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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 又一村幼稚園好嗎!
樓主: Mamileelee

又一村幼稚園好嗎! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-18 23:40 |顯示全部帖子

we r seriously thinking about letting our boy to go to this school (tho we still have not finally decided yet). I know when i say this to my friends, they r mostly very curious... cos when comparing with other offers (YORK / Creative Pri Kinder/ THINK / St. Johannes), they would wonder: why 又一村?

but i do like this school, cos
- their teachers gave me a very friendly and caring feeling, and their interview arrangement was very smooth & well-arranged

- school environment is very pleasant. Among all the schools that we have visited in kowloon tongs, this is 1 of the most spacious one, both the outdoor area & classrooms. Kids can see a broad sky and sit under trees...

- with the space they have, they can arrange many different kind of activities for kids, can even have a 'planting & farming corner' for them... and build water fountain in classroom...etc (i just saw from their new web)

- from other newspaper & magazine, they recommended that this school is relatively good at Chinese. we do think Chinese is very important, i ve seen some friends' kids even tho studied at non-international kindergarten... when graduated to P1, their Chinese standard is very very poor....

- they have net-cam connected to classroom... well, i mean when spending so much time in choosing and trying to get into a good kinder...how can parents can really learn about how s their kids educated in class...Since my kid's nursery now also have the vdo system for us to check on them during class, i do think this is 1 good feature

- however, for us, perhaps another main reason to choose this school is because this is the only kinder that has 'full-day class' among our options

& i've found this blog (of a又一村 daddi) that do provide some very fair & structural comments, and it s very helpful to our decision

in fact we still can't make up our mind completely.... there r just so many things to consider when it's about kid's education...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-20 16:46 |顯示全部帖子
hi, Jeco, 係呀,又見到你啦!
so have u got a clearer picture about which school ur kid will go to by now, or will wait a little longer to decide?

吾知原來你都有IN YYC, 8)
係呀,其實我覺得每日去計幾多 min ENG NET class time 並不太重要... 有 45 mins 又不一定代表有 quality, 20mins 又不一定學吾到野... plus 我相信,o向屋企同其它課外時間都有好多學英文既 channels. Lee 個我個人並不太擔心.  

不過多 NET當然好過少啦! so far 眼見就真係 St. Cath 最多...反而YORK 就真係無o羊點見到, but i m sure we may not see the full picture just by going for an interview... 8)

原帖由 Jeco 於 09-11-19 12:13 發表

HI, 又係依到見到你啦...我都好鐘意又一村, 之前都有交留位費, 當初又一村收既時候, 了解到原來一日先得20分鐘由外藉老師教英文 & 每星期一堂20分鐘教普通話覺得非常之少...但原來全部九龍塘既學校都差唔多(除左國 ...
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