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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Please help me!
樓主: eric1988

Please help me! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 08-12-4 12:58 |只看該作者
你老婆咁想個仔入la sa, 咁點解佢唔一早去la sa搵返工呀? 校工都做住先啦, 咁你個仔咪入硬囉

唔該叫佢醒啦! 唔好成日唸埋d不切實際既野!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-4 19:37 |只看該作者

發表於 08-12-5 00:05 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-5 09:35 |只看該作者

I have read through your chain of messages.  Here are my views -

1.  You and your wife should have known you son's strengths and weakness better than anyone else and you can assess whether La Salle would fit him.  You have a lot of info / feedback from parents of La Salle for reference.  Besides, please also take into consideration of resources, i.e. your available time for coaching / guiding if you want you sons to study in La Salle type of school.  My friend's son studies in La Salle (P4).  He is a very very smart kid since we knew him at 2 years of age.  His father rushes back home sharp at 6pm to guide his homework and do the revision until 10pm everyday.  I heard there is another boy in the same grade finds it far too hard to catch up and have been trying his very best for years.  The case has worsened and the whole family is now under pyschological consultation.   DO YOUR OWN ASSESSMENT.

2.  If you find your son is fit for studying in La Salle and you and your wife are ready to take the life style required by La Salle, then go ahead with your plan - at least you do your best and NO REGRET.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-5 10:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-12-5 09:35 發表
If you find your son is fit for studying in La Salle and you and your wife are ready to take the life style required by La Salle, then go ahead with your plan - at least you do your best and NO REGRET.


a) 你既財力 - 如果搬去41住對你黎講負擔係綽綽有餘既,你咪當比屋企人住好d lor。留意既係,影響唔單止樓價,其實車費,買餸錢,日用品,附近餐廳....所有開支都會唔同左。

b) 太太既情意結 - 佢點解鍾意LS,係咪非讀不可既程度,定佢有其它choice,如果有機會都唔試,佢會唔會個心有條刺,覺得自己對仔唔住先。

c) 兩個仔既實力 - 好似monkeydad 咁講,入一間學校唔係入到就等如可以光榮畢業,自己係咪果種人,願意果種生活,受唔受得黎,呢d都好重要。

如果以上三方面你都好有信心既話,去la,大不了只係搬左屋啫,就當搬左一次屋lor。如果1&3你有hesitation,你要好好諗清楚,opportunity cost有幾大。否則,好似其他人咁講,仲有好多好學校,比如已經等緊你既禮賢都唔錯,而且,可以p2插LS,插到先搬,會唔會實際d﹖祝你仔仔可以搵到一間好學校。

[ 本帖最後由 阿西 於 08-12-5 10:22 編輯 ]
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