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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 你地會同BB主要講英文定Cantonese?
樓主: cincin_ko

你地會同BB主要講英文定Cantonese? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-21 01:10 |只看該作者
測 speech 的方式有可能不合時宜,  通常香港的方式都係係測廣東話, 即係一個用開英文的小朋友去用此方式測都是會"肥"的, 所以所謂 delay 都可能是用不合的工具去測的結果.   

如果要有英女皇口音或牛津的才可以教, 我看是很不現實的, 在現在教英文的老師中, 有英國人, 美國人, 更有其它的人仕, 誰說誰的才是正統, 我認為能溝通才是最重要的. 當然能有牛津音是最好的.  

那種語言都可以晚些才開始學, 但君不見一些去外國讀了多年書的, 回來說不了幾句英文, 因為一直在唐人圈中生活, 又怕說錯, 不肯用英文, 結果如何. 學習不怕錯的態度需要早些培養.    .  

我自己就主張早教, 不是要偏中或英, 而是要一齊教, 但先會多些花時間在英文上, 因為在香港, 一般環境的小朋友身邊說英文的環境沒中文的多, 要他的英文熟練度同中文一樣, 自已唯有盡力營造環境, 多講多說英文給他習慣,  此不是祟洋, 而是現實環境需要補足.  

給他讀英普學校, 當然同時亦教他中文, 小朋友一起學, 如果有任何障礙, 只是運用環境不夠多造成, 或是我們教得不夠努力及缺乏技巧,  而不是一起學2-3種語言造成.  因為我自己亦在多語言環境成長, 中英文的成績都不差, 就知道早學的自然性是一樣很重要的事.  如果有人堅持早教雙語會形成 delay, 似乎看輕了小朋友的能力, 其實都不需勉強, 各人有自己的教養方式, 大家去做做值得做的就行了

原帖由 BabyISC 於 09-11-2 17:10 發表
It is funny that one can use such an example (你可以話我當小兒係弱智嘅咁教嘅) to illustrate their concepts in education.
There is thousands of theory to educate children, we should choose the one that ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-21 14:32 |只看該作者
So agreed with anteater. I dun think it's a good idea to teach ABCs to kids who are less than 2 or 3 years old. I 'vestarted to speak English with my kid since pregnancy, and I am a working mum. I asked our Indoesian nanny use English for communication. & I keep correcting her when she uses wrong grammar and so far, nanny loves to use English and use the right grammars for spoken English.

Why I do that? because I want to promote English in our family. My hushand uses Cantonese. For now, my kid of 2.4 years, she can speak "Where's my bread Auntie brought, mummy ?" It doesnt make sense in proper English grammar's point of view, but at least, she knows about pass tense for now and I will not correct her at once because that will kill her confidence, but in some way, i will use the same sentence but different content to make her understand how to speak English properly.

I just want to share with parents who use English daily in Chinses society, Add oil, Dont give up, Kids are capable of all things even you think that is impossible. But just dun mix up with Hong Kong's education concept, like to learn this word, to learn that word, because words are meaningless to kids who are less than 3 years old. Show them pictures and encourage them to speak freely. You may understand your kid more, because you will know what attract your kid more in the picture, etc etc... what objects your kid likes, ....

原帖由 anteater 於 10-4-18 07:28 發表
大家唔好咁快教小朋友(1-2.5歲)認字呀,有些學說話要教左小朋友認知個世界先,俾多d想像空間佢,你們咁快教字,會影響小朋友的思維,令到佢出街只係認字,而唔理身邊周遭事物,要認字,留番返學至教,我的小朋友初時好似你們 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-21 14:45 |只看該作者
It is a difficult question to ask which language is more important than the other. But I can share my experience with you that, if you English is good enough to read, then you will learn a lot from English books, reference, or even just magazines. Also same to Chinese, if your Chinese is good enough to read high level reading, you will of course, gain a lot of knowledge.

This is my reply to English vs Chinese, nothing to do with child teaching at whatever stage. If we can build up communication bridge with our kids thoughout our lives, then communication is the key, not the language itself. Not to argue not to share.

原帖由 jeanne1120 於 09-11-2 13:55 發表

我覺得香港d 父母,真係崇洋得過了份

經常在街聽到d 家長同細路講英文

1. 發音唔標準
2. 唔係complete sentence
3. gramma 錯誤
4. 嚴重中英夾雜

講真,我覺得谷小朋友英文真係毫無需要。 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-21 15:09 |只看該作者
sorry typo, i meant not to argue but to share...

原帖由 ShaB 於 10-4-21 14:45 發表
It is a difficult question to ask which language is more important than the other. But I can share my experience with you that, if you English is good enough to read, then you will learn a lot from En ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-21 17:11 |只看該作者
我冇能力全程同BB講英文,但我會有時成句咁用英文叫佢做d野,e.g pick up the toy car呢d簡單句子....BB而家19個月,都識好多字,佢自細出街,我就見乜就指住教佢(car,bus,taxi,bird.....),多數教英文,後尾又教埋中文,而家佢見蘋果/聽到我話蘋果,佢就會講apple,見/聽我講香蕉會講banana,仲有tomato,orange.......眼耳口鼻o個d都一早識晒,見巴士會講bus/巴士,雀仔佢都識中英文,出街見到乜就講,當然唔係乜都識la~始終都只係歲半,我覺得已經好叻仔,基本上教佢乜佢就學乜,又冇話只認字唔認物,或者只識英文唔識中文呢d情況~同埋好多野佢識,但唔係我教佢,而係佢自己平日見得多自然識,好似佢會拎住我支化妝水,然後扮倒出黎,拍下塊面咁...
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