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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-1-11 08:59 |顯示全部帖子
felmic 發表於 13-1-10 12:51
Hi Ian,

In case you missed the answer by other member, you can only apply K1 due to the age requirement by those kindergarten.  Of course, you never know if they will change again.

Good luck!


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發表於 13-1-13 10:15 |顯示全部帖子
回復 mamajelly 的帖子
Questions on Primary schools
•        For Discretionary Places Allocation, Catholics got 5 marks for Catholic schools. Does it apply to 1 parent only? Or does it require 2 parents + the kid to be Catholics as well?

This is by discretion on each school, so the only way to find out is to contact the school directly.  Some schools require the kid to be baptized while some schools may only need one of the parents being baptized.

•        If the kid already got a seat in Discretionary Places Allocation, he/she will be excluded from Central Allocation, right?

Yes, this is automatic as the policy is any kids should have only one seat.  Once they registered the seat at Discretionary Places stage, then they won't be able to participate in the Central Allocation stage.  The only way is NOT TO REGISTER even though a seat was allocated.  Then this will be treated as the kid has no seats.

•        If the kid already got a seat in DSS or private schools, she won’t be eligible for Central Allocation. But how about Discretionary Places Allocation. Is the kid still eligible?

Sorry for the long list of questions. Just answer me when you feel like it. Many thanks!

I think there are couple misunderstanding:
(1) Once register with a DSS (not private school), then the kid cannot get any seats from the Primary One Admission System (including both Discretionary Places & Central Allocation Stages);
(2) Registration with a private school doesn't exclude a kid to receive a seat from  the Primary One Admission System (including both Discretionary Places & Central Allocation Stages), however, some private schools will cancel the previous registration with them if parents signed the undertaking to give up such doing.

Hope this is clear to you.


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發表於 13-1-13 10:18 |顯示全部帖子
mamajelly 發表於 13-1-8 17:11
One more thing. For St Paul Nursery (CWB) VS St Paul Convent Kindergarten (CWB), do they stand an eq ...
Supposedly the same.......    but worth note taking is headmistress of SPN is also the supervisor of SPCS (Primary).  But this may not imply anything as these arrangement within a Catholic organization will change every so often.

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發表於 13-1-18 09:26 |顯示全部帖子
babychinglok 發表於 13-1-15 13:23
甘我想問下,我BB 2010年 born ,甘係米即係唔關我事架啦?
I am sorry, which one are you referring to exactly?

If you are talking about the linkage to private primary schools, it is always depending upon the school own policy.

If you are talking about the linkage to feeder/nominated secondary schools, as of now it is not relevant to you.  However, if EDB decides to change again, then you may have good news!


babychinglok  ,THANK YOU  發表於 13-1-19 12:00

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發表於 13-1-18 09:37 |顯示全部帖子
florence.lau 發表於 13-1-16 12:58

Thanks for your time and effort in answering questions from "question-mothers" like me. It is d ...
I think first of all, if you are interested in schools like DBSPD or YWPS, putting your son in any particular kindergarten wouldn't help you.  It's just an impression that many parents like to have that some kindergartens would help their children entering certain schools.  However, in reality is, parents who are interested in some popular primary schools, are particular interested to put their children into certain kindergartens.  As a result, you have only relatively more students from these kindergartens entering into those primary schools.  That's all!

I think when I said I don't have much information on Raimondi, it's because it is indeed so new, after reopening for just 1.5 years now, I usually wouldn't want to comment about them.  It's because this is a natural fact that they won't be running it smoothly.  It's because even though many teachers are experienced themselves, the kindergarten itself will need time to establish their teaching philosophy among the teachers and the parents.  This is not something which can be done within one year, as you always have only one chance to try certain things and you could only try again in next year.  This is how a school operate.  So, I wouldn't like to give comments as I need to respect the kindergarten's effort while they are trying to set things right.

So I really cannot provide you any suggestion as I have implied my insight on how you can make your further analysis.  At the end, choosing the right school is a personal thing so my role is to help parents look at things from a more comprehensive perspective and make a better choice.

Good luck!



florence.lau  Thanks Ian. That's very true. Your answer has already given me some direction. Thanks a lot.  發表於 13-1-18 09:43

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發表於 13-1-24 09:36 |顯示全部帖子
中小學結龍死綫 或無限期押後










rabbit1806   教育局嘅政策, 令我想起羅文一首歌 :" 知否世事常變, 變幻原是永恆...."  發表於 13-1-24 10:23

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發表於 13-3-24 10:26 |顯示全部帖子
myhappybb 發表於 13-2-19 11:53

The information was suggested by parents of True Light Caine Road this year.  

The importance is not whether the school commit to take all students or not.  The key is whether the primary school has the capacity to take all the kindergarten students if all of them choose to apply.  In the case of True Light, their primary school doesn't have the capacity to take all of their students.


myhappybb  Thanks, Ian~  發表於 13-3-27 17:25
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