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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 好緊張! DGS and DBS有結果la!!快D上黎報料啦 ...
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好緊張! DGS and DBS有結果la!!快D上黎報料啦 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-15 19:17 |顯示全部帖子
係,每間學校都有好學生同壞學生,咁大致上我唔覺SPCC有咩問題喎,你都問得好奇怪喎 ?一間男女校可以做到SPCC咁好的口碑我唔覺得我話佢地學校品德好有咩問題.

I think you have probably misunderstood the point made by smalljokerbb.  

I think what he (or she, I do not know if smalljokerbb is a he or a she) says is that every school has good and not so good kids.  Of course you saw some good kids from one school (maybe because of the circle of friends you hangout with) and you are entitled to think that the school produces some good kids.  But possibly smalljokerbb thinks it is not fair to sound as if you would not choose another school because it does not produce equally good kids.  I know you did not say this, but it can be implied in what you say, because you said "男女校得黎D品德教育都好好,如果SPCC收我都會揀佢唔揀", perhaps meaning that another school is not as good in that regard (otherwise why bring up the topic when you explain your preference).  

But as long as you appreciate that every school has good and not so good kids and parents, I think smalljokerbb should feel happier and this will not degenerate into another argument.

[ 本帖最後由 anxiousparent 於 08-12-15 19:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-16 22:06 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 healthykid 於 08-12-16 18:26 發表
if both SPCC and DGJS accept

Which one will you choose?

If DGS and SPCC, then choose DGS.

If DBSPD and SPCC, then choose SPCC.

Matter of instinct.   Without disrespect to anyone, in their heart of hearts, this is the ranking in the minds of MOST parents (disregarding factors such as whether you have a sibling of a different sex waiting to be admitted in a couple of years' time).

DGS girls smarter and more confident.  Some say that DGS girls too inch etc.  But in this world we strive for excellence.  Spare me the nonsense about humility and moral education.  If you believe your kid is good, go for the very best.   

Standards-wise SPCC and DBSPD are similar but SPCC boys are not so rowdy and more civilised than DBS.  Some may think they are a bit "cam cam" but I can live with it.
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