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發表於 10-10-28 15:39 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 joenjac 於 10-10-28 14:40 發表

here it is


In August, our family was spending a few weeks on holiday in the states before sending our younger daughter to university there. During those long driving journeys across states, the English pop songs from the two daughters' phones were filling the car cabin. And I am sorry to say I didn't know a single singer they mentioned. In the past, we were talking generation gaps across generations; now the generation gap is about something between age groups of 3 years different from each other. In our days we had to learn typing formally but now even a five-year old can type. Even Sherlock Holmes in new BCC series has become an obsessive user of smartphones. Somehow I think we have to move with the times while clinging to the good old days every now and then.

I also started from 梁羽生 and then migrated to 金庸 in my primary school days, but I never liked 古龍。

[ 本帖最後由 hog.wash 於 10-10-28 15:41 編輯 ]

temporarily hog.wash, forever uncleedward
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