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Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-10 23:39 |顯示全部帖子
Last year, my baby had Pre-nursery (PN) offers from 維記, 蘇淅 & 衛理堂, I have chosen 蘇淅.  A number of my friends' children are attending Victoria PN currently, most of them will change to other KGs next year. Based on the withdrawal rate, I think I have made the right choice for my baby last year.  Hope you can made the right one. I know it is a headache.  No one can mde the decision for you as each KG has it pros and cons.  My baby will attend 蘇淅 KG AM class next year. I am glad we can secure an AM class.

原帖由 Vinell 於 09-2-5 18:40 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-13 00:25 |顯示全部帖子
如果係囡 and you don't mind let her study in girl school at such a young age, 楝真光 la as you can have through-train to 真光 secondary school.  This will save your headache in the coming years....
原帖由 Jessy 於 09-2-12 10:56 發表
如果係囡, 我會楝真光, 而且又係am班.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-13 00:28 |顯示全部帖子
Most kids can get use to school life within 1-2 months.  So, should be fine if you send your son to N1 next month.  Your son is great to secure a AM class woh if he has no pre-nusery experience..........do your family have any connection with the school, like alumni?
原帖由 sammisammi 於 09-2-11 20:24 發表
My son is accepted for am  class, but will it be difficult as he's not started any N1 class yet
(will start N1 which is in TKO next month  )

I think many kids  accepted should be from KCS N1.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-17 01:04 |顯示全部帖子
Chens, absolutely agree with your comments.  A child only spends approximately 3 hours per day in school and the rest of the time at home, thus, home education in more important in shaping the character of a child.  Thus, I think some parents nowaday are over-reacted in selecting the PN or KG for their child and ignore the feeling of their child.........

原帖由 Chens 於 09-2-16 11:02 發表
都係 "好depends 你要什麼". 坦白說, 我都認為真光好, 但係我知我個囡係可以"谷"到的那種, 唔"嚴"都會好懶.
我想佢自我控制能力好d. 不過我知道KCS有d 教學方法係要補足, 但唔緊要, 我會自己教返多D.
其實所有學校 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-23 00:24 |顯示全部帖子
I did have AM offer cause I worte to school.  So, write the letter now and then call to see if they are willing to disclose to you your waitng number and you can guess your chance.  If the chance is low, I may choose Victoria as I am a kind of mum insist on sending the kid to AM class.  Ther are a lots of good side assoicated with AM class........your kid can have afternoon sleep wich is crucial for the health.  Time for other things such as interest class is more easy to arrange.  I have chosen KCS instead of Victoria because Victoria only offered my baby PM class last year.  After my baby going to KCS for almost half year, I think this school is good except adminstratively.  Also, I like the environment of KCS more than Victoria.

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-3-22 22:32 發表

Keep writing to the school and stress your intention to go to am if there is seats available.  If you have written to them, then you will be in the waitlist for am class.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-23 20:40 |顯示全部帖子
I don't know the statistic, but based on my experience, I will only say the N1 students of KCS will have a higher chance of admission to KCS KG if your child's performance is acceptable, no need to be very good.  My child's performance is not good nor outstanding during KCS KG interview, but finally got accepted....I think my child attending KCS N1 is of help.  I have been worrying it for several months after the interview that I need to look for other KG......and feel so released now.  Actually, if I were the teacher in KG, I would also prefer those already attending KCS N1 as they already got used to KCS's Mandarine teaching media and the environment.

Chens, I do think afternoon sleep is very important to a child before she/he goes to primary school.  To me, health built up when she/he is small is more valuable than knowledge or skills gained from school.  

原帖由 esther.cy 於 09-3-23 16:36 發表
How about the chances of promotion from KCS N1 to K1? I heard a parent said only 50% kids from KCS N1 can be promoted to KCS K1; I called also KCS today and they said all KCS N1 student needs to gone  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-25 23:49 |顯示全部帖子
No, based on my understanding, Victoria has English every day, one of the teachers in charge of the class is a English speaking person.........thus, they are stronger than KCS if you are talking about English only.  The above statement is true only if that teacher is proactive in talking with students as a few of my friends told me the English speaking person in their kids class (in Victoria) is not proactive at all..........that is just physically exist.

原帖由 howo 於 09-3-24 11:28 發表
Seem KCS have English class everyday, Victoria only twice per week.


Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-25 23:51 |顯示全部帖子
Hello, Wendy, Mine is N1A.

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-3-24 01:06 發表
Hi Wendy and Sorb

Which class is your child in ?  Mine is N1F.
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