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對St. Paul's Kindergarten好失望 - Interview竟然首先問住香港OR九龍 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-18 22:35 |顯示全部帖子
By reading different posts about SPK interviews, I think it depends on which interviewers you met.  Some are nice but not all.

I am very happy with the interview because when we were sitting outside the interview room waiting, one interviewer who was very serious look came over and asked my twins' names in order to identify them.  After clarifying, I told her my twins are better in English and she was kind enough to say she will ask both in Chinese and English if necessary.  While talking to the other interviewer, we heard the conversation between the girls and interviewer was English, and I am sure not all interviewers would do the same.  We were lucky to meet these two interviewers.  Good feeling after the interview and no regret no matter how the result is.

原帖由 My_Princess 於 09-1-18 17:22 發表
我和先生對St. Paul's Kindergarten Interview 印象真係好差呀!

昨日去Interview, 本想早到係希望囡囡Warm up 下, 點知一去到課室門口就唔理我Interview time, 就要入去In.  心感到不妙, 點解隔離的課室咁多人等, ...
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