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青衣區幼兒園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 00:54 |顯示全部帖子
The teacher said there is only one "international" class for PN.  The interview would be conducted in English only and the class would solely be conducted in English without Cantonese at all.  If English is not your mother tongue or if a bb doesn't understand English well doing interview, it is unlikely that the bb could pass.  

For "local" class, the teacher there said Cantonese would be used in PN, while the proportion of Cantonese and English is 60% to 40% in K1.  My bb is accepted and she will attend "local" class this coming August.  

But i persoanlly, like LH most but competition is really keen.  She my bb will attend interview in late march.     

原帖由 ourbbchu 於 09-3-9 17:43 發表
didn't know about 宏福N1 interview, as i didn't apply finally.. prefer 國際班.  K1 interview's experience was shared by a mom.
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