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對St. Paul's Kindergarten好失望 - Interview竟然首先問住香港OR九龍 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-1-19 14:00 |顯示全部帖子
Hi hugub, remember me?  I also had the interview at 208B!  My time was 9:02am, but we missed the calling but did make it at 9:00am.  It was such a terrible experience during our travel to SPK.  So, I don't think I will be lucky this time.

However, which teacher asked you that?  Because I was also shocked by them with their first question!  My wife and I sat down and the first question is, you two both need to work?  However, we wrote it on the form that my wife is full-time mom already.

Good luck to you!


原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 12:07 發表
Rm 208 B law


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發表於 09-1-19 14:50 |顯示全部帖子
hi hugub,

Yes we got the PC seat but still thinking whether to register.  My daughter is accepted by Sacred Heart so we have decided to study there.

I am aware they like full-time mom.  In a sense, they are concern about how much time the parents can spend on the children.  So, this doesn't necessarily rule out all working mom.  But the preferences do exist.  For big B, I think the key is they are more mature, so at the end, the age is not the real concern, but the stability and maturity of the children are the important factor.

I feel sorry for you and find that the questions during your interview were quite weird!  Even though we are living in Tsing Yi, but the teacher actually didn't ask where we live, but she said up front, 'So, your daughter is born in August, right?'

Please don't be disappointed!  You daughter is already studying in a very good kindergarten (the only one which didn't offer my daughter!) and you don't need to worry about primary school also.  Look ahead and start to plan if you want to try again for SPCS (secondary school)!


原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 14:20 發表


Our interview time in afternoon, you live in Tsing Yi and got the seat PC right? From the comment from my friend who study in SPK, the school like the full time mama and the elder kid, th ...

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發表於 09-1-19 16:16 |顯示全部帖子
hi hugub,

Thanks for the suggestion, but my daughter has expressed her interests on Sacred Heart since the day of the interview, and my wife and I tends to agree with her.  My daughter at her young age is a very determined person and she has stated clearly that she would love to be a Sacred Heartist!

Personally, I prefer an all-girls school so SHCK and SPK are our preferences.  I am circled by some big PC families and have listened to comments from them.  However, we still feel strongly we would rather go for Sacred Heart.  Actually, those suggestions from the two PC families I know, suggest to me SH may be a better choice based on my needs.

Sometimes, it's tough for us to understand how the interviews have went and how they are being structured.  It's because we are not looking at them from the viewpoints of the schools.  For us as parents, it is actually tough to comprehend the reasons behind since we all love out children so much, and would want the best for them!

For my case, to express my love to my daughter, is to rather wait for our next opportunity if we both find SPCS will suits her, and our family.

I am sure as you have expressed your great interestss in spk and the teachers will definitely appreciate that.  I wish you all the best and hopefully they can treasure a great parent like you and a wonderful daughter of yours, and will make you an offer eventually this time!  Best of luck!


原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 15:13 發表


For SH and PC if I'm live in Tsing Yi I will choice PC, since SH is in mid level is too far.. (also my husband is graduate in PC , he is very calmness and I'm very appreciate him). SPK is ...

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發表於 09-1-23 15:22 |顯示全部帖子
I will say if your children is in spk, external English course is a MUST.  The spk parents have a tradition to gather together and organize English classes together.  You have to do this since St. Paul's Convent primary uses English as medium of instruction.

原帖由 BabyHilary 於 09-1-23 14:43 發表
That's also my concern, becoz my son got offer from a English kinder at Kln Tong which have NET teach eng and maths everyday and mandarin 3 lessons per week. Whereas SPK have no NET teacher, we have t ...

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發表於 09-2-9 01:44 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, this is the one in Causeway Bay.

Although they accept boys for kindergarten, primary section is a girls-only school.

原帖由 chanhiushan 於 09-2-8 23:03 發表
我係路過,  想問下你地係咪講緊銅鑼灣果間? 若係, 我想問呢間小學係咪女校? 因為我個係仔仔, 我都想佢讀呢間幼稚園, 若小學只收女生, 我咪要再諗其他小學囉! ...

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發表於 09-2-13 23:40 |顯示全部帖子
Well said!  And 靈糧堂 is a very good kindergarten too!  Faith will bring you to the right place for your children and your family!

原帖由 Chrizy 於 09-2-13 20:42 發表
其實我覺得都係以平常心對待學校收唔收自己個BB, 請大家看看那些長不大,身體有缺陷的小朋友(新聞透視/鏗鏘集),我地都好好彩,有一個健康的小朋友,又請大家回想當初有了BB時,每次去做checkup都害怕醫生會告訴你BB不正 ...

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發表於 09-2-28 09:51 |顯示全部帖子
My suggestion will be to think of an answer that is special and unique.  So, don't expect a good standard answer you can used.  The reason is the interviewers are asking the same question over and over again and they will only be interested to answers that keep them interested.

I hope this help!

原帖由 Kim08 於 09-2-27 16:06 發表
I am preparing for Next year's interview. Can someone share what would they ask (both the kid and the parents).

and what is a good answer on "why do you choose our school?

Thank you!

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發表於 09-3-1 22:15 |顯示全部帖子
SPK is in Causeway Bay, next to St. Paul's hospital, opposite of Regal hotel.

SPK = St. Paul's Kindergarten, K1-K3

SPN = St. Paul's Nursery N1 - N4
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