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教育王國 討論區 激活英文小學 希望各位給我一點支持同安慰!
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希望各位給我一點支持同安慰! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-12 23:53 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我有兩位讀國際學校的小朋友. 因屋企環境問題, 現在不能再繼續比佢地讀啦.

需然現在的學校很好, 但學費年年加, 真係支持唔住.

但一想到小朋友要離開心愛的學校及同學仔, 內心就好唔舒服!

上網看到激活, 覺得學費還可afford,又有可能變直資, 覺得小朋友都可能會適應到.

小朋友的中文程度認真麻麻, 但今日打過去激活問, 只有一科中文係用普通話教既, 小朋友都會追得上的.

我想問問有無國際學校的家長轉了去激活?激活的英文好唔好呢? 有無phoenics學呢? 英文老師係唔係真係native speakers呢?定係巴籍老師多?今日激活那receptionist話其實外國老師得2個, 但其餘的中國人老師都係外國回來
的, 又係唔係呢?

教法會唔會好古版?因為我小朋友讀緊的國際學校D課程真係好creative的, 令小朋友學到好多野. 佢地轉了激活會唔會悶?

我睇到好多家長話激活讀得好開心, 係唔係真既?


本人係基督徒, 好開心得知激活係基督教學校, 但老師又係唔係全部都是基督徒呢?有無聖經堂上?幾內上一次呢?


對不起, 實在太多問題, 但因為要很快決定讀定唔讀. 又要同小朋友講解新學校的分別,好處及唔好的地方.請各媽媽給我一點支持吧!
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-1-13 22:17 |只看該作者
Dear Lenglengma,
Sorry to hear that you are facing the mentioned problem. I understand very much about your worries. You are really a responsible mother because you collect information about schools before you make a change for your kids.
To be frank, the use of English in Gigamind is not as wide as it is in an international school. Most of the pupils are Chinese and their first language is Cantonese. However I can tell you teachers here highly encourage pupils to speak in English and Putonghua. They talk to pupils mainly in these two languages at school. And the pupils especially P.1 pupils try very hard and be bold enough to speak in English. (although it is not very accurate, they do try.) Pupils here speak more English and Putonghua than those in local schools (I mean in the New Territories West).
Actually as I know there are more choices in other districts besides TSW. Gigamind is a small school which is not able to provide pupils a wide range of extra-curricular activities. There are only two classes in each level and the campus is small. However, it is like a family. You can approach the principal or teachers easily. Be honest, I do not expect my daughter to learn a lot of knowledge at school because I think parents have greater responsibility in this area. Outside school, there are other places for them to learn other skills. In my belief, a suitable school is the one which provides my daughter a sense of belongings. Teachers know nearly every pupil in Gigamind even though they have not taught all of them. A good bonding is created among teachers and parents. It can be done because the school is small.
REMEMBER: Gigamind is not an international school. It has similar curriculum (but less tense and restricted) as local schools but the medium of instruction is PTH and English.
Hope my opinion is helpful.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-19 21:46 |只看該作者
Hi lenglengma,

努力!  妳是一位好mama.  

原帖由 lenglengma 於 09-1-12 23:53 發表
我有兩位讀國際學校的小朋友. 因屋企環境問題, 現在不能再繼續比佢地讀啦.

需然現在的學校很好, 但學費年年加, 真係支持唔住.

但一想到小朋友要離開心愛的學校及同學仔, 內心就好唔舒服!

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