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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 蘇浙幼兒園N1大召集(Sep07)
樓主: wongfra

蘇浙幼兒園N1大召集(Sep07) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 11:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-13 11:00 硐表
Mrs. Shu's phone number is 9239 3940.

Thanks so much.  I will check with my daughter if she fastened seat belt today.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 13:16 |只看該作者
How can we ensure that our kids have fasten their seat blet, they are only 2!


Please check PM!

原文章由 Ching_Mammy 於 07-9-13 11:48 硐表

Thanks so much.  I will check with my daughter if she fastened seat belt today.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 15:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 tautaub 於 07-8-31 18:15 硐表
My son in Class N1B (Room 106).

Nice to meet you!

My daughter also at N1B, and at green group.  What group is your son sitting?
My daugther was OK at first week school, but she is starting to cry this week.  Also, she refuses to go to school in the morning.  How is your son?  
Wait for your sharing.  Thx.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 19:42 |只看該作者

My son is in red group (strawberry group).  He go to school by school bus, how about your daughter?  He is still crying...

原文章由 ma記 於 07-9-13 15:27 硐表

My daughter also at N1B, and at green group.  What group is your son sitting?
My daugther was OK at first week school, but she is starting to cry this week.  Also, she refuses to go to sch ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 21:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 tautaub 於 07-9-13 19:42 硐表

My son is in red group (strawberry group).  He go to school by school bus, how about your daughter?  He is still crying...

My daughter also takes school bus at "C" line.  She was OK last week, but start to cry this week.  Also, she doesn't allow me to ask her school life.  Even, I copied the CD, and try to sing the school song with her after school.  But, she seem not very interest, and only last for 5 mins.  Then, ask me to stop the music.  
Hope she will be better on tomorrow since it will have the birthday party.
BTW, are you in short hair style?  may be I met you before at school last week.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-13 22:22 |只看該作者

   大房雖然大D但就一定多人D(OVER 33,3位老師),
   細房就細D但就一定唔會OVER 30, 2位老師..
   睇下家長中意人多定人少啦, 但就冇話2位老師一定唔好O既~

   而家長就用E個問題質疑安排, 呢點我就好唔認同喇!!

   以我知道,N1 O係E方面唔係重點,



   我記得老師講過, 佢地唔會寵學生, 小朋友要守一定O既規則,
   我覺得E D都係正常,我想佢返學都係想有人教下佢~

5)計埋今日,都只係返左學第7日, 小朋友要適應新環境時,




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 23:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 sweetKL 於 07-9-13 22:22 硐表

   大房雖然大D但就一定多人D(OVER 33,3位老師),
   細房就細D ...

Thanks for your summary.  
Be honest, those concerns are very normal because our BBs are being at school first time.  Not much experience on handling between school/teacher/BBs/ourselves.
Anyway, your message give us much clear thinking on the real situation.
BTW, what class is your BB study?  How does you feel the class?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-14 10:03 |只看該作者
Sweet KL,

I agree with you! I think we should trust the teachers, and the reaction of the kids. I asked my son every day after coming back from school and in the morning before going to school whether he likes going to school, he always give me a big smile and say "yeah", despite him getting hit by a classmate once, leaving him a wound. Although he cannot tell me what had happened himself, his teacher was nice enough to call and let me know, which I appreciate very much. I am not bothered by him getting hit, as long as he is not the one hitting someone else, or getting bullied.

I think sending kids to nursery involves a steep learning curve both for the children (to cope in the outside world), and for the parents (to let go the first time). It is tough as we all love our kids so much, so emotions sometimes cloud our concerns. Although, it is also an extremely tough job for the teachers to get to know our kids as fast as possible. Nevertheless, it will be nice if teachers are sensitive towards parents' anxieties and give them peace of mind especially in the first few weeks of school. Email/SMS/Phonecall updates can mean so much in soothing the parents' concern and in building up a trusting relationships. I think most of the complaints in this thread stem from the lacking of updates, and can be avoided.

[ 本文章最後由 hermoine 於 07-9-14 10:04 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 12:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-14 10:03 硐表
Sweet KL,

I agree with you! I think we should trust the teachers, and the reaction of the kids. I asked my son every day after coming back from school and in the morning before going to school whethe ...

Hi Hermoine,

My daughter is in same class as your son.  Did Ms. Chan or Ms. Hong called you?  You are so lucky they will call you to let you know what happened.

My daughter told me one of her schoolmates who caughther tail in the classroom, then she fell down and hit her forehead. She said the teachers did not realize it.  I found her forehead in green (not big).  It happened on 10 Sep.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-14 13:08 |只看該作者
Hi Chingmama,

I call the teacher from time to time and she has always been very happy to answer my calls. On the day of the incident, she called me straightaway as she happened to witness the whole incident. I suppose your friend's daughter didn't cry, what a brave girl, and as such the teachers may not have noticed what happened. My helper told me that there seem to be 2 western teachers and 2 Chinese teacher assigned to N1C. If that is true, it's not bad ratio at all! How's your daughter doing? Did you manage to sort out the school bus lack of seat belt problem?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 13:39 |只看該作者
我好羨慕你們的小朋友懂得向你們表達是否喜歡上學同埋學校發生什麼事, 小兒大部分時間仲係講bb話同埋單字, 所以我唔可以從他口中知道他的感覺及經歷...不過我覺得他上學係唔開心...

你們的小孩幾大呀, 係唔係女仔講野真係叻d呢, 小兒現時2歲2個月...

[ 本文章最後由 tautaub 於 07-9-14 13:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 14:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 tautaub 於 07-9-14 13:39 硐表
我好羨慕你們的小朋友懂得向你們表達是否喜歡上學同埋學校發生什麼事, 小兒大部分時間仲係講bb話同埋單字, 所以我唔可以從他口中知道他的感覺及經歷...不過我覺得他上學係唔開心...

你們的小孩幾大呀, 係唔係女仔講 ...

I think girl can pick up language quicker.  Don't worry.  Your son is still young, my daughter (2 yrs 8 months) can express herself only in these few months.  She can't tell me the whole story but in piece piece.   I need to link all up and confirm with her if it is the case.  I cut it into piece again to confirm if she tells lies.

Try to talk more with him.  When I return home, I almost talk non-stop to stimuate her and the little brother.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 14:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-14 13:08 硐表
Hi Chingmama,

I call the teacher from time to time and she has always been very happy to answer my calls. On the day of the incident, she called me straightaway as she happened to witness the whole i ...

Hi, not the other girl.  It is my daughter fell down.  She did not cry and did not tell the teacher.  That's why no one knows.   (cos I asked her if anyone help you to stand up, she said no).

I complained to Mr. So and he promised to remind "shum shum" to fastern seat belt for her.

My daughter does not crying, she only cried when I shouted at her, haha.

You must see her in the first two days if you were in the classroom.  She is tall with big head.  haha.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 14:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-14 13:08 硐表
Hi Chingmama,

I call the teacher from time to time and she has always been very happy to answer my calls. On the day of the incident, she called me straightaway as she happened to witness the whole i ...

Hi, only 2 chinese teacher + 1 Englilsh teacher.  The other English teacher is for PM class.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-14 14:09 |只看該作者
Yeah, agree with Chingmama, you son is still young, mine is 2 and a half already, a lot older than yours. He can say a few simple words only. Boys are slower than girls!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-14 14:15 |只看該作者
Where does your daughter sit? Mine sit on the table closest to the corridor. Your daughter is a very brave girl !!!! It's nice to meet you in BK. Keep in touch!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 14:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 hermoine 於 07-9-14 14:15 硐表
Where does your daughter sit? Mine sit on the table closest to the corridor. Your daughter is a very brave girl !!!! It's nice to meet you in BK. Keep in touch!

Eventhough, my daughter is 2.8yrs, but she not allow me to ask any school related things.  I asked her how was the BB party this morning.  She just said no, no, .............
I'm so upsad.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-14 18:35 |只看該作者
Hi everybody,

I'm Michelle, Aqueena's mama, my daughter is studying at N1H and she was wearing boots this afternoon at the birthday party.

First of all, I would like to appologise for any inconvenience caused by my daughter due to her loud shouting in the class. :cry:

As informed by teachers, she improves a lot and sometimes will stop shouting in the room. May be mine is the worst one in the class, but anyway, I will not give up, I have fully confidence in KCS and their teachers as well.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-17 11:59 |只看該作者
Hi everybody,

It seems that none of your kids study in N1G? Anybody also study in this class ar........cos I can only know the school situation from my maid. A little bit worry after seeing your feedbacks.

My son is Bosco Wong in N1G. He also hurt by his classmate by a FORK...........

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-17 12:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 tautaub 於 07-9-14 13:39 硐表
我好羨慕你們的小朋友懂得向你們表達是否喜歡上學同埋學校發生什麼事, 小兒大部分時間仲係講bb話同埋單字, 所以我唔可以從他口中知道他的感覺及經歷...不過我覺得他上學係唔開心...

你們的小孩幾大呀, 係唔係女仔講 ...

你仔仔仲細, 係咁上下咖啦, 多d同佢傾計啦

我仔仔2y7m, 佢把口唔停咖, 呢期鍾意學人講野, 聽過我(or人)地講過一兩次, 佢就識得repeat你講, 仲識得用返出嚟

啱啱佢學識左唱"愛回家" chorus, 唔知點解係要嗌到好大聲唱, 佢一得閒就自己係度練歌, 成日問我"跟住點唱?"

我都有問仔仔friday bday party嘅野, 但係佢唔係好願講, 要我問一句答一句, eg"有無唱birthday歌? 有無食蛋糕?" 問多兩問佢好似嫌我煩咁行左去唔答...

呢排仔仔唔同左, 以前我返工(我早過佢出門), 佢會好平常咁同我say bye, but返左學之後, 好多時會話"媽媽唔返工吖" or "唔講bye bye"關左門就會聽到佢d扭計聲, 甚至喊...都唔知佢係唔係唔鍾意返學, 我問佢鍾唔鍾意返學/開唔開心, 佢嘅response係positive嘅 (定係佢只係想討好我至咁講?)

仔仔係屋企除左sleep係唔洗著片, but我唔放心佢返學會wet 褲褲 (會wet埋鞋果下最慘!), 所以都著住pull up, 有日工人話佢學校同佢換左片片, 即係仔仔無同老師講去廁所痾左片片度, 咁我幾時可以唔比佢著片片返學呢?
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