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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 2009第15屆香港-亞洲鋼琴公開比賽?
樓主: Combo

2009第15屆香港-亞洲鋼琴公開比賽? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-23 16:09 |只看該作者
is yr son K.3 now ?  I m so worry abt the application of P.1 recently.  So many kids compete for one seat for the DSS and private schools....  U know it is so funny, all the moms that I knew, who have sons ll definitely apply for DBS and st paul co edu, and those who have girls will apply for DGJS and St paul co edu....   

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-23 13:42 發表
咁啱嘅..我囝囝今年都報佐音樂節grade 3呀,上年佢係跳級參加佐音樂節grade 3,但因為第一次參加,所以經驗唔夠,只係拎到成績良好獎咋,不過出塲時又係好攪笑,d人問佢係唔係入錯房,可能佢個様實在太bb  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-24 13:28 |只看該作者
no..he is P2 now..he is small boy and birth on 2x Dec 02..your daughter is K.3 now ..so young..how long for her to study the piano ? Most of the parents want to apply these famous school including me but my son is a small boy
so it is difficult to take one seat for these school.
How about your daughter , she is small or big girl ?   

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-9-23 16:09 發表
is yr son K.3 now ?  I m so worry abt the application of P.1 recently.  So many kids compete for one seat for the DSS and private schools....  U know it is so funny, all the moms that I knew, who have ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-24 18:56 |只看該作者
Wah!  I was cheated by his appearance!   He is a primary student already!  My girl is a big girl, she was born in March 04!  She started her private piano lesson since Feb 09.  Before that, she had a piano playgroup called Little Fingers Piano for 8 months.  I had another son who is a small boy (Nov'06), I m so worry abt him as well since I think the schools do not like small boys......... Your kid must be a gd boy, cos' I think it's difficult to make boys sit properly for some time and practise piano.  Boys are harder to be controlled than girls...... very energetic and low EQ, haha!  Btw, have u received the time for the competition yet?  I still haven't got it.  Oh, moreover, my girl has also got into the final of the John Thompson group A (no. 57), have u enrolled yr son for other groups apart from child group D?

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-24 13:28 發表
no..he is P2 now..he is small boy and birth on 2x Dec 02..your daughter is K.3 now ..so young..how long for her to study the piano ? Most of the parents want to apply these famous school including me  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-25 09:38 |只看該作者
yes..almost everyone think that he is a K3 student as he has a baby face with big head ..your daughter is just 5 1/2 but she has the grade 3 piano skill....may be she has the talent for music !
We haven't received the letter too!  
I haven't enrolled the other group for him as he is quite busy for his primary school life (a lot of homework and dictation) and he need to go to training for swimming team (every tue,wed and thur)     

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-9-24 18:56 發表
Wah!  I was cheated by his appearance!   He is a primary student already!  My girl is a big girl, she was born in March 04!  She started her private piano lesson since Feb 09.  Before that, she had a  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-25 10:04 |只看該作者
kids are so busy these days!  Big head is a sign of intelligence ma......... I think many kids are better than her leh, she has interests on playing piano.  My girl is having swimming lessons through 文X泳會, that is not very good....... Do u think to learn swimming, is it better to have private lessons?  Although my girl doesn't have a lot of homeworks at school, we never arrived home till 7pm mon to fri night.... She goes to pm school, then when she finished school at 430pm, we rushed to the extra activities at 5pm for two hrs everyday....... very tired...... then after dinner, she needs to ve piano practise........ Recently, she is lazy with her practise, she used to practise a song for 20 times b4 but now five times only....... so lazy....

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-25 09:38 發表
yes..almost everyone think that he is a K3 student as he has a baby face with big head ..your daughter is just 5 1/2 but she has the grade 3 piano skill....may be she has the talent for music !
We hav ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-28 09:46 |只看該作者
yes ..kids and parents are so busy these days..my boy love to play piano and love all kinds of sports such as swimming,tennis, table tennis and badminton, so the time is so rush and not enough,
hehe ..my son will practice piano 15-30 min daily so your girl is not lazy la ..

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-9-25 10:04 發表
kids are so busy these days!  Big head is a sign of intelligence ma......... I think many kids are better than her leh, she has interests on playing piano.  My girl is having swimming lessons t ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-29 21:35 |只看該作者
There are 3 more days to the competition........ We ll be there at 6pm cos' we ll have the John Thompson A Final first, then after that is Child Group D!   It's nice to ve an opportunity to participate in the final already.... My girl ll wear the same dress (that dress is specific for playing piano, haha:D )!  How is yr boy doing?  Is he exciting abt the competition?

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-28 09:46 發表
yes ..kids and parents are so busy these days..my boy love to play piano and love all kinds of sports such as swimming,tennis, table tennis and badminton, so the time is so rush and not enough,
hehe . ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-30 09:35 |只看該作者
I just found that three girl's name on Child Group D final is on the list of John Thompson final too..
hehe..My boy will wear the same suit too..I just ask him to try his best to play as the others child's skill is so high.. btw he will join the mini-tennis competition on tomorrow and I think he respect it more than piano competition
See you on 02 Oct 09   

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-9-29 21:35 發表
There are 3 more days to the competition........ We ll be there at 6pm cos' we ll have the John Thompson A Final first, then after that is Child Group D!   It's nice to ve an opportunity to participat ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-30 21:06 |只看該作者
yeah!  See u on Fri!  Gd luck to his tennis competition tomorrow!

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 09-10-1 09:12 |只看該作者
獨樂樂 - 自己聽音樂
眾樂樂 - 大家都快樂


Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-1 18:03 |只看該作者
今日小女參加八級獨奏決賽, 好好彩獲得第三名呀! 不枉全家人晨咁早出大會堂同佢打氣... yeah...


Rank: 2


發表於 09-10-1 21:13 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-1 21:45 |只看該作者
嘩,好叻女啊!  congrat!
請問同場多內地來的高手嗎? 你覺得同香港孩子比較水準如何?

我個女參加free choice組,我怕佢緊張,叫定佢唔好諗名次,做好自己就夠.請問沒有名次的是否有分數和comment?

原帖由 晞晴媽咪 於 09-10-1 18:03 發表
今日小女參加八級獨奏決賽, 好好彩獲得第三名呀! 不枉全家人晨咁早出大會堂同佢打氣... yeah...


[ 本帖最後由 totochu 於 09-10-1 21:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-2 00:20 |只看該作者
Hi totochu,

Thx., 今日由於小女被編在上半部分, 我見唔太多內地高手, 但由於係八級組賽事, 佢係差不多全場最細個, 之不過, 反而一班大哥哥大姐姐心理壓力比較大, 失誤較多... 都係平常心好 D...

我今日見張張分紙都有分數同評語, 如果有名次, 工作人員會在分數隔離 mark 低, 亦可拎免費飛出席十月五日下晝的頒獎禮... Anyway, Good Luck to all of you too...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-2 09:22 |只看該作者
hi..晞晴媽咪..恭喜哂呀..您囡囡幾多歲呀? 今日到我囝囝參加兒童組Group D,我都好緊張呀,但又要同佢講唔駛緊張喎..hehe..

hi..cmchang0927..囝囝琴日小網得到季軍,拎到個獎杯好開心呀.. 希望佢今日鋼琴比賽都可以咁幸運啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-2 20:51 |只看該作者
今年比賽, 見到一幕幾有趣的,
話說 決賽時, 有個中國參賽者, 不知她(十歲女生...我估)是否太緊張, 彈左幾個 bar, 點彈也接不下去, 如是者重彈那幾個bar幾次了,評判見了, 於是將枱上的copy, 叫助理拿回給她, 但因那copy fold左幾下,故怎也不能垂直擺放在架上,這時她真係幾"間"介下 ,唔彈又不是, 彈又不是, 就係呢個時候無端端走左個香港參賽者出來, 幫她按住份譜, then, 她就望住份譜將首曲彈晒
如果大家在場, 會走出去幫那女生嗎?

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 09-10-2 21:14 |只看該作者
獨樂樂 - 自己聽音樂
眾樂樂 - 大家都快樂


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-2 21:20 |只看該作者
別誤會, 我所指的不是那女生如你所講的"發台温"而感到有趣, 我並不是那意思,
我覺有趣的是, 就是我所講的最後那幾句吧了, 會走出去幫她嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-2 22:21 |只看該作者

原帖由 fong媽 於 09-10-2 21:20 發表
別誤會, 我所指的不是那女生如你所講的"發台温"而感到有趣, 我並不是那意思,
我覺有趣的是, 就是我所講的最後那幾句吧了, 會走出去幫她嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-3 00:54 |只看該作者
Hi AMYBB111,

我囡囡今年十歲, 月尾考八級, 見都預備左半年, 於是報名參加比賽等佢可以再操好 D, 而家佢對於黎緊既琴試好有信心呀... 哈哈...

Hi Fong媽,

你所講既情況對於一個十歲既參賽小朋友黎講都幾慘, 好在最後都有人肯行出黎幫下佢, 我都希望如果我既小朋友在場的話佢都可以勇敢幫下人, 畢竟比賽發生呢 D 突發情況都無人想... 惟有寄望下次再黎過啦...

晞晴媽咪 ^^
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