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名校的迷思 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-9-29 22:16 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
又到選校季節, 大部份家長都希望子女能夠入到那些所謂傳統名校, 本人認識不少行內人, 現提供一些意見供各位參考.

自從實施統一派位好, 那些所謂傳統名校的會考成績一落千丈. 因為他們無法挑選好的學生. 只有轉成直資的聖保羅男女校及拔萃能夠保持水準. 相反, 其他好似Lasa, 華仁, 皇仁, 英皇可說江河日下. 可能每年還可以有一兩個會考狀元. 但整体成績滑落得相當厲害.

即使是St. Paul Co-Ed或DGS, 裡面的老師告訴我, 他們的會考狀元大部份來自中一從外面收來的兩班新生, 極少數是從小一升上來的.

如果子女能夠讀到書, 在一所普通學校名列前芧, 大把名校可以俾你插班. 但係名校無法將垃圾變成寶. 在裡面競爭激烈, 如果成績差, 好快被人踢出去, 對小朋友自信心會很大打擊.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-29 23:16 |顯示全部帖子
我最偑服那些有辦法將水準差的學生教成好的學生的學校, 但這些學校在香港絕無僅有.

原帖由 edf 於 09-9-29 23:01 發表
我十分同意,我也不太夠膽太博,我看自己的小朋友只是合乎中度, 所以選了一間中上的學校, 我希望她能建立讀書的興趣, 有多些成功感, 若她在這6年成績超班才找更高水準的學校,因為讀書是20年的事, 我真的怕她從一開始就 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-30 17:26 |顯示全部帖子
教署到現在都唔願意公佈全港中學的會考及高考成績. 整個系統欠缺透明度, 家長及學生只能道聽途說去選校, 到最後又是去爭幾間傳統名校. 實在非常令人失望. 小學概覽的資料基上全部癈的.

我所說的名校成績一落千丈是行內人告訴我. 至於St Paul成績好的學生是中一收的外面尖子, 是裡面的老師告訴我. 由於St Paul小一7成學位俾咗自己友, 基本上等於無法揀學生.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-30 23:26 |顯示全部帖子
我個人還是比較看重成績. 因為如果因為成績欠佳, 而進不了好的大學或學科, 一切都是空談.

所以我堅持主張, 全港家長和學生有知情權, 教署應該將全港中學的公開考試及入大學成績在網站公開. 讓家長有所選擇. 屆時, 大家可能會驚訝地發現, 不少傳統名校的成績滑坡得很嚴重. 這些學校很多不思進取, 不進則退.

自從教署將學校的級別由六級變成三級後, 許多所謂Band 1的學生其實水少很差. 他們通過統一派位, 進了所謂名校. 這是為什麼這些傳統名校成績大幅滑落. 雖然我沒內具体數據, 但相信我這是事實.

相反, 不少名不經傳的學校成績冒升得很快, 這是學校老師的共同努力. 但由於教署不公佈成績, 我們對現狀無法做一個全面的了解. 教署應該透過公開資料, 鼓勵學校之間的競爭.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-30 23:34 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 17# jeremyphlam 的文章

我手上確實沒有數據, 但我身邊有10多毎大學同學都是老師, 有在DGS, SPSS任教. 很多消息都是從彵們口中得知.

所以, 我一直主張教署公開全港中學的公開考試成績, 讓家長有知情權! 這是我們應有的權利.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-1 08:58 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 19# mattsmum 的文章

我認識一個朋友任務屯門一間學校, 會考成績比幾間傳統名校如華仁, 皇仁還要好.

可惜教署唔肯公佈成績, 家長無法了解一批用心經營, 成績突飛猛進的學校.

教署將學校由6個級別變成3個確實大大地降低了名校效應. 原來名校並沒有Magic, 派來垃圾學生時, 名校不能將垃圾變成寶.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 09:45 |顯示全部帖子
本人對所謂一條龍的學校極為深惡痛絕, 這個社會本身就充滿了競爭, 一間學校要培養優秀的學生, 需要不斷地吸英精英, 及淘汰差的學生.所謂一條龍根本就是封閉式. 一班人在裡面困獸鬥. 這類學校是自甘墮落.

試問一個小朋友2-3歲的小朋友, 幼稚園如何測試其學習能力? 愛恩斯坦5歲才會說話!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 12:59 |顯示全部帖子
咁你係咪香港住架. 你知唔知大部份一條龍的學校, 如聖心, 聖保祿, 7成的學生乃收番自己幼稚園的學生嗎?


原帖由 Sindy 於 09-10-3 10:08 發表


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 13:15 |顯示全部帖子
另外, 你話我俾知邊度有全港中學的會考成績公佈. 目前教署唔願意這樣做, 只是讓學校選擇性自願披露, 所以家長只能道聽途說, 這剝削了家長及學生的知情權.

你的回覆, 顯示你對目前的制度多麼地無知! 你唔係香港人, 係外星人!

原帖由 hui3328 於 09-10-3 12:59 發表
咁你係咪香港住架. 你知唔知大部份一條龍的學校, 如聖心, 聖保祿, 7成的學生乃收番自己幼稚園的學生嗎?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 13:45 |顯示全部帖子
如果是官校或津校, 學校是基本上喪失了選擇學生的自主權, 只能跟從教署的統一派位制度. 因為, 所謂一條龍意義不大.

但幾間私校的一條龍, 是從幼稚園開始自己友玩晒. 如聖心, 聖保祿, 聖嘉勒, 真光等.

原帖由 charwes 於 09-10-3 13:33 發表
According to EDB, the "Through-train" mode is defined as the direct admission between a school's primary and secondary divisions. In other words, even a school has kindergarten division, the students  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-5 16:24 |顯示全部帖子
以個人的經歷, 小朋友是否讀到書, 天資及努力起碼佔咗7成, 家庭2成, 學校最多佔1成.

本人出身於大陸農村, 12歲才移民來港.  被大部份的香港學校拒收. 由ABC學起, 會考一樣考到6條A. 取得知名大學及碩士學位

現任職高層, 家庭年收入接近200萬. 本人的經驗說明了, 天資及後天的勤奮最重要. 當然好的老師也 本人的經驗說明了, 天資及後天的勤奮最重要. 不要太迷信名校.

原帖由 Zen 於 09-10-5 13:37 發表

1)學生資質 (30%)
2)學校 (30%)
3)家長 (20%)
4)朋輩影響 (20%)(中學階段影響更為深遠)


2)師資較好(但只看是否有幸遇到有教學熱誠的老師,名校一樣有 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-5 18:06 |顯示全部帖子
I don't want to reveal my background, for fear that many people in this forum will readily discover who I am. At the end of the day, a kid's intelligence and conscientious efforts, and perseverance
are the most crticial factors to their academic success. Don't be overly obessed with the prestigious schools as they have no magic to turn a mediocre kid into a top performer.

I am relatively new to this forum. Sometimes my perspectives are significantly different than the majority views of other parents. However I do hope I have at least made some of you think outside the box. Be more creative, open-minded and risk-taking - this will lead your child to unlimited possibilities.

No doubt, the scramble for places at the top schools are always competitive. As parents we must be involved and playing our choices carefully.

"Let the child be a child." It's a good rule to live by. As parents we should set positive examples,  guiding our children as they make choices and influencing them as they are increasingly exposed to different ideas and ways of looking at things. Encourage our kid to become a life long learner, love learning and share his/her knowledge and skills with other people. I did extensive readings even since I was a child in a small village in China. That was the reason why I had managed to adapt to the demanding learning environment when I moved to HK.

原帖由 Gooddaddy 於 09-10-5 16:31 發表
really? good for you.  May I ask which school and university you graduated from? which company do you work for?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-6 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
When I initiated postings of this topic, I did not anticipate that the points of views I expressed would provoke so much controversy. As responsible parents, we are at the same boat that we all want our kids to receive the best education possible. Some of my expressions may have crossed the lines. However, I, by no means, intended to underplay the status of the elite schools.

I hope parents in this forum will benefit from a more productive and constructive debate:

The obsession with the elite class of schools has become a self-perpetuating mechanism. Many of these schools are sitting on their own laureates. They refuse to innovate and take on new methods, not being able to meet the challenges of the knowledge society.

Diversity of student body is one key area strongly advocated by all elite universities like Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley. They are seeking students who excelled in all types of backgrounds and schools. Yet I was so frustrated to find that many of the elite schools in HK, under the direct-subsidy scheme, reserve at least 70% of places for their related group. What is logic of giving preferential admission to kids of their graduates? From other parents’ postings, it also appears that these schools have a stereotyped of people they will admit. They don’t they have the courage to change the status quo?

Lack of transparency is another problem in our education system. We all want to make informed decisions. Why the Education Bureau can’t mandate all schools to disclose their public exam results? With a centralized, organized and transparent database, parents and students would be able to find desirable schools based on the individual standard.

Open your kids to more possibilities: apart from a small group of branded schools, there are a large number of emerging schools that have been more proactive, innovative and progressive in many areas, supported by passionate, dedicated and well-prepared teaching force. There are many pathways that our children can succeed in their life.

In terms of parenting skills and knowledge about our education system, I am on the learning process. I welcome any good inputs to make our discussion more meaningful.

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