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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問有沒有小朋友係同時返兩間幼稚園的 ...
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請問有沒有小朋友係同時返兩間幼稚園的 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
my daughter is.so far she doesn't take afternoon nap. It is better staying at school rather than watching TV at home.
nobody can take her for hobby class (parents are working; helper is busy in taking care little brother)
life is no as harsh as people thought.
lunch is a little bit problem but children will adjust themselves(eat more snack during morning class, eat more after afternoon class)
Instead, she loves to play for additional  15 minutes during the lunch rather than eat.
of course, not suitable for children need to take nap;
not applicable if two schools are far away.
My son will be doing that way next year...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-11 11:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 靚媽唔易做 於 09-3-11 10:46 發表
如果因為個工人要湊細b的話, 我會比佢係同一間kinder讀全日, 起碼唔使走黎走去, 識應兩間唔同類型既kinder咁辛苦.

希望各位媽咪唔好為咗滿足自己慾望就以為咁樣做個小朋友就可以學到更多野......除咗成績外, 佢既紀 ...

For me, 200% not because of fulfilling my own desires.
We were struggling between local and IS when my daughter was in Nursery.
Studying in IS was our preference but learning Chinese [even Cantonese] was also important at that stage, that we could not do too much as full time working parents.
Now, I can say The most economic way to learn Chinese (Kindergarten Stage) is to let her staying in a local kindergarten (after government subsidiary, only $900 per month; much much cheaper than any courses you can find in Hong Kong, Kowloon, NT [ 3 hours per day; 5 days per week ]).
I found that not only Chinese, good discipline is also a bonus (from both school). Also, most of the trime she enjoys both schools very much!
I am not stating studying 2 schools is better than one. Different families have different backgrounds and different targets. All we need is not following somebody's footprints but find the most suitable way that will benefit our children.
Next year, my daughter will be studying in Year 1 in IS as full time student; no more rushing anymore...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-12 22:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Vinell 於 09-3-12 17:54 發表

初步我們只打算咁樣讀一年(因k1課程故輕鬆),其實他們現在讀的幼稚園比較free,沒有功課又在家附近。我hb幾鍾意。另外一間我想加比他們的是有學券制的學校,可以學國語又應該較著會教小朋友尊師重道. ...

I feel u treat the one near your home for "interesting class" right?
u can think in 2 different ways:
A. if your child is not easy to wake up in the morning, try morning class near your home, u can simply give it up if he does not get used to ...then focus in your favor school...
B. if you are confident in waking up early, go to your favor school in the morning...children use to have better concentration in the morning time...let him play freely in the afternoon school.
a few more comments:
1. if u have decided to go this way; need to check whether any school bus company could send your child from school A to school B promptly (not wandering in the garden). School bus always leave early (hopefully arrive early)and u don't need to worry to catch a taxi/bus [unless u drive by yourself]  
2. if approved by afternoon school, u can ask for changing uniform and having lunch inside the school (no need to change in shopping mall and eat underneath the footbridge : i saw some Kingston student doing that in lunchtime!)
3. i suppose one is IS and one is local school. If that is the case, Local AM and IS PM will be the best arrangement;
4. if both are local schools, i agree with other moms' opinions that really not worthy to rush in this way...as local schools' syllabus are more or less the same...no need to repeat the similar things in AM and PM.
Hope it helps! good luck!
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