密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC收左我個女,唔知讀唔讀好,請比意見.
樓主: 豬爸爸

RC收左我個女,唔知讀唔讀好,請比意見. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-5 10:06 |只看該作者
By the way, while you are already tired, so with my deep blessing to you is to take a good rest!!

原文章由 daydream 於 08-2-4 22:21 發表
I am tired of posting in BK.  Before the coming of a new year, let me contribute my last posting here and teach most of you how to be a smart parent in choosing a school and how to use your brain to c ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-2-5 19:58 |只看該作者
Yes..totally agree... too subjective without evidence.  He always thinks his words is the reality.

Everytime he likes to say he doesn't want to response.  Then, he kept on using different names responding here and continued blaming others.  I can't understand his motive.

Besides, why can't we show satisfaction to a school?  We are consumers.  We may help our kids switch to other schools if the present one is not good enough.

原文章由 xenonlit 於 08-2-5 09:28 發表
Too aggressive and subjective. Arguments shallow without scrutinizing the reality in the schools. I'm happy that parents with such attitude would not choose RC or HLYIS.

[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-2-5 20:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-9 01:06 |只看該作者
well, although his "language" is kind of 激進,but i think he has quite good points. Maybe he is not good at expressing his opinions that make others feel too offensive, but if you put aside this (his attitude), then you may find some of his points are really 有道理, 亦有參考價值。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-11 13:04 |只看該作者
I also agree with daydream that SJS

- has a proven track academic records
- With a well-structured and proven education system
- Good overseas university connections and a pool of useful alumni (or I would rather say it is Shatin College that count)
- Lower school fee

I am a RC parent now but my target school for my girl was SJS last year.  My girl didn’t get an interview because of the priority system, and so we went for RC instead.  I was a little bit worried at the beginning because at the time RC wasn't there at all and be honest, the reputation of Phoenix was not "too good".

Anyway, in the middle of last year, my girl was invited to an interview with SJS finally, but we turned them down after a family meeting.  Things and systems within RC are almost all in shape.  I do want my girl to learn traditional Chinese in school (SJS is teaching simplified Chinese only).  We like the atmosphere in RC, we like the teachers, we like the parents there.  All of them who I met, have passion toward making RC to be a quality school.  We can feel that the future of RC is very promising.  And most important is that my girl loves her school.

The Cantonese during playtime do not bother me at all.  My girl will switch her spoken language when needed.  

I know a few parents switched the kids from SJS to RC but on the other hand, a few parents switched the kids from RC to SJS.

I think sending a kid to SJS is like investing in HSBC shares, return is comparative safe and guarantee but RC is a new company with a very promising future and return and which worth a try too.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-2-11 18:56 |只看該作者

We had that expression because we had read over 10 posts from him.  It's most welcome everyone shares information here.  However, it's really annoying if someone doesn't listen to the others and just believe in his own words. Once another parent would ask or show some opposite opinion, he would say himself as a victim and would not response anymore as a full stop.  As a reader, I think it's unfair to close a discussion in this way.  It's an open forum.  I also would like to hear SJS/SC/RC/BHS/CIS/HKIS/GSIS/other IS parents' sharing here.  I don't want to see that they are being scared away by such discouraging words.  Moreover, he always likes to start  "I teach you."  Anyone wanna a lesson here?

The most interesting thing is how he can rank the schools.  Only if he lets his kids study (A) (B) (C) schools, then he may share why (A) over (B) over (C) as per his experience. If not, it is ridiculous to make a conclusion.  Is he an educational expert?  Perhaps the magazine like Parents may invite him to write an article.

[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-2-11 22:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-2-11 19:51 |只看該作者
Hi 豬爸爸,

以下答案, 純粹小囡讀後感加意見, 希望幫到你.

1) $, 唔知佢以後d學費加得勁唔勁.如果年年都加,我都唔知頂唔頂得住.仲有,我須唔須要預$比佢讀課外活動呢?
ANS: 首先你要留意不單止小學學費. 你必須預算中學和大學的支出.
至於課外活動方面, 可增可減. 我認識讀local幼稚園/小學的朋友們, 他們平均要付$3500-$6000課外活動.  如果你只挑選一兩樣興趣班, 銀碼當然又細很多. 學校方面唔會強迫你比 $參加課外活動.

2) 紀律問題.好驚佢學壞.
ANS: 老實說, 我都驚驚地. 有些頑皮的男孩子確有在學校打架. IS學校不會管束太嚴. 老師會教其他小朋友學習自己保護自己.

3) 中文程度:我知佢有普通話,但唔知佢書寫能力得唔得
ANS: 老實說, 跟LOCAL比,當然不夠. 但我發現LOCAL SCHOOLS中文情度都有很大差別. 我識一班K3小朋友, 中文已經作句和閱讀理解. 有些卻認識很少中文字. RC 普通話跟小朋友本身情度, 分等級去教. 老師讀音很純正.  Spoken方面較LOCAL強. 但每件事都有TRADE OFF.  在全英話環境地方, 如家長在家不加把勁, 很難提昇小朋友對中文興趣.

4) 我還可以參加小一自行派位,私校,直資和大抽獎嗎?

5) 我仲有個細B,我當然希望兩個讀埋同一間,唔知家姐帶埋個妹入嘅機會高唔高呢?  
ANS: 對不起, 我不知道呢.

英文方面: 依我所見, listening/reading/spoken 都有很大進步.
中文方面: 如果有要求, 家長要勤力去配合.
思考方面: 我不知是她長大了還是學校功勞, 我覺得她變得每事問, 對很多事物都有興趣, 有logical thinking.
老師方面: 很nice, professional and responsible.
管理方面: 很滿意. 每項活動都籌備得很efficient and considerate. 譬如Sports Day, kids will join some group activities so everybody needs to participate and try how to co-operate with each other.  Teachers will distribute waters/drinks to kids and parents.  Teachers keep on reminding kids how to take care of their belongings and not to leave any rubbish.  Upper years reading buddies will look after younger children.  

During normal days, I need to work so I seldom go to the school.  This morning I was lucky that I am still on holiday.  I accompanied my daughter to have a swimming lesson in the school. I saw many foreigners and most of them were hugging each other after long holiday.  The atmosphere was so warm.  Little kids were talking and greeting to Mr. Muller.  It seems he looks like their friend.

[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-2-11 20:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-2-11 21:37 |只看該作者

Yes.. I recognised two parents had given up the offer of SJS.  Simultaneously I recognised two students had switched to AIS or SJS.  Every coin has two faces.  Every school has its pros and cons.  Everyone has his/her own decision.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-14 23:16 |只看該作者

I did not understand your purpose of sending me a PM. I think there is nothing between you and me that cannot be shared publicly here.

You are welcome to share your views. However, you comments on RC were definitely not "經驗分享" as you described in your PM since you have no kids with RC.

In any case, please do not PM me anymore.

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-2-18 12:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-15 16:05 |只看該作者
既然你這麼偏激,我也不方便再打擾了 也請你不要對我的發表有任何意見或反應。拜託!

原文章由 almom 於 08-2-14 23:16 發表

I did not understand your purpose of sending me a PM. I think there is nothing between you and me that cannot be shared publicly here.

You are welcome to share your views. However, you commen ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-15 23:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 mrose 於 08-2-15 16:05 發表
既然你這麼偏激,我也不方便再打擾了 也請你不要對我的發表有任何意見或反應。拜託!



Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-17 18:53 |只看該作者
唔好意思,我小朋友現在讀緊加卅花園英文幼稚園k1,我同老公都好想阿仔讀國際學校,因為唔想阿仔讀全統學校好大pressure同好多功課,最主要想阿仔學好英文同普通話,但係阿仔同我地英文都唔好,有邊間國際學校易報考入呢?康樂園國際學校是否很難考?有沒有普通話課?可否幫忙解答 真的很煩

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-18 16:07 |只看該作者

回覆 #51 lalasan 的文章

Hi lalasan,
My girl is also in 加卅花園英文幼稚園.  I would like her 讀國際學校 too.  I am interested in RC and 康樂園國際學校.  I haven't had a chance to visit these two schools yet.  May be we can go together.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-2 13:26 |只看該作者
students in that school smokes, the can listen to ipods during class, play internet during class, talk on the fone during class

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-3-2 17:57 |只看該作者
Hi lollipop (or I should say a new comer registered on March 2nd 2008),

Obviously you are bad-mouthing RCHK and Singapore Int'l School.  Please be reminded that we can read your responses on 5 threads simultaneously.

My cousin is studying in Yew Chung Secondary and my daughter is studying in RC Primary.  I am sure I know well in both schools.  Have you visited both schools personally?

I don't mean YC is not good.   Fortunately my cousin is studying very well in this school.

Just a wild guess.  Are you a student in YC and rejected by RC Secondary?

For other parents, it had better visit the schools and find out the facts rather than reading any rumours here.

Best regards,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-2 22:02 |只看該作者
It is always interesting to see people providing information sbout schools.
Let me tell you, who is/are so determined to tell the world "facts" about RC, the truth.
Babykingdom is not as well-known as you presumed. It is obviously not a place where most international schools parents would visit.
In any case, you are more than welcome to post more of your views. Your messages are really entertaining, and I think many people really "enjoy" reading your messages.
Keep it up!

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-3-3 11:01 編輯 ]
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