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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有意或將會入讀九龍塘朗思Think International School) ...
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有意或將會入讀九龍塘朗思Think International School)請注意 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-8-23 17:30 |顯示全部帖子

DEAR chupatmommy

Totally agreed with you and I really want to share my story with you and all other mommies that ready to get into Think in the coming month.  If I were you, I would not try to put my most important girl/boy in such lots of bad comments school.

I have two kids- one is already in ESF Primary, but the story is about my little girl, she is on 3 2/1years. when she was 2 years old, I put her into Think international class,  however, I also got a lot of bad comments about this school before that, but as Chupatmommy said, the principal's presentation was so attractive that made you feel Think is the best choice for your girl/boy. Then I finally chose it, and gave up the chance to study in Greenville (Think' s competitor).

First , within one year in Think, they changed three class teachers.

Second, I didn't have a  parent-teacher meeting winthin one year that supposed we should have in every kinder, I got nothing from the school for my daughter's developments.

Third, as we were going back to Canada from July, so I sent a letter to the school to withdraw her from Think until end of June.  I requested the school to have a  letter by just telling us her all-rounded developments within the year in Think. Unfortunately, I got the same results as you, WITH NOTHING  and left Think, but we paid HKD3400 per month. Is it fair?????

The story have not to the end, I requested to see the principal, they said the same words like yours說什麼校政係不會呀,對其他學生不公平呀...等等的廢話。Finally, they promised to give a letter by just stated my daughter was studying in Think from 2008-2009 by the end, with no comments, no development report.  However, we didn't even get the letter until now. Don't you think we didn't have the right to know our girls developments ??

Think is a very commercial school, you paid more than what you are going to get. If you think this kinder is an english kinder, you want to choose for your kids, I advise you to choose Greenville rather than Think. Lots Lots of better!!!

Hope we can provide the best to your kids not the worst!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-8-26 17:57 |顯示全部帖子
你的决定是明智的, 多谢支持!希望 其他媽咪都看到此题, 那就不用繼續為CHOOSE GREENVILLE OR THINK 而煩腦啦! 因爲根本不用考虑了, 没有父母會随意的, 须知道身教才是最重要的!而THINK 的行為是如何呢????
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