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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 2009-2010 NCB a.m.
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2009-2010 NCB a.m. [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-8-5 00:49 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all NCBam parents!

Just to say hello and miss many of you originally from NCBpm.

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發表於 09-8-6 10:11 |顯示全部帖子
Hi teresalok620,

if you haven't bought the 底裙, you can try Citistore, my wife said she bought some there for Shannon and seems to be okay.

I am good, and you?  So happy to see many of you here.  Hope to rejoin you all 3 years later in primary section.  Thanks to my wife's efforts, Shannon's scar on her forehead is getting much better and hoping her new classmates won't notice it as school starts.


原帖由 teresalok620 於 09-8-6 00:18 發表

係wor, 一放學咪好多人? 可能用電梯落山仲快.....你地係返group 1 or 2 ah?

Hi Ian, 你好嗎?

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發表於 09-8-22 17:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi coco04,

I saw 童童's picture right behind me today!  Her class no. is no.4, right?  

The color is red, is she in Hello Kitty group?  I forget to notice her group logo tim.


原帖由 coco04 於 09-8-6 11:04 發表
童童都係返group 1 呀

頭三日, 一定要家長陪, 應該安排到
之後就唔可以陪, 咁又冇理由請假等放學
但都會自己送返學, 然後工人接放學
不過總係有小小唔放心, 要安排下 ...

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發表於 09-8-23 00:15 |顯示全部帖子
Hi coco04,

Because there're some storage spaces near the window side which I guess is for the kids to put their school bags.  On each spot, the teachers have already put the pictures of the kids in each shelf.  童童's picture is very easy to notice so I saw it right a way while I was not paying too much attention to the teacher's briefing in the classroom   I notice there are cartoon characters next to each of our kids' photo picture so that's how I find out 昭姸 is in Elmo's group.

Have 童童 went to pre-nursery?  The one 昭姸 studied also have similar things which each small group basically mean which table they will be sitting.  Did you notice the cartoon characters on the tables?  I saw there were Hello Kitty, Elmo and Shinkansen (that Japanese high speed railway).  Should be total 6 groups since I saw there were 6 tables.  Each pair of tables are also grouped by color, the two near the door was Red, the two near the window were Blue, and the two on the far side are yellow.


原帖由 coco04 於 09-8-22 23:50 發表

我矇查查呀! 童童係no.4, 不過我唔知係咩組, 點解你知道係hello kitty組? 其實仲有咩組架? 分組又有咩用?


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發表於 09-8-23 09:53 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Rebecca,

I tried to look for 昕昕's picture but can't find, she must have grown a lot now.  Sometimes I went to Maritime Square and look at the kids around and see if I can find her.  But I guess she should look a lot different with the picture you have here.

So how do you all feel about the parents' day?  I think it's very informative (or may be too details) and in general is quite relax for our PM briefings.  How's it for the AM briefings?  The only negative thing is I think the two new English young teachers are a bit nervous in our PM session and wasn't speaking very fluently.  How were they in AM session?


原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-8-6 08:59 發表
昕昕番group 1呀, 校車叔叔又咪通知點樣安排, 最worse case, o個兩個禮拜自己帶
你校車係邊度上車呀, 我o係Tsing Yi呀!

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發表於 09-8-23 14:22 |顯示全部帖子
I think Miss Chu (Lorraine Chu, right?) teaches the AM classes only, since the principal mentioned the PM teacher hasn't returned to HK yet.  The other two are quite young and very nervous indeed.  I heard from their accent which carries a bit of Chinese way of English pronunciation so I wonder if they are from mainland China.  Just my guess.  But I think they must have joined very recently since I guess the kindergarten are adding more English sessions than they used to have.

Anyway, the whole application process throughout are very nice, and people are all helpful.  I think we have chosen the right one for our daughters!

Let's keep in touch and we can share more information between am and pm classes of NCB.

原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-8-23 11:53 發表
其實我覺得sacred heart做得好好,由registration, 到新生日,好systematic, 比起昕昕之前間學校,好好多,打電話番佢問野,都好helpful, so far都好滿意!
係呀,am英文老師有dd nervous, 唔知上下晝係咪都係佢地,同埋d老師好young ...

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發表於 09-8-25 12:18 |顯示全部帖子
hi coco04,

I think it is because the vice-principal went too long in the AM briefing, that's why the time is a bit rush in that case.

In the PM briefing, the vice-principal became very aware of time and told us she better stop to avoid too much delay again.  So, we can spent longer time in the classroom.

原帖由 coco04 於 09-8-25 10:06 發表
我知金鐘有架小巴去羅便臣道, 由北角開出, 但唔知幾多號, 要問下我老公先
家長會果日我淨係覺得副校長講左好耐, 長左少少, 變左上課室既時間就緊迫左d, 我仲諗住老師會帶我地參觀下4樓添
唔知係咪之前我朋友講到shk ...
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