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教育王國 討論區 國際英文幼稚園 SC 取錄信
樓主: chongtingmama

SC 取錄信 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 09:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 misstaisen 於 07-12-2 23:48 發表


我相信你可以先填好份表, 因為我估你未填妥, SC可能不當你要學位, 同時, SC不會於此階段過你任何錢, (當然安全起見可以打去  SC問何時過第一次數). 因份表寫"The September school fees will be debited on 2 July, 2008", 再問問你所屬銀行,要cut此自動轉帳要多久, 時間上我相信可以OK. 因為我都打算用這個做法, 我都未決定讀SC or KV. 希望幫倒你.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 11:11 |只看該作者
I guess u better choose SC in that case la, coz i think kv is more 死板, just homework and tests and style of teaching is traditional, i think the kids' creativity may be constrained.
My kid will go to SC

原文章由 vincemama 於 07-12-4 06:27 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 11:22 |只看該作者
I know a friend who has received rejection letter from SC.
I think its more likely for happy parents to post out news that their kids are accepted rather than sad parents that who got rejected, so its pretty natural that not many people post out that they have received rejection letters. It doesn't mean no one received rejection letters!

I don't think SC is commercial just because it has more waiting list candidates. All kindies have waiting list students. Plus its because all parents bring their kids to interview so many kindies and finally can only take one, there will be some spaces left at the end, of course all kindies do not want to have any vacancies at the end. I would prefer to receive waiting list letter rather than rejection letter la, at least I still have hope!

原文章由 Ng360 於 07-12-2 23:41 發表
Yes, I agreed with Yu_baby. Sorry, my son is being put on waiting list in SC which is a bit under my expectation as he performed not so good during SC interview.

Hwr, I think SC is more commercial be ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 11:30 |只看該作者
My boy was also accepted by both KV (am session) and SC (am session).  Difficult to choose between the two options.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-4 14:28 |只看該作者
My daughter on waiting list for "PM" class!? 你知唔知機會高唔高呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-4 23:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 SkyPenguin 於 07-12-4 11:11 發表
I guess u better choose SC in that case la, coz i think kv is more 死板, just homework and tests and style of teaching is traditional, i think the kids' creativity may be constrained.
My kid will go t ...


Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 00:25 |只看該作者
Only got on PM waiting list for St. Cath...

For the interview, I have selected English & PTW.  I think I should have gone with English & Cantonese, as there are more seating available...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 00:43 |只看該作者
Kentville is my dream school if it can make my son independent, has discipline and respect teacher and parents. My only problem is that I live in HK lsland. We may move house just because of Kentville, and may move back for Primary schools.

原文章由 fatkk 於 07-12-4 06:20 發表
thanks! mysy33.
Do u make ur mind already - pick KV?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 01:25 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-5 04:36 |只看該作者
For me, I didn't move when my elder son was in kinder.
As he was only 3 hrs class, my maid take him for MTR, then school bus (from kln to HK side). But, when he confirmed his primary school in kln side, also far from our house (more than 1 hour school bus), I moved to a nearer district to save his school bus time. Only reason is the primary is whole day & need to spare more time for him.
原文章由 mysy33 於 07-12-5 00:43 發表
Kentville is my dream school if it can make my son independent, has discipline and respect teacher and parents. My only problem is that I live in HK lsland. We may move house just because of Kentville ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 10:46 |只看該作者
無關係,我同個女都係揀英/普面試,雖然 sc 唔收佢讀英/普班,但一樣 offer 左英/中班比我個女。

原文章由 ElpisLai 於 07-12-5 00:25 發表
Only got on PM waiting list for St. Cath...

For the interview, I have selected English & PTW.  I think I should have gone with English & Cantonese, as there are more seating available...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 10:51 |只看該作者
未必。我知道有 d 媽咪係一心想讀上午班,so 佢地係填 form 既時候係揀左「如果上午班唔收,下午班唔讀」個個 option。所以我聽過有 d 傳聞係如果你有揀「下午班都願意讀」,咁佢會放你係下午班先,然後再allocate 其他學生上上午班,務求可以 fit 到多 d 媽媽既 first choice,從而減低學生唔註冊既 chance。

原文章由 梅蘭菊竹 於 07-12-5 01:25 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-5 12:08 |只看該作者
Not really!
Lots of BK feedbacks to be accepted am even they'd mentioned 'doesn't matter for am/pm.'
原文章由 wasabi-cat 於 07-12-5 10:51 發表
未必。我知道有 d 媽咪係一心想讀上午班,so 佢地係填 form 既時候係揀左「如果上午班唔收,下午班唔讀」個個 option。所以我聽過有 d 傳聞係如果你有揀「下午班都願意讀」,咁佢會放你係下午班先,然後再allocate 其他學生 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 12:42 |只看該作者
所以我之前都係話傳聞,不是100% sure。但如果話小朋友返上午班就係叻 d,返下午班就係無咁叻,我個人就唔同意囉。

原文章由 fatkk 於 07-12-5 12:08 發表
Not really!
Lots of BK feedbacks to be accepted am even they'd mentioned 'doesn't matter for am/pm.'

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-5 13:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 vincemama 於 07-12-4 06:27 發表

same case for me , my daughter accepted by both KV & SC am session. I prefer KV because it can give a very good academic background for my girl. However, she is very very very active and her playgroup teacher suggest that she will be more situable in SC. I'm afraid that if I choose KV, she do not want to go to school because of big pressure

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 15:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 yanyan0406 於 07-12-5 13:27 發表

same case for me , my daughter accepted by both KV & SC am session. I prefer KV because it can give a very good academic background for my girl. However, she is very very very active and her playgro ...

我覺得可以畀左留位費先, 因為我幾個同事既小朋友都係讀kv,
佢地都係d好active既小朋友, 老師就成日罰佢地, 叫佢企係黑板側面, 又或者坐出黎, 但係其實果d小朋友只係流露出真性情, 唔係傾計, 只係突然間好開心, 笑左出黎, 老師就話佢唔可以笑得咁大聲。但我唔否認kv既教學法, d小朋友既中、數都谷得好犀利, 係學校就要不停咁抄,做練習, 所以番屋企完全唔洗幫佢溫, 因為係學校已經搞掂哂。我捻你應該捻清楚你想要既野...
我個囝都係好活躍, 所以我自己就prefer sc多d

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 16:30 |只看該作者
My kid will also go to Essex Cresent.

what about u?

原文章由 counts01 於 07-12-4 23:15 發表


Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 16:54 |只看該作者
Oh, I see.  Thanks for the information.
I thought Charis did pretty well on the interview day.  Answer all questions, and even response to PTW teacher.  I wonder if it is because our current address is in New Territories then... :-|  I guess St. Cath is just too competitive.

Any one know if writing the letter to school will help on getting in from waiting list?   

原文章由 wasabi-cat 於 07-12-5 10:46 AM 發表
無關係,我同個女都係揀英/普面試,雖然 sc 唔收佢讀英/普班,但一樣 offer 左英/中班比我個女。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 17:02 |只看該作者

Please send a letter to the principal of SC emphasizing your "eager" for your girl to study there ASAP, as many parents would send one upon receiving the letter for "waiting-list".   Don't worry, as SC has quite a number of places and many parents is still choosing b/w SC and other KGs at the moment, chances are there!!:


Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 17:06 |只看該作者
Thanks you minimini!
I will begin the letter this moment then.

Question: after writting the letter, does school always response?

原文章由 minimini 於 07-12-5 05:02 PM 發表

Please send a letter to the principal of SC emphasizing your "eager" for your girl to study there ASAP, as many parents would send one upon receiving the letter for "waiting-list".   Don't ...
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