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信報月刋一篇使人反省及不安的文章 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-10-7 23:23 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-10-5 11:31 發表
讀名校不容易啊! ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 00:18 |顯示全部帖子
Hi hogwarts,

Yes, conduct is really a matter for a P5-6 student.  That makes me understand more this father.  

BTW, I felt so uneasy as well after I read this article.  Not because of the story itself, it's the hidden message that Prof. You wants to deliver via this story.  He described / disclosed eveything so detailed including the name of the teacher, what's his points?  I also look forward to seeing a happy ending with positive value and fair judgement.

原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-10-7 23:58 發表
Dear rtam,


我看要害還在升中要計 conduct 這部份,這可能是變成勢不兩立的主因,但在未知大结局(11月號才刋出 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-2 21:30 |顯示全部帖子

I am so disappointed with Prof. You after reading the 2nd part of the story.
Yes, there is no happy ending and even worse the 2nd part of the story is repugnant.

When I first read the story in early October, I felt uneasy and curious about the main objective of Prof. You.
I wonder if “
反思香港資優教育的成效” is his only purpose?
So I wrote to him via HK Economic Journal Monthly and CityU and told him my concern about his
偏重一方的報導、只著眼正義是否恰當and what’s his main message behind this story.
I was expecting his more elaboration in this issue.
Of course, I also told him my stand point which seems to be different with Prof. You and this father. Then, finally Prof. You just further supported this father by quoting a reader Emilio who also felt the same that the school and teachers were both wrong, absolute wrong… something like this.
So I can confirm now that Prof. You and the main character father Wong are the same type and share the same stand point.
I thought I was reading Apple Daily, unfortunately, it is HKEJ.

In fact, Prof. You’s reporting style is not so skillful.
Under his description, this father seems to be repugnant because of his over-reaction.
說來說去只為討回兒子的自尊而已,公義真的這樣重要嗎?現在的經濟情況,可能好快會有許多公司倒閉,許多人沒有工作,包容及彼此尊重、團結及互相關愛才更可貴,更合「潮流」,可怕是Prof. You更在文中說社會的成人不應以世故的態度去禁止,反而要加以鼓勵他的心意我真的看到了!!!

現在我反過來有點同情學校(even though I learnt from my friend’s daughter who study in this school that those teachers involved in this story are used to be cool and not approachable),因現任校長是很有誠意辦學的,現在真是要加倍努力挽回名聲了. Sigh…

quote]原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-11-2 13:11 發表
紅字部份不是文章一部份,但文章的確不單拉了阿牛落水,還用"generalization"的手法,拉埋 St. Joseph's College PS 落水。下次喺街見到阿牛,一定问问佢。

當然事情永遠可以好"羅生門",這些不公平對侍學生的事,又真的可以無 ... [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 rtam 於 08-11-3 00:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-3 00:13 |顯示全部帖子
Professor of Marketing??  I see.  I have been working in Advertising and Marketing for years, I think I am qualified enough to remind him that "做個成功的出位廣告也得在背後傳遞正面的訊息,不要引人反感,以博取注意"

原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-11-2 22:44 發表
Hi rtam,

Ha ha, don't forget Prof You is a professor of Marketing.  There are other discussions on internet and one has praised Prof You as 一位媒體工作者願意不怕強權,將文章發表。  In my view, it is j ...
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