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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀 ...
樓主: luiluimama

跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-28 15:39 |只看該作者

我個囝都係今年k1, 但佢仲未開始教'8'字wor? anyway, parent day我都同老師講過寫字呢個問題, 老師叫我地唔需要介意小朋友寫得好唔好, 況且唔好係意料中事, 因為佢地仲細, 主寫字既小肌肉係未ready. 當時佢話"2" "3"呢d有要轉彎既字係難架, 更何況妳話"8", 老師明架, 佢話佢地唔會介意, 仲叫我地唔好擦小朋友既字. 妳會唔會考慮吓睇定d先決定同囝囝轉校呢? 又或者同老師傾吓啦?
原帖由 luiluimama 於 09-4-3 22:51 發表
其實kv係好好既學校, 只不過到kv就真係太深, 唔岩我個仔, 因為我個仔而家k1寫個"8"字都有困難, 到k2真係難以想像

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-9 15:55 |只看該作者
Hello, luiluimama, are you still thinking of changing school?

I cannot tell what's happening at KV as I don't have any first hand information.  My impression is it's rather like a traditional primary school.  Think whether it's suitable for your son at this tender age.

Don't be surprised if your son cannot write '8'.  It's actually rather difficult for a small kid.  Teach him how to write and let him write only once or twice.  I asked my girl to write an S first and add an extra stroke it becomes an 8!  It works!

My girl is now studying in a very 'easy' and happy school in Kowloon Tong.  Two of the things the school does is to build up the kid's confidence and her interest in learning.  There are 4 newcomers in her K2 class.  So if you wish to switch to these schools, there are other people doing the same.  

Of course I am also concerned about her performance in primary school interviews.  So I have to pay extra effort in teaching her English and Maths!

Talk to your son and see decide if a 'difficult and disciplined' school or an 'easy and innovative' is suitable for him.

發表於 09-5-9 18:12 |只看該作者
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