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樓主: Y2KChild

幫孩子打好英文基楚(下篇) - 給孩子的三張書單 [複製鏈接]

發表於 10-8-26 12:32 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-8-26 12:32 |只看該作者
My target is similar to yours.

My son is now P.3, studying in a private bilingual school.  He spends 1 hour every day for reading, half hour for English and half hour for Chinese.  His teachers said he is very balanced in learning both languages, but I find that he is more interested in English.  Should I ask him to spend more time on Chinese now?

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 12:12 發表
Y2KChild, 你前文的論點我完全同意.


為了防止兩種語文越拉越遠的問題,我會希望在小學時盡力保持均衡閱讀 ...

發表於 10-8-26 12:36 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-8-26 13:25 |只看該作者
回覆 1# Y2KChild 的文章



發表於 10-8-26 13:47 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-8-26 14:06 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-8-26 15:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 stjoboldboy 於 10-8-26 09:37 發表


沒錯, 沒錯, 你這段留言正正點出, 一直以來, 你與其他支持”英語閱讀為本”朋友分歧的徵結點.

若你只要求”達到一般英語水準, 或足夠入Band 1學校”, 確實”用其他方法” 也可以達到, 因為反正教育當局 ...


我的回應只是指出閱讀為樂以外有其他更大功用, 是求學和求知.  小學時英語高超, 上到中學如缺乏學習目標和應用動力, 有興趣的也會難以為繼.   這解說了為什麼家長是爭入英中, 或付錢讀英語直資.  

我說一般英語水準, 容易達到, 不是指更高的語文水準不能達到.  小兒小學同學和親友要求高的家長, 少只以閱讀為大, 有其他方法, 都可高於 Band 1 平均英語水準, 中英數音體都佳, 其子女不少升讀一級中學名校.

或者你還不明白我們之間的分歧.  分歧不是"英語閱讀為本"的阿媽理論, 是家長們以為"閱讀為大, 閱讀為專, 不作其他", 就可學好語文的觀點.  這種分歧還是次要, 我主要批評的是, 美化閱讀之功不是問題, 但同時不斷評擊及醜化其他學習方法有極大觀念和態度上的不對.  所以經常提出批評者, 就要接受批評.

只讀不練, 觀點實難立足.  如要討論, 中古今外, 我容易舉証, 但不要只說絶少異數.  其他方法成果, 我也能在現實中舉証.  但討論要客觀開放,  不要先置只利己條件, 或堅持我方法愉快, 你的悶蛋, 或傳統不可取, 活動樂更高...等等自我主觀信念.

不少在討論家長子女也是讀傳統校, 你也說出一些傳統校現況.  近來不少家長也分享閱讀方法和心得, 有英有中, 有所高低不同嗎?   或者我會引其中之言, 證閱讀為大的某些錯誤觀點.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-26 15:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 cherubic 於 10-8-26 12:32 發表
...Should I ask him to spend more time on Chinese now?

I don't think "asking" him to do it is a good move.
No matter how you ask, he might feel that you are forcing chinese books on him.

Since obviously he is already doing pretty good in both languages, I would just help him to look for more chinese books that he might be interested in.

Also, kids are easily influenced by what their peer group is reading. This year it might be this hot english author. Next year? who knows.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-26 15:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 10-8-26 09:59 發表
想請教 stccmc, 是用何方法教孩子200個Dolch words?

http://books.ladybird.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,key%20words%201a,00.html?id=key words 1a

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 16:03 |只看該作者
This is a good series to start with.  I had used books b with my son from levels 4 and upwards.  However, they were written long time ago and are quite boring.

原帖由 囝囝爸 於 10-8-26 15:30 發表

http://books.ladybird.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,key%20words%201a,00.html?id=key words 1a

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 16:08 |只看該作者
Thanks.  I said he is balanced in both languages doesn't mean that he is good in both language.  In fact, he is just achieving average grades.  

If I do not "ask" him to read Chinese books, he would never read them.  His peers are mainly reading English books.  So, we, the parents, will find good Chinese books and materials and share amongst each other.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 15:20 發表

I don't think "asking" him to do it is a good move.
No matter how you ask, he might feel that you are forcing chinese books on him.

Since obviously he is already doing pretty good in both languag ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-26 16:11 |只看該作者

有疑問,這套書的 age range 是 8-12 歲,這個年紀才懂 Dolch words, 會不會太遲?

原帖由  於 10-8-26 15:30 發表

http://books.ladybird.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,key%20words%201a,00.html?id=key words 1a

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-26 16:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 cherubic 於 10-8-26 16:08 發表
Thanks.  I said he is balanced in both languages doesn't mean that he is good in both language.  In fact, he is just achieving average grades.  

If I do not "ask" him to read Chinese books, he would  ...

Well, if your kid loves to read then at least you are on the right track.

If you want your kid to have good grades, he has to (willingly) do 3 things:
1. Read. (Reading is only the first part and perhaps the easiest part.)
2. Write.
3. Re-write.

If all you do is read, your language skills will only be so so.

A funny thing among posters who frequent this BK section, is that they stress a lot on "READING vs EXERCISE" but seldom talks about writing.
Writing skill is a very important part in any language development (considering some of the emails I get at work).  

If you want the utmost improvement, then #3 "Re-write" is a must. Someone with good command on that language must help you to correct and improve on your writing in order for you to advance.

Then again, getting a kid to write is already hard enough, let alone re-write.
Of course listening and speaking are important too but that's another story.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-26 16:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 stjoboldboy 於 10-8-26 12:32 發表

你兒子的情況, 是本地主流小學生中的典型; 中,高小已能看中文文學經典, 但英文看NET同齡的童書也有困難, 小朋友棄英就中是自然不過的事.

我家的孩子跟令公子一樣, 都是中比英強很多. 我是這樣做以圖 ...

我一直都冇擔心過阿仔中文程度問題.....但香港環境要有競爭力,就一定要有良好的英文程度. 我崇尚的是老子的"無為而治", 所以在升中前我都只是給阿仔讀屋村小學, 因我覺得小學就逼小朋友學佢暫時無機會應用的另一語言是苦事一樁......但升中後, 現實必要接受英語作第二語言,所以我首要是要阿仔明白要升英中,接受現實,承受壓力....睇見你們一早就

"小學, 每天都會讀英文故事書給她聽, 以建立對英文的親切感.

小學, 以半推半就的方式帶動她的英文閱讀:"
老實說, 我一方面為我自己懶而汗顏, 一方面都在反思我是否真的給阿仔"太舒服"過小學階段了.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-26 17:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 10-8-26 16:11 發表

有疑問,這套書的 age range 是 8-12 歲,這個年紀才懂 Dolch words, 會不會太遲?


這套系列小兒是在一年級即約六歲時由 1a 開始.  我是用來課餘教讀的, 不是每天讀, 時間也不定.  小兒由 1a,b,c 至最高 12a, b, c 冊而止.  系列以故事形式, 主要學習英語基本常用 200 keywords, 加簡單 Phonics, 我自己沿教一些簡單文法語句.  大約三年級前完成系列.  我覺有效, 不難也容易上手,  養成小兒小學初段對英語有基本認識, 學習上更覺容易.

是否淺的問題, 或外國人學語文不是以程度高低深淡為前題, 以培養和基本行先, 有語境下不急於早學到, 和香港家長從小已要英語追高的心態有異.

我一代小學時, 中文也教得淺, 但到中一時, 小學時不大閱讀的, 都有能力讀報刋或章回小說, 想和語境有關.   中文好的當然有多讀多寫多練.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 17:10 |只看該作者
Agree.  In fact, my son writes as well.  Following Y2KChild (but using other user's name)'s advice, I ask my son to write after reading a story.  His teacher also requires him to write a few lines after reading evey night.  Now, he has the habbit to write - diary, summary of stories, message to me, small note for me when I will be away on business trip, etc.  However, he does not re-write.

I still need to work hard on this with him.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 16:53 發表

Well, if your kid loves to read then at least you are on the right track.

If you want your kid to have good grades, he has to (willingly) do 3 things:
1. Read. (Reading is only the first part and  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-26 17:21 |只看該作者

回覆 115# 囝囝爸 的文章

明白了。 我模糊記得在圖書館翻過這套書的其中一本, 當時不能吸引我的眼球,下一次一定要認真看一看。

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-26 17:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 cherubic 於 10-8-26 17:10 發表
Agree.  In fact, my son writes as well.  Following Y2KChild (but using other user's name)'s advice, I ask my son to write after reading a story.  His teacher also requires him to write a few lines aft ...

Give yourself and your kid a pat on the back. If your kid can keep going and keep improving, he will have absolutely no problem in that language.

The only reasons I can think of if he is doing enough reading and writing and still gets unsatisfactory grades:
1) Reading and/or writing level slightly behind his school's expectation.
2) Casual attitude towards school work or tests (i.e. careless mistakes).

Frankly, I think you are way ahead of most people at this point.

發表於 10-8-26 17:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-8-26 17:45 |只看該作者
You are so clever.

I know the problem is his causal attitude towards the school works.  His teacher has complained that he is working too slow.  I note that he is very inconsistent.  I know I have to push him a little bit now since he is already 8.  I just worry he cannot catch up with his school work as he is now at P.3.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 17:26 發表

Give yourself and your kid a pat on the back. If your kid can keep going and keep improving, he will have absolutely no problem in that language.

The only reasons I can think of if he is doing enou ...
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