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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 YMCA Int'l Kindergarten (TST)
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YMCA Int'l Kindergarten (TST) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-2 19:34 |顯示全部帖子
My girl is now studying in YMCA.  There are 3 teachers in her class, actually the nos of teachers depend on the numbers of students in a class.  Some are bigger classes while some are smaller classes. One teacher is an American, one is indian and the other one is a Chinese, i guess.  They are all very caring and loving.
Most of the students are English speaking and there are lots of Japanese and Indian and i feel the English standard of the students are quite good.
Communication Book is the official communication between the school and the parents.  But if you have any questions, you can talk to them anytime and they are all good teachers.  So i do not think communication is a problem there.  They will also try to discuss with you if they found any problem with your kid at school.
In conclusion, i found this is a good school.  My daughter studied in Kingston before and i like the teachers in YMCA more.  The only drawback is i found the classroom and the school area are pretty small, but the supporting facilities e.g. gym, podium playground and swimming pool are perfect!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-5 20:12 |顯示全部帖子
1) 校內的紀律問題如何?

I found the kids are well behaved there.

2) 小朋友一個星期學普通話一次,他/她願意學嗎?

Do not expect too much.  Just something like 15 or 30 mins.  As far as i understand, the teacher will sing or tell story, so i do not think there is much for them to learn, just better than none.

3) k1/k2才開始學jolly phonics嗎?

K1 and the progress is not bad.

4) 學校的宗教意識如何?

They have bible telling and they will pray before snack.  The school also always encourage helping others and charity.

5) 小朋友的英文水平你滿意嗎?

absoultely yes.
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