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教育王國 討論區 又一村學校 又一村幼稚園係咪真係咁差???
樓主: smalleatb

又一村幼稚園係咪真係咁差??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-5-4 14:34 |顯示全部帖子
I haven't been on BK for quite a while and I am also shocked to see this topic.

My son is studying at YYC K2 now and I personally think this school is very ok.    He is always happy when he returns home.  He also has good initiative to complete his homework and tasks.   Teachers and school facilities are fine from my opinion.

I agreed that at their age, to help them to grow into a kind-hearted good person is much more important than giving them a lot of academic content.  YYC can do this.  Also, we still have lots of time for academic developments.   

Frankly, I think things that they are learning now are appropriate and sometimes out of my expectation too.   I sometimes wonder what those so called famous schools are teaching. I remembered I once joked with one of the parents that it seems there aren't much changes to the content or syllabus at university and sometimes I don't know why in Hong Kong, small kids like them have to go through so many age-not- appropriate content but as a parent, you just can't help it.      

I also agreed with some moms here that parents should know what they are looking for.   Choose the one that you feel comfortable with la.
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