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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-19 12:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Ian,

You know so much about KG.  Can you kindly give me some comment?

I have an active daughter and I am aiming for private primary schools in 3 years time.  She has applied for many KG but only have the following offers :
KV, SC, KM - waiting.

St Nicolas (am), Munsang (pm)and Creative  primary school kindergarten (am).

Waiting for PC result but most likely rejected.

For St Nicolas, it seems that its academic level is quite good and well balanced.
For Munsang - 1/2 through train and less academic training
For CPSK - excellent language environment but less academic training

After this year's KG application, I feel that the competition is very tough to get to a good school and I do not know if my daughter can be competitive enough to get into school like SFA, GH in 3 years time.  I feel that "luck" is the most important factor.   Is MunSang Primary a good school?  Shall I go for SN and try the primary schools in 3 years time?  What do you think?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-7 17:36 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Ian,

I also want to know your comment on MunSang and St. Catherine.  We have registered MS alaready but SC just call us to give my daughter an offer.  My girl was born in 7/07 and she did not get many offers for the K1 interviews.  Eventually her offers were SN, KM, MS and SC.  We need to pay the $ this Sat,  we like the language training in SC but we also worry about the primary school interviews in 3 years time.  MS seems to be a safer choice but is the school good?  Please kindly comment.
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