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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 net 11 聖彼得小學有何看法?
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net 11 聖彼得小學有何看法? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-3-27 00:28 |顯示全部帖子

My son is studying in PM class now.  After entering into PM class, I found that my decision of selecting PM class for him is right.  The main reason is definitely because no need to rush to finish up the homwork especially for the working mom like me.  Also, no need to wake up in the morning especially in the winter time.  The child can have more time to take the rest. He usually wakes up at 9-10am in the morning.

My son now is a P2 student and he enjoy his school life very much up to this moment.  

原帖由 Heart 於 09-3-21 10:59 發表
Not a rumor, is a fact. PM session is far more better than AM, at least no rush to finish up homework and especially it is the case during test weeks and exams. You can still have lots of time to atte ...
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