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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 女兒不開心
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女兒不開心 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-3-21 04:24 |顯示全部帖子
Agree with all the great advice already given. My son had similar problem and I did most of what had been suggested and it really works. Mothers are better than any social worker in solving one's children's problems.

What I did,

(1)  My son loves swimming and he got some prizes which gave him a great confidence boost.

(2)  Got to know other moms, organise out of school playdates whenever possible, invite other children to my place for lunches and dinners.

(3)  Regular wushu/ kungfu weekly classes with 2 of my friends' sons and playdate after classes The class helps to build common interest and the kids quickly become good friends.

(4) Give him snacks to bring to school to share with kids and make friends. He really enjoys the attention and "temporary" friendship. It breaks the ice and he gets to know more kids.

(5) I talk to "strangers" in my building and at school with other moms. This gives my son a "learn by example" opportunity. He understands you can just go and make friends with just about anyone.

(6) When his social skills and confidence had built up, I took him to the podium once a week and encouraged him to play with other kids. After a few months, finally, he made a new friend. I made sure we were there when the "new friend" next went to play on the podium. V soon, my son became good friends with the "new friend" and my son found it easy to make lots more friends with the kids on the podium.

The above really works. But it takes time and effort. With the first taste of success in making friends, children pick up the social skill v v quickly. My son now is quite confident socially. I was surprised when we were in a playground in Australia, he went and make friends with an Australian boy AND his family!!

Just want to share my experience. Add oil mom.


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