your son. Both parents should get prepared because  ...

[ 本文章最後由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 20:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-1 08:48 |只看該作者
Hi OnHo,

Thanks for your info.  However, I couldn't find the info fr the website of DBS's calendar!!!

Anyway, if the 2nd interview take place from 19 Nov, that means we may receive the letter fr 9 Nov, right?

Wish all of us could have chance to get into 2nd interview la~   

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-31 19:48 硐表
如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!


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