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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 請問 RCHK 小學部家長
樓主: Miclint

請問 RCHK 小學部家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-5 20:27 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Miclint 於 09-2-5 17:13 發表
計我話 RC 和 SJS 兩間都係好多人想入都入唔到o既好學校,入到其中一間都係上天的恩賜呵!

wowow looks like we have a long discussion here today. I agreed if your kid can get into either RC or SJS, both are good primary schools but with different style. Take either one you won't feel regret. For me I only consider if my school is close to where we lived, so I am still waiting for CWBS....

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-2-5 21:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-6 13:36 |顯示全部帖子
Bear in mind:

Traditional ESF is called English School Foundation... so you should expect they ask your kid to speak English within the school. And to intake Native English Speaker is their no.1 goal, and they still get subsidies from the HKSAR Gov't, which this is a requirement.

For RC, though under ESF umberlla, but they are under IB, which encourgae multi-lingual environment and focus also on mother tongue. And also they are a PIS which made them less restriction in recruiting new students

If you can consider the above factors, and send your kid to the correct school, both you and your kids life will be easier and happier.

Hope this help!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-6 16:05 |顯示全部帖子
Again you can't get both sides of the world. If you want to study in IS like RC or other ESF, etc, you need to put you kid in IS Kinder. I see some other local kinder also teach Chi & Eng at the same time, but once you have interviews in IS for year 1, you will know this may be a disadvantage. Some IS will fail applicants who speak chinese during the interview.

So make up your mind where you want to send you kid to, and then prepare. Honestly speaking to teach you kid do some many things while they are only 3-4 is very hard to them. I see some parents sending their kids to have IS Kinder in AM then local kinder in PM, saying that this will help them learn both Chinese and English. I told you what your kid need while they were still very young are, LOVE, and SLEEP.......zzzzzzzz

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-7 06:18 |顯示全部帖子



曾經有一位立法會議員對我說:「教導子女,"身教" 最重要。因為家長如何,小孩看在眼裏,記在心裏。你想你的孩子如何,你就要成為他們的榜樣!」願與各位BK家長共勉之!

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-2-7 11:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-7 23:31 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 steamball 於 09-2-7 10:17 發表

but I guess not many IS parents can read Chinese, or may be not willing to understand..... sigh......

anyway, hope you guys can discuss in a harmonized way. Kids are our future, and hope they can learn the good things from us, not the bad thing.

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-2-7 23:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-23 14:45 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 cornelius 於 09-2-23 13:58 發表
Before sharing my little thoughts, I wish to disclaim that I am neither an RC parent nor a fan of the school.  It just happened that my Eurasian niece once studied in RC and that I have colleagues hav ...

I agree, let make this BK Forum a peaceful place to chat. After all, how good your kids can learn is not only depends on how good the school is, but also depends on a lot of happenings after school. So parents' contribution are a MUST too!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-17 10:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 琬晴B 於 09-3-17 10:47 發表
The programme talks about art of story telling, opera performing..... & how Renaissance College holds the library lessons for Year 3.

There will be a re-run tonight. Don't miss it!

The Pearl Report  ...

It is posted on TVB.com already, go to the 2nd tab of the video:

Be A Storyteller:


[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-3-17 11:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-23 21:23 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 KaKaYa 於 09-3-23 16:17 發表
May I know the question of interview ..... in Year 2 or year 3????
Thanks a lot.

See the basic language requirement for all ESF you may have some insight of what they will ask in the interview:


Year Two Requirement

In addition to Year One requirement, children seeking entry to Year Two should:-
(Oral Interaction)

  • participate in short, structured social interactions (introducing self, giving basic information, asking questions)
  • initiate and maintain general conversation with teachers and peers
  • describe and identify people, places and things using simple vocabulary for colour, size, place, location and time
  • describe a series of events or actions
  • express humour and describe feelings
  • negotiate in a simple way with peers (suggesting, agreeing, disagreeing, clarifying)
  • follow oral instructions
  • comprehend and use basic markers of sequence (first, next, then) and adverbial phrases of place, location and time (over there)
  • use common prepositions (in, at, on, near)
  • regularly use pronouns (I/me, he/him, she/her)
  • use verb and noun endings with some consistency (-ing, -ed, -s)
  • express negation within sentence structure
  • answer questions requiring an explanation using ‘because'
and Responding

Entrants to Year Two will also be expected to:-
  • join in with shared reading activities responding to simple text aloud
  • sequence a simple story using pictures
  • distinguish Roman from non-Roman script
  • show awareness that reading in English proceeds from left to right and top to bottom
  • know the difference between letters and words
  • relate some letters to the sounds they commonly make (e.g. initial letter of own name)
  • recognise and name the letters of the alphabet
Some children will be able to read familiar and some unfamiliar texts using knowledge of English sounds/symbol relationships and knowledge of basic punctuation

  • combine writing and drawing to create a simple text about a topic, using well-known words or short phrases (e.g. This is my house)
  • shows awareness that English writing consists of words formed by letters
  • leave suitable spaces between words written
  • demonstrate awareness that certain letters represent certain sounds
  • be able to read back what they have written

Year Three Requirement
In addition to Year One-Two requirement, children seeking entry to Year Three should:-
(Oral Interaction)
  • understand teacher questions on familiar topics or themes and respond with phrases or sentences
  • initiate and participate in casual exchanges with English-speaking peers
  • contribute information and express ideas in group tasks
  • sequence information logically for the listener
  • recall and retell what has been read or listened to
  • show awareness of need to make meaning explicit (in information gap activity)
  • answer simple open-ended questions (how and why)
  • consistently use some common irregular past tenses (went, saw, came)
  • use compound sentences (We went on an excursion and it rained and we came back)
  • use subject, object and possessive pronouns with some consistency (I, my, me, mine)
  • use subject specific vocabulary necessary for a familiar topic (e.g. mathematical terms)
and Responding
  • understand and use some of the terminology of reading (author, title, letter, word, sentence, page)
  • read with understanding short texts based on simple language structures, familiar vocabulary and contexts
  • make predictions about likely events and outcomes when reading or listening to a text read aloud
  • read back own writing
  • demonstrate an understanding of simple punctuation by using appropriate intonation and pausing when reading aloud
  • use some word attack skills to decode (initial, sounds, blends, mid-vowels)
  • can write a simple text based on personal knowledge and experience
  • represent ideas in a sentence
  • write texts showing simple cohesion of ideas, using ‘and' and ‘then'
  • write sentences that use subject-verb-object patterns
  • use common adjectives to describe
  • spell accurately some familiar common words
  • spell some words based on pronunciation
  • use some basic punctuation markers to indicate sentence units

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-24 13:07 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 KaKaYa 於 09-3-24 12:35 發表
Thank you so much! And any special skill for sharing for 1 time or 2 times interviews for them?Would they only 1 test paper for 45 mins ???Hopefully, have your information.

Have a nice day!

Sorry my kid only had interview for Y1 only, so it is all oral test in 45 mins.

I think there is no shortcut for these kinds of interview anyway, I will suggest you turn all your environment at home to Eng for your kids, including speaking, watching TV, and go to more Eng lesson after school. Hope this will help.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-24 14:10 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 KaKaYa 於 09-3-24 13:30 發表
It doesn't matter! May I know any interest classes for the kids e.g : Gym , basket, Judo, swimming, .....etc?If they have a interest classes, have any school bus for them??Do you want to choose additi ...

pls take a look at this website for ESF after school activities


Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-26 00:26 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 my2003 於 09-4-25 09:26 發表
Hi. We will be moving back to HK from Canada. My kids (now grade 7 & 5) are accepted by RC. My questions are:
1. School fee is a real concern for me (pretty expensive) - Is it true that there are scholarships which may cover part of the sch fee?
2. How is the Chinese language teaching - is there any remedial class for kids who only read a few Chinese characters?
3. Apart from the tuition fee, is there any other expenses?
4. I don't know much about IB...Is it true that the universities in US /Canada will accept students writing IB exams?

FYI only

1. Scholarship: http://www.renaissance.edu.hk/scholarship.php

2. Chinese
Primary: http://www.renaissance.edu.hk/content.php?contentid=139

Middle year:

3. Other fee like lunch, school bus, books........ other RC parents can advise

4. Yes, please go check on IB website:

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