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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 anyone knows ESF Kinder vs RC ratio
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anyone knows ESF Kinder vs RC ratio [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-2-21 13:15 |顯示全部帖子
RC do not have catchment area restriction. This is for sure. So anyone can apply but I would think that most students are probably still from either NT or Kowloon.

However, other than this, they have not told outsiders what their admission policy is exactly. They should have some kind of policy but everything is internal. Even the teachers would not know, unless they are in the core group helping with admission process.

However, by observing and asking around, I noted these:

English standard is the top priority. Having a sibling already with RC would not help your case, unless your younger one is also competent in English. Even being with ESF kindergarten is not a sure-win case. RC does not have to give ESF kindergartens priorities.

This year, I do not have enough cases to support me. But last year, RC has taken children from quite a lot of English speaking kindergartens. Children they have taken last year are mostly very outspoken and cheerful. So I think they do not only look at your English standard but your personality as well. It is quite understandable because the IB curriculum requires more than merely good English. I presume that it would not help if parents try to "train" their children to be the quiet, bookworm type.

It is still too early to presume that everyone at WKS would want to go to RC. In fact, I think most of them would probably not choose RC in the end. It appears to me that WKS (in fact most ESF kindies) mostly cater local Chinese kids. Western kids mostly go to other kindergartens. And, most local Chinese parents do prefer the older ESF schools, so I guess WKS kids would more likely go to SJS.

Although they said that this year there are 400+ applicants for 100+ places at RC, it is not the equavalent of 25% chance for everyone. On the other hand, even if there are only 90 applicants for 100+ places, it does not mean that anyone has 100% chance to get in.
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