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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Interview failed - soooo disappointed
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Interview failed - soooo disappointed [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-12 01:50 |顯示全部帖子
I agree with LoJulita! I applied 3 schools and 2 of them got in waiting list. The first one, I thought my son did excellent; I think the reason he did not get a place is because that is a local school and there are too many kids with brothers and sisters already studying in the school. The second one is Victoria and I know my son did not get a place because we do not have any relationship.  I was quite upset after receiving the reply from the 2 schools since I thot my son only did ok in the 3rd one. Luckily he got accepted!

In summary, I think within such a short period of time in the interview (only less than 10-15 mins for each child), there is no way they know which child is good. I think schools choose the students by :
1. relationship
2. relationship
3. relationship
4. if the child is normal and not too difficult
5. if the parents are not too difficult, and always challenges the school.
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