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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問嶺南幼兒園VS蘇浙幼兒園
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請問嶺南幼兒園VS蘇浙幼兒園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-24 10:20 |顯示全部帖子
老師愛心???  Each KG has so many teachers, some may be full of 愛心, some may treat it just like a job.  So, I think it all depends on your kid's luck.  My girl is quite lucky as all the teachers of her PN and KG class (both in 蘇浙) are all full of 愛心, but I have heard a few mums complainted about their kid's class teachers (also 蘇浙) not good.  So, really cannot give you a definite answer.  

校園環境???  蘇浙 is better than many KGs in HK, the only thing I am not satisfied is it has  sacrified its 操場 to be the parking place for the school buses.  If you want to know more clearly of  蘇浙's environment , highly recommend you to visit the school by yourself during the time when the kids go to school.  蘇浙 is quite open to be visited ga.

原帖由 Unclejt 於 09-10-19 02:55 發表
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