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我地大家都生了個A仔, 你地有冇諗過以下問題? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-24 22:56 |顯示全部帖子
Doctor said my boy was a margin case.  He has some auteric features.  Look back, my pregnancy was a great burden.  I had placeta separation when he was 12 weeks old and then again when he's 13 weeks. I nearly miscarraged.  Luckily, God heard my prayer.  When he's 23 weeks, doctor said something's wrong with his fingers.  He checked up thoroughly.  He couldn't ascertain whether there was anything wrong with the brain unless we took those invasive testing.  We only had a few days to make a decision - abortion or not.

Finally I decided not have any test and keep the baby. At first, I thought only his fingers had problems.  Now he's a little bit slow in speech and social skills.  Sometimes, I thought maybe I should not bring him to this world.  But once I had this thinking, I would remind myself it's me who made the decision and no matter what it is not his fault for being sick.  I think every kid is just like an assignment from God.  Someone's assignment maybe easier but someones aren't, especially for those who have greater capabilities.
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