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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 4 歲大學芭蕾舞, 有邊間好 ?
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4 歲大學芭蕾舞, 有邊間好 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 23:48 |顯示全部帖子
曾雪麗 is really very expensive.  曾雪麗 is nearly my home too - just downstair.  But I choose Chinese YMCA for my daughter.  It only cost me around $500-600 for 2 ballet lessons per week.  They are also sending their student to attent the Pre-Primary, primary...grade x exam of the Royal academy of dance.  It really worth it as you end up getting the same certificate.  For the exam, I also need to pay more than HK$1000 for both the application and other preparation in YMCA eventhough their course fee was cheap.  On top of the examination fee, I also need to buy a new set of dancing suit for the exam.

Hope the info can help you.

原帖由 YYML 於 09-3-16 13:10 發表

還有報今年5月考試要上年8月交錢,又是千多元,但我近期於考評局網頁得悉報PP約2/3百元 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-18 23:54 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter join the Chinese YMCA class in Kwai Hing.  Chinese YMCA also has club house in Yam Ma Tei (next to Kwong Wah Hospital) and Hong Kong - Sheung Wan.  I pay the exam fee around end Nov.  I am happy very their tuition fee and arrangement. My daughter already obtained the PP cert. last year.  She is going to attent the Primary exam of RDA this May.

原帖由 YYML 於 09-3-17 09:37 發表
Thanks for your sharing.

Can you tell me where is the Chinese YMCA? Do the classes hold on weekdays or weekend? Did you have to pay the examination fee so early? I had to pay it on last August. So I ...
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