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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 高主教 - Release of the interview result
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高主教 - Release of the interview result [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-11-11 13:58 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
As confirmed with the staff of 高主教, they are going to issue the letter of notification to successful applicants this afternoon.

If you are one of the applicants, please check your letter box in the coming 2 days. Good luck...

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發表於 08-11-12 13:33 |顯示全部帖子
Congratulation !

I can't check my letter box until late evening after work.  Has any NT residents received the letter from RC ?

Have you been asked to sign any undertaking ?


原帖由 Gisele 於 08-11-12 12:41 發表
We just got the letter now (wanchai) - check you mail box today!!

We are thinking whether to give up Hennessy  Primary if we are lucky enough to get a place on Nov 24.

發表於 08-11-12 18:19 |顯示全部帖子
I received the rejection letter, ha ha.

Though the teacher told me (after the interview) that your child’s preparation work was quite good, I did worry if his performance would have been outweighed by the age constraint. It was specified on the application form that priority was given to children who were born from Sept, 2002 to Aug, 2003. However, he was born at the end of Nov, 2003. My friend advised us not to try RC as our son was not within the preferred age and he had no religious background at all but we didn't listen to him.

Perhaps, his performance was not as good as the other applicants or the teacher didn't tell us the truth about the interview performance.

Please let us know if you kid who was born later than Nov 2003 without religious background but was offered a place in RC.

At the first beginning, I guess the total number of applicants for RC is far below that for YW and TSL. Now, my son got the 2nd round of interview at YW and TSL but lost the chance at RC. That could be his fate. Anyways, let him wait for the results of Ying Wa and TSL two weeks later.

Good luck to your kids, especially to those  'young kids without religious background' !  I believe the capability of these kids can outweigh the age constraint in the short future.

At last, congratulation to all kids who got the offer from RC. You have worked hard already.  Take a small celebration with your parents who have also worked hard for the past few weeks.

原帖由 包B 於 08-11-12 17:55 發表


都有 d 緊張添!

[ 本帖最後由 dimmy 於 08-11-12 20:41 編輯 ]

發表於 08-11-12 22:06 |顯示全部帖子
The letter mentioned that your application was not successful due to the limited places. I don't know the provision of "waiting list". My teacher told me the good performance of kid but even a waiting place was not offered. I may be too naive or the teacher is too tricky. A bit disappointed !

Would you mind telling the month and year of birth of your daugher ?

To the parents of those successful applicants,
may you please kindly tell me the month & year of your kids, besides the sharing of your happiness. I guess that almost all successful kids were born before the end of Nov 2003 or at least within the preferred age (as specified on the application form). I understand it is the game's rule but just to see if the age constraint is really a main concern of RC. Thanks.

原帖由 bessiemak 於 08-11-12 21:29 發表
Dear dimmy,

My daughter is on the waiting list.  I would like to know that the letter you received is rejection or waiting ?

I am considering whether this school is suitable for the girls ?

Regard ...

[ 本帖最後由 dimmy 於 08-11-12 22:20 編輯 ]

發表於 08-11-12 22:39 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for your info. Bessie.
My wife didn't attend the interview as she needed to work at that moment. She felt regretted. It is not her problem but the age constraint. I told her and myself that Primary 1 is just a starting point. There are many good starting points. Don't worry too much. Now, we can stay on NT as RC was the one and only one school we tried in HK Island.

Anyway, the game with RC is over. I sincerely hope that your daughter will be a RC student soon. Good luck.

原帖由 bessiemak 於 08-11-12 22:13 發表
Hi dimmy,

My daughter was born in July 2003. Do not be unhappy cos my daughter also does not have any successful reply from the primary school up to now.  Just take it easy.

Best wishes,


發表於 08-11-13 10:35 |顯示全部帖子
Congratulation. Your kid must be very smart. Good luck.
原帖由 kion 於 08-11-12 23:56 發表
I received letter today, but on waiting list. My son born after Mid Nov, no religious background. Hope could have the seat by later time.

發表於 08-11-13 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
Congratulation. you kid must be "supersmart" if he has no brother in RC before, because the RC staff said that they seldom selected "young kid" except for those applicants who are very understanding!!
Congratulation again. Bye Bye and Good Luck. My kid's game with RC was over.

原帖由 eling01 於 08-11-13 00:02 發表
今天接到註冊通知書,我感到很意外, 因為小兒是11月出世的, 亦沒有宗教背景,
所以我覺得就算收到reject 信, 有心想讀, 可以嘗試叩門, 不要打定輸數.

高主教是一間私校, 但它與其他私校不同, 它的規則是在註冊後必 ...

[ 本帖最後由 dimmy 於 08-11-13 12:49 編輯 ]
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