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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 對ESF kinder的疑惑 ......
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對ESF kinder的疑惑 ...... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-9-1 22:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hellopigpig 於 09-9-1 18:43 發表

Actually,I think so,
I join one international kindergarten playground,not ESF,the teacher teach over 10 student,but only care 1 to 2 kids,
if this condition continue,I think you should change th ...

my daughter attends SW ESF too, i do think the teachers were not taking care of one single child at all time, the teachers walked around, looking at this one then moved on to another, and most of the children played on their own,  especially when the children were with their parents/helpers/grandparents. so i dropped her off and left from the 3rd day, and that i didn't see much, i don't want to worry about that as it's only the beginning of the school, as long as my daughter loves the school, i'm satisfied. moreover, when the time that i picked up my daughter, i asked them questions about what  my daughter did, the EAs and teacher could at least tell me what she has done, so i think, they did watched what they were doing. besides, the most important is, from the first day, i told myself that i must not depend on the school to teach much to my daughter in kindergarten (in fact every kindergarten even the locals, except those like KV, start dictation in K2, but i don't want my girl to suffer in writing pages of homework at this early age!) therefore, now my target is to go to ESF primary which i believe will be good for her in future, then i'll let her stay. at least, the teachers are quite nice in front of me. may be situation will change later on, let's wait and see.

[ 本帖最後由 蜜蜜 於 09-9-2 00:01 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-9-2 00:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 foreverbb 於 09-9-1 17:46 發表
Sheung Wan

teacher/student ratio around 1:6-7


foreverbb, did u try the parent login? go to look through it, i think u will feel better afterwards.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-2 13:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 thankful 於 09-9-2 13:08 發表

Don't worry too much about it.  It has always been the way.  My 2 nephews went through the same thing in ESF and they managed to get into good universities eventually.  If you don't like  ...

echo to thankful, "One's individual academic results also depend a lot on his own abilities as well as the time and effort he puts in." ... plus the time & effort you - the parents put in! my daughter has not been to nursery before entering ESF K1, she is now able to read English textbooks of my Primary 3 cousin and at least 150 Chinese words, i can tell, this is not because she is "gifted" (which most of my friends think she is), but because in the past 3 years, i spent all of my time being with her, reading stories and playing word games with her after work everyday. this is because i always remind myself not to depend on the kindergarten to teach in academic but to depend on myself to teach my daughter as much as i can. kindergarten is a place that my girl can make friends with, learning to be independence and a place to explore & experience in different matters, which i can never teach her at home. children learn things every minute while playing, that's why we need toys for them!!

[ 本帖最後由 蜜蜜 於 09-9-2 13:49 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-9-2 17:15 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 oooray 於 09-9-2 14:06 發表

Yes. I was paying much of my attention how my son interact with other children and whether he can make friends there (rather than how can he learn. In fact, i noticed quite a no. of parents asking te ...

exactly, after school every day, i asked my daughter did she go wee-wee herself, did she play with any children, did she make any new friends and what songs she sang in school.

besides, today when i picked up my girl, one of the EAs already mentioned something about my girl's character that i think is totally correct, i'm so impressed that she could see that in just few days in school. that's why i think each of the teachers and EAs has done their work during school hours as long as u leave her there.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 10:42 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 foreverbb 於 09-9-3 08:47 發表

另外,我洗唔洗俾囝囝係出面學phonics?我本以為讀international school唔洗學都識,但我知學phonics對認英文生字 ...


我認為phonics沒需要在外面學, 買教材回家跟他一起聽歌/chanting, 看dvd和 看書就可以. 市面上可買到我認為不錯的有gc phonics, jolly phonics, letterland, phonics kids, wordworld, leapfrog 等, 我都有比女女聽或睇. 事實上, 小朋友睇得多讀得多英文生字, 佢哋真係會好易咁自己掌握到phonics. 另外, 同小朋友讀故事的時候, 指住來讀對認字會有幫助. 直至小朋友開始認得更多的字及能開始自己閱讀就慢慢地不再指字. 這是我自己的一點經驗, 不知能否對你也管用, 你可試試.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 11:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 foreverbb 於 09-9-3 08:47 發表

另外,我洗唔洗俾囝囝係出面學phonics?我本以為讀international school唔洗學都識,但我知學phonics對認英文生字 ...

另外, 在學會流利廣東話這方面, 應該not apply to ESF SW, 因為我在等女女放學的時候也沒看到過一個講廣東話的學生. 他們(看來是中國人的一些)在下樓上校車時交談也用英語的. 而且這邊香港, 外國及mix的學生比例也很不錯.
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