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樓主: My_Princess

對St. Paul's Kindergarten好失望 - Interview竟然首先問住香港OR九龍 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-18 17:22 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我和先生對St. Paul's Kindergarten Interview 印象真係好差呀!

昨日去Interview, 本想早到係希望囡囡Warm up 下, 點知一去到課室門口就唔理我Interview time, 就要入去In.  心感到不妙, 點解隔離的課室咁多人等, 我見個間冇, 同佢講等一陣, 因囡囡行完樓梯上到來, 想囡囡安頓一下, 且Interview time 未到, 佢話唔洗la, 係要我IN. 我感覺已經唔太好.

入到去, 就叫我和先生坐底, 另一老師就咁叫我囡囡坐另一處, 我來唔切反應, 一坐底, 竟然首先問住香港OR九龍, 一聽見答 "九龍", 就大聲話比見我囡老師聽 "九龍!"  我心想Application Form有住址, 仲要問, 跟住. 唔夠兩分鐘, 就In 完, 好求其, 好似根本冇心見,有D似歧視 "九龍人"!

我好angry,好失望, 覺得好似比人玩左一餐, 感覺好差,點解咁都得, 如果可以, 我真係想投訴學校點解咁唔尊重來In的家長, 這間所謂出名宗教學校, 係好黑暗, 一樣分階級, 地位, ...

真是親身經, 直到現在, 好angry! 不吐不快!

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-19 12:47 編輯 ]
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-19 01:15 |顯示全部帖子
AM session, Rm 2xxx ah!  It is really true!

In fact, my daughter is already accepted by some of our targeted kindergartens in early Dec.  After that, we haven't let my bb go to other interviews except St. Paul's.  

Before interview, we thought that this kindergarten is so good.  If my bb is lucky to be accepted, we may give up other choices and consider moving to HK side.  But after interview, we are very disappointed!  No need la!

原帖由 HebeMama630 於 09-1-19 00:55 發表
So strange to ask such kind of question???  

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-19 01:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-19 12:02 |顯示全部帖子
Same as asking for '住hk or kowloon side'?  This year, is it quite difference?  

"我哋BK咁多家長都沒有遇上有關住址的問題", I want to know if many mamis asked the same question.

Is it Rm 2xxx as well?

原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 11:53 發表
今年interview 真係趕鴨子, 上年interview時有D問題答得麻麻地,今年諗定點答啦,點知佢地竟然冇問,只係好有興趣我住hk or kowloon side... 有幾多個小朋友?我大囝幾多歲?讀邊間小學? 有D離提 ???

hugub ...

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-19 12:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-19 12:30 |顯示全部帖子
Room 211A ah!

If all bb not live in HK side, arranged in 2/F and asked this question?

Interview at 1/F, more chance?

原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 12:07 發表
Rm 208 B law


[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-19 12:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-19 14:49 |顯示全部帖子
What is the reason why they asked?   

We guessed that our returned form hadn't stated where we lived in.  It is seemed that the interviewers didn't want to spend much time if the family is living in Kln side.  The acceptance is seemed unlikely.

原帖由 277177 於 09-1-19 14:28 發表
我諗佢地唔係歧視 kowloon side 既人, 佢地可能只想收番d 住香港哥邊d 小朋友姐, 因為間學校係香港島, 如果住 kowloon side 既返學會好辛苦

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 01:58 |顯示全部帖子
我係一個講實話的人, 我深信唔同家長對St. Paul's kindergarten 熱切的程度不同, 從你口中, 我覺得自己一定冇你渴望自己子女入St. Paul's咁大. 其實從其他Posts (如聖心 vs St. Paul), 不同家長在為自己子女選校時會考慮不同因素, 作出不同選擇.  最近有個mami post, 佢bb好叻ah, 考到famous schools like KV etc., 但佢話可能都係安排bb讀番現在讀緊冇咁出名的kindergarten (因full time), 有時其他人的選擇並非你所想.  在發表意見時,應該懂得尊重及包容別人的意見.

我發表這個Post, 不是為如果囡囡不被取錄找藉口, 想冇想過, 亦唔會想不取錄bb係技不如取錄bb.

我表達真係對St. Paul's interview 的住址問題及老師的表現好驚訝! 情理上, interview問題在某程度有助選取學生, 住在HK Island or Kowloon, 對於取錄與否有關係嗎? 為什答完"Kowloon", 要隔空氣講給隔住布簾的另一個老師聽?這表現真另人費解, 真令我有不受尊重的感覺.  之後,我和hb都有相同想法, 對這個學校係唔係人們講咁好,我們真係有Reservation.  

對我們來說, St. Paul's kindergarten 唯一優勢係有聯繫Pri and Sec., 但學術及學童培育方面, 與我心儀已取錄囡囡的kindergartens比較, 未必會好得過.

原帖由 fujitasze 於 09-1-20 22:28 發表

RAA:妳話我無禮貌妳又好有禮貌咩,我講的全是事實,如果真係SPK有offer,無論interview時有幾不愉快,100個家長99個都會accept offer,只不過你地D家長口口聲聲話no need la,SPK有offer都唔要.... 其實只不過是一個藉口,因為 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 10:05 |顯示全部帖子
Maybe, many parents had done this, but not for us.  

If for testing EQ of parents, I don't believe it!  So crazy mind!  Unless you are participating in interview activities and assessment, no one could give the right answer!  Thinking rational, as you told, the interview was so short! why not treasured the interview time to ask for relevant questions if the school is so super good.  The address had already provided in application form.  

If the question was really used for testing EQ, it is not a good question and I thought the school made the wrong choice!  Ha Ha!  We are the WINNER.  We still kept our good temper to answer the question and shown considerate.  The purpose of question could not be achieved to test the EQ of parents for our case!

For the responsible school, as like the job interview, good company at least read the CV and prepare to ask for relevant questions, show considerate to both involved parties.

原帖由 fujitasze 於 09-1-21 08:38 發表

要知道凡是多人考的KG interview時間都好短,如KV,SC...好多家長都話在interview時很不愉快,但收了之後又死死地氣入去讀,問你住邊區你又唔係唔識答 ,識答咪算口羅,你點知SPK問你住邊區有什麼目的,可能佢地只想睇你有什麼 ...

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-21 12:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 10:32 |顯示全部帖子
Dear mypang,

This question is not asked for bb to reply.  Asked for parents.

If this question was asked for bb, I thought my bb might not answer correctly as we haven't taught her before.

I posted this topic here, just want to share my bad feeling and disappointed.  I agreed that the most important thing was helping my bb to choose the best and suitable kindergarten for her.  If the parents had a hesitation to let bb study in one school, they may make another choice if possible.  Maybe, someone challenged not 'realistic'.  But this is our choice honestly.


原帖由 mypang 於 09-1-21 10:21 發表
大家都係為自己d仔女.... 唔好太勞氣la...


只係個人愚見... (唔好challeng ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 11:17 |顯示全部帖子
Honestly, as casually discussed with my hb, at this moment, we have hesitated to let my bb study in if my bb is unexpectedly accepted.  

At present, we have helped my bb to reserve seats in some famous kindergartens in Kln (like SC, etc.) already. Why I reserve more than one KGs?  It is obvious as we haven't decided the final choice.  

After last 3 mths' busy in K1 interview, we feel tired and are worry for next round P1 interview.  It will induce too much pressure for us and my bb in her 3-year KG life.  Therefore, we may consider my bb study in St. Paul's and were going for interview.  When we looked at past posts, mami's sharing, etc. our thought may not be right.  As we have a planning to let bb study oversea later, St. Paul's may not be the most suitable choice (seemed no NET in St. Paul's kindergarten).

I am not sure if we will change my mind after announcing the result in late Mar.  But now, we are moving to prefer bb study in international KG or similar type.

原帖由 happysin 於 09-1-21 10:43 發表
just 1 question to my_princess, will u take spk offer if accepted eventually? just curious.

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-21 12:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 12:40 |顯示全部帖子
Dear RAA,

Thanks for your sharing and reply regarding some mami's comments.

Regarding the query of 'realistic?' raised by one mami, I don't want to argue too much as it is really our thought and decision.  But looking at replied posts, I think I need to clarify and share my view with others.

For me, I am not familiar with Chinese typing.  I spent so much my sleeping time to write my post today's morning (1:xx am).

原帖由 RAA 於 09-1-21 12:10 發表

你嘅思想言行係咁嘅質素, 同你溝通唔倒喎

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks.  I have calmed down much compared with the interview day on 17 Jan.  

Before interview, we have made a research.  We knew there are some students in St. Paul's living in Kln side.  I also visited the website of 保母車”黎太 as well and asked for the traffic fee (so high, >$1,000/mth).  So we believed the address is not a concern at the beginning.  

But during the interview, the teachers really gave us a feeling that there may be lower chance for living in Kln side.  That's why we are so disappointed.  

I don't know what standard or criteria used for choosing the student this year.  But, the teachers' response let us have this thought - the criteria may be changing this year, priority set to HK side.  

Just share my views only.

原帖由 invitation 於 09-1-21 12:46 發表
唔好咁嬲啦,好少事.亦唔好為一兩個老師的一次半次反應而否定間學校.我相信此校收生不會計較住址,唔信你可以返查往年POST上BABY KINGDOM的收生紀錄和問吓此校保母車”黎太”..真係好多九龍學生. 

以我的經驗,SPK面試的老師 ...

[ 本帖最後由 My_Princess 於 09-1-21 13:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
我怕人誤會,真係想澄清一下, some mamis may not know the interview arrangement this year.

For St. Paul interview this year, parents and bb are arranged to separately interview by two different teachers.  Parents and bb were sitting at different places in the same classroom, around 2-3 feet 距離, 用布簾隔開.  Application form has stated our address. In fact, it doesn't matter as we replied her where we live in.  It is ok if the teacher just wrote down.  But why she shouted in the air to other teacher who was interviewing my bb that 'live in Kln ah'?  This may affect my bb and disturb my bb's interview process.   This behaviour made us unhappy!

Even the address may be one of considerations for selecting candidates.  But the behaviour of this interviewer, 太明目張膽, 何必令被接見家長有 bad feeling?  When assessment, the school can know where we live in via application form.  Even the interviewer asked us the address for confirmation, just write down but it is really not necessary to tell to my bb's interviewer immediately (in front of us) !  Unless hidden agenda ......

原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 09-1-21 20:21 發表
其實問住喺邊好正常, imagine我interview工, 10間有9間都會問我住邊, 因為都佢地黎講, 真係重要, 對小朋友的學習都係一樣, 如果要travel長時間去返學, 對佢地學習有一定影響......如果有2個similar family backgroun ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-22 10:02 |顯示全部帖子
Please visit this site:


As I lived in Kln side, therefore, I asked for her in Sep 2008 about the fee.  It is quite high!  You can visit the forum of St. Paul's kindergarten in baby kingdom,  some mamis have shared their views as well.

原帖由 BabyHilary 於 09-1-22 01:37 發表
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