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有無人報讀左 啟思幼稚園 (律倫街) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-10 13:42 |顯示全部帖子
My son is stuyding N1 in this school.  My comments to this school are wonderful and excellent.  

1.  The teachers are very good.  Frankly speaking, they did not call me so much when compare to the other school just once a month.  But the class teachers of son are very professional and nice.  (May be this is our luck)

2.  The campus is good.  I like the campus with some open area.  It is very important as it can reduce the spreading of virus.

3.  The syllabus of course is very good.  My son always has many different kind of activities in the school.

4.  The school has some parent-student activities in the school time.  Pls try to attend.  For example, there is a mini-sport day in the school.  If the parents cannot attend, then your kids of course will take care by the other teachers.  However, I am sure they will  feel bad as other classmates can play with their parents.

1.  This is true that their English training cannot compare with some bilingual kg.  It does not means they cannot provide good English enviornment, the fact is the school wants to sell mother-tonuge education.  If you do not appreciate their vision, don't take this school.
2.  We feel bad to say goodbye to this school as 1 train-through school accept my son for their K1 student.  We will miss the school and teachers.
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