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教育王國 討論區 保良局陳守仁小學 請給意見,法文定日文好?
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請給意見,法文定日文好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-4 13:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我個女女今年將入讀TSL, 想問吓到讀法/日文會好啲?
1)自己覺得讀日文係香港會實用好多, 日常接觸會比法文多, 會對佢學起嚟有啲幫助同提高興趣.
3)自己睇過吓啲法文書, 覺得真係非常之難學, 相反日文係細細個時學可以話係無乜難度.
4)朋友或家人話法日日後出嚟做會好好多, 皆因外國企業一般除英文外, 識法文會有好大幫助. 相反識日文通街都係, 而且只係對日本企業有用, 但識法文就相對唔係唔多.
5) 日文就算自己俾錢出街學都唔係好貴同可能教得仲好, 但法文出街學就好貴, 教得好嗰啲仲更加貴.

自己諗咗好耐都十五十六, 皆因一錯咗就無得轉反學其它, 所以有無大大或己有入讀嘅家長可幫手俾啲意見, Thank a lot!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-4 16:25 |只看該作者

I wrote the following post about 20 months ago.
When I just looked at it again, I think the content is still valid now.

1) If you want your child to learn French/Japanese just for interest, either one is fine as long as your child likes it.

2) But if you think about it more pragmatically (i.e. whether this third language will be useful for your child or not in future career), you may consider the following.

Japanese : mainly used in Japan

French : used in France, part of Switzerland, part of Italy, part of Belgium, part of Luxembourg (Europe); Quebec & French-speaking provinces (Canada); some countries in the (Carribean Sea); former French colonies in (Africa) and various islands in the Pacific Ocean and some people in Vietnam and Laos (Asia)

As we are in HK, the younger generation likes the Japanese culture, clothes, food and comic books very much and a lot of HK people like to go to Japan for vacation as well.
There are more Japanese companies in HK and there could be relatively higher chance to work for a Japanese company than a French company.

Geographically, HK is much farther from France than from Japan so theoretically, we should have relatively less chance in using French here, unless we work in a French company.  But you can use French in a much wider territory than Japanese.

However, my personal bias is that when a girl speaks French, it sounds beautiful.

I guess other TSL parents may have different views on this.

No matter you will choose basic French or basic Japanese for your child eventually, don’t expect your child to be very fluent French/Japanese speaker even after 6-year’s lessons, unless your child will have the chance to practice either language at home with family members.
I presume the lessons taught are rather “basic”.
However, there is no harm for the kid to learn one more language just for interest at an early stage.

Do consult with your child and make the choice.

原帖由 joe3805 於 09-3-4 13:43 發表

我個女女今年將入讀TSL, 想問吓到讀法/日文會好啲?
1)自己覺得讀日文係香港會實用好多, 日常接觸會比法文多, 會對佢學起嚟有啲幫助同提高興趣.
3)自己睇過吓啲法文書, 覺 ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-3-4 16:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-5 12:54 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

我覺得首先小朋友的興趣為主, 如果她不喜歡, 佢上堂會很辛苦. 我女女自己選了法文,初時 我也有問她怎不揀日文, 因多些機會接觸, 但就是因為此, 她說大個先學也未遲, 加上她跟人學過一, 兩句日文, 以為自己已識, 所以話吾使學住, 佢是否好有主見呢?
而我也prefer 法文, 主要同你第5點見解一樣. 其實也不用擔心難, 她們咁細好易 pick up, 我仲叫佢教番我.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-5 17:42 |只看該作者
我覺得首先小朋友的興趣為主, 如果她不喜歡, 佢上堂會很辛苦. 我女女自己選了法文,初時 我也有問她怎不揀日文, 因多些機會接觸, 但就是因為此, 她說大個先學也未遲, 加上她跟人學過一, 兩句日文, 以為自己已識, 所以話吾使學住, 佢是否好有主見呢?
而我也prefer 法文, 主要同你第5點見解一樣. 其實也不用擔心難, 她們咁細好易 pick up, 我仲叫佢教番我.

我都明白, 但佢依家咁細, 邊識分乜嘢係日文法文呀?
兩種語文都對一個5~6歲細佬仔嚟講都係新同少接觸, 就算佢講你知都唔方係真啦!
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