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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 是否性格去決定讀書方向?!
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是否性格去決定讀書方向?! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-20 02:12 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 JojoB 於 09-3-19 10:48 發表
請問 你地覺唔覺得

某些性格既小朋友比較適合IS 呢?
某些性格既小朋友 又適合本地果讀田鴨式教學法呢?

如 小朋友自主性強的
在IS 該不會像傳統學校般 duck feed / 每天功課,每週讀書測驗
好多時都係上堂教左 而 ...

For me, I think studying in IS make you have more time to play and talk to your kids, instead of only working & worrying on homework every night when you & your kids get back home. Thus it will give more space for their other development. Also family life will be much happier as pressure from the school is lesser.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-22 13:41 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 foolish.mom 於 09-3-22 12:13 發表
As far as I know, those successful cases in IS are those kids who read lots of books in spare time. IS has strategy and high priority to encourage kids to read books. Those in traditional schools are  ...

I think my daughter who is 4 now already has 500-800 books (I have not counted) and she is in ESF Kinder now. I don't know whether she will be successful or not, but kid in IS really like to read books, so can explain why foreigner like to read books so much, and why Amazon.com can be so successful.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-24 12:27 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 黃巴士 於 09-3-24 07:39 發表

因為CONCEPT不明, 所有問多些:-

這樣, 我有些明白!!
是否先要從英文開始??? 因為是用英語溝通教授.  如果英文好了些, 是否才想IS或其他呢??? 係咪即係要學英文, 不是在IS, 而係去進修???

其實大家點解要讀IS??   ...

Not all IS require very fluent English, but most of them do. So if you start in kinder it will be easier. The later you do it, the harder the requirment it will be in most IS, I mean in Kinder / Y1 they may only require oral test, but after Y2 or Y3 some may already require written test.

Of course when get into IS, the English will get better, but it also depends on what kind of environment you give to your kids after school. As told, don' solely rely on the school for Eng or any other education.

I like my kid to go IS as the education system is more open-minded and interactive. Most of the local educational system (I can't say all) are duck feeding kind of teaching method only, althought they are trying to change (but somehow you know EB change the teaching mindset too frequently) and hope the future of local education system may be better, but who knows, and I don't want to bet.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-24 12:35 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 PRINCESCHUN 於 09-3-24 12:18 發表

我小朋友下個月4歲, 我想將佢小學時入讀RC, 咁想問應該幾時申請入表呢? 機會又大唔大? (佢本身英文OK的)

You should start to look at the application in coming Aug / Sept on RC website:


Is your kids studying in Int'l kinder already? RC and other ESF primary school require not only "OK" Eng to admit, but very fluent English (orally) as this is the medium of their teaching for all classes. So I will suggest you try to put your kid in an Int'l kinder NOW if you have not done so yet, if you really want to get in RC.

See language requirement of all ESF Y1 (including RC)


Year One Requirement
Children seeking entry to Year One should:-
(Oral Interaction)
  • be able to communicate verbally and non-verbally in routine social and classroom situations
  • use acceptable social formulae (e.g. please, thank you, excuse me)
  • use learnt formulae, well-rehearsed patterns and short simple utterances
  • give some basic personal information on request
  • show understanding of past, present and future tenses through use of time references
    (e.g. yesterday we..., tomorrow we...)
  • follow simple instructions (relying on key words and context)
  • extend answers to questions beyond single word responses (i.e. phrases and simple sentences)
  • be able to use simple adjectives to describe or add emphasis
  • use comprehensible pronunciation, stress and intonation when speaking
  • be able to sustain concentration for a group story and be prepared to participate in answering questions and prediction activities
  • communicate with other children in the group using English
  • indicate when they don't understand and ask for repetition
  • use questions to elicit help

You may want to try ESF WKS Kinder too for coming K2 (hope not too late), and move your kid to any Int'l kinder by now then move to WKS in K2.


Or any other ESF Kinder if they still have seat for K1 (but only 2 months left for K1)


Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-24 14:52 |顯示全部帖子
1. RC website 好似話yea1 係3月12 完左? 咁下一次係咪8, 9月再有?


2. 小朋友而加只係一間活動教學讀K1.

3. language requirement - 佢應該冇問題!

Go to add some more extra English class la, just to play safe


1. 如果今年同佢轉K2, 係咪去 Abacus 呢? (因我住鑽石山)

I think either Abacus or Tsing Yi is OK for Diamond Hill, but you should check how far the school buses of both kinders will go first, unless you drive. I know Abacus school bus doesn't go to even Choi Hung as per some BK parents here

2. Year 1 係咪去RC好D呢? 因為如果坐校車都唔算太遠吧!
RC should has direct school bus to and from Diamond Hill, I guess takes 30-45 mins per trip.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-25 00:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 PRINCESCHUN 於 09-3-24 23:13 發表
popolung: 你認為RC or SJS 好呢? SJS 學費好似仲平過RC

SJS is a normal ESF Gov't Subsidized school, so the school fee is a cheaper ($5xxx). RC is an ESF PIS (Private Independent School) so school fee is a bit more expensive ($6xxx).

SJS like all other normal ESF (like KJS, BHS, QBS, CWBS, etc) since they are gov't subsidied, they have a mission to take children from overseas or children that can't speak cantonese and so can't fit in local system. And this year as competition is very keen so unless you are Cat 1 (Native English Speaker) or Cat 2 (Non-English Speaker) but study in ESF Kinder or have siblings in ESF, otherwise chance are very slim.

RC is PIS so they actually don't bind by the above regulation to take Cat 1 student first. So they can interview and admit any children they want.

RC is pretty new when compared to SJS, many people said it has teething issues. But the facilities in RC is the best in ESF (and I heard DC is even better). And they started IB at the very beginning, so I guess in few years it will be as good as other ESF (while other ESF are migrating to IB now). So when your kid go into RC for Y1 or Y2, should be a very good choice too. And some parents also like RC as

1. They teached more Chinese than other ESF
2. RC has lunch set provided by school, other ESF students need to bring their own lunch box
3. If you are not living close to SJS, transport may be an issue. RC has school bus go to many places in HK to pick Kids.

Hope I have answered your questions.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-27 01:14 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 PRINCESCHUN 於 09-3-25 11:35 發表
真係唔該晒 popolung 咁長細資料:excited: 我而加等緊佢下一次8,9月收生, 通常會幾時知有得取表格呢:question: 同埋一個月加埋什費大概幾多:money$$:

1. Try call them at May or Jun to ask, before the school close.

2. 2009/2010 is HK$5100 school fee + $700-800 school bus. That's it.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-27 01:19 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 GUB 於 09-3-25 11:44 發表
dear popolung,

見講開RC, 我想請問一聲, 你知不知道RC收生, 是否和其他ESF一樣, 是以ESF Kinder為優先選擇?

目標希望女兒Y1可以考入RC, 女兒現在在一間montessori international school讀, 在考慮是否應為她報ESF Kinder. 因本想她在montessori school讀到五歲半, 但又擔心到時入RC的機會, 苦惱中! 而且ESF Kinder也很難入讀.

Yes, RC still take Cat 1 and ESF Kinder as priority for interview. An ex-senior staff in ESF told me some years ago saying althought ESF Kinder kids can't go directly into ESF Primary school, but as the teaching mindset is the same set, so should be easier to get via the interview. This is why people always think ESF Kinder kids has priority to admit, but I think nowadays even priority to interview is more important.

If you think you want your kind to go ESF Primary School, I will say you should let her go to ESF Kinder. Chance not too bad this year but I think in coming years will be very tough as this year Y1 competition is very keen. Otheriwse if your kid cn't get in, no harm still.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-27 01:23 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 GUB 於 09-3-25 16:19 發表
Dear oooray,

謝謝你的分享, 我都明白可能入ESF Kinder機會真會大一點, 女兒只得2歲, 報RC都是兩年多後的事. 我想到時RC應該會更多人報讀, 尤其是馬鞍山又開多一間ESF Kinder.  

不過由於當初選擇入IS都是想女兒0 ...

Tell you one thing. I think some BK parents here also know this. My daughter is in ESF Kinder, and I still have to worry until March before I know she has been taken by CWBS. Also she still have classmate either send to other ESF like KJS or SJS, or still on waiting list.

Imagine if you are in other kinder, till now, I guess you are still on waiting list, without chance of interview, no matter how clever your kid is. Face the reality, welcome to the IS world with only limited primary seats............ :<

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-27 01:25 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 JojoB 於 09-3-26 14:53 發表
某程度上入唔入到 ESF K 都係大抽獎
老土D講句 抽到你先再諗
或者到時 半日ESF  半日MONTE School可以嗎?

Get in ESF Kinder is not lucky draw. ESF is to take care of foreigner first. So if you have an overseas passport, or if you have sibling there, chance will be much higher. So if you has an overseas passport, try get your kid one too. As there is no interview so no one will test your 2 yrs old kid english.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-27 16:39 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 JojoB 於 09-3-27 10:04 發表


某程度上 中左 ESF Kindy 個感覺係
有又煩 無又煩  (因太鐘意現在依一間學校)

since you said this is a lucky draw, you must want to get the "prize" so you enter the draw. Now you have the "prize" I assumed, it should be a happy problem only. A lot of parents doesn't even have the chance to win the lucky draw, or simply can't afford it. So be a happy parent la!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-30 00:12 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 JojoB 於 09-3-29 13:33 發表

yes sure
我都覺得我個小朋友好幸運 抽到大獎 重要係am

不過 esf 我有一樣不太滿意係 教中文簡體字
若果佢地轉教繁體就好啦 kakakakaka

Then you can try to do a lucky draw in other kinder la........

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-30 11:04 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 JojoB 於 09-3-30 10:17 發表

半日一日  半日另一間

呀 重有一點

想請問下  ESF K有無 Attendance rate 計呢?

Attendance rate? ESF kinder is not an part-time evening school ar, be serious about it.......

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-3-30 11:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-31 00:07 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 GUB 於 09-3-30 20:34 發表
dear jojob,

咁Adrian係咪讀埋今個學期就過ESF??? Audrey今年年尾先入紙, 所以都仲有時間比我諗下, 不過針無兩頭利, 我都明白無兩全其美的方法, 總要放棄一些理想.

八卦下問, Adrian是去TY還是Abacus? 我住九龍中, ...

Can you try both at the same time? I have not think about it as I lived in TKO so just try Abacus. If your kid have overseas birth certificate / passport you may have priority.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-31 18:04 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 GUB 於 09-3-31 01:52 發表

Dear popolung,
兩間報都可以? 真要再問問.
可惜得我自己有英國passport, 問過英國領事館, 女兒要到英國住幾年先可以拿到.

Where do you get your UK Passport? If you got your UK Passport by the British Nationality Act 1981 (like my case) you can pass down your citizenship to your kid for 1 generation without going to stay in UK. So my daughter has both UK Birth certificate and UK passport while she was born in HK.

Sorry for asking your to try 2 kinders, I am just guessing if one can try or not.
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