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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 沙田樂基,9龍塘樂基邊間好????
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沙田樂基,9龍塘樂基邊間好???? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-16 09:40 |顯示全部帖子
As a parent in HKPS KLT, I can really see it does not have good admin., but the selling points of KLT are the following two:

1. native teachers
My kid is in Eng. PTH class, all the teachers are native speakers. Even in activities like carnivals, kids still need to communicate in those languages. Though sometimes my kid may not fully understand the PTH teacher, it's important to listen and speak the language at an early stage.

2. principal's connection
The principal has good connection with DBS and Ying Wah. The school sometimes organize tours to primary school too.

The school encourages communicative approach and kids can learn in a happy environment. However, the school doesn't put too much emphasis on spelling and word recognition. If you need to attend interviews in K3, you must equip your kids more, not just relying on the school. Overall speaking, kids' discipline is very good.

Hope the above information can help you.

[ 本帖最後由 magiccandy 於 09-11-16 09:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-27 17:57 |顯示全部帖子
The principals of two schools are different. The most attractive point of KLT is again the principal. Many parents from previous years appreciated the principal's effort a lot and her connection with some primary schools.
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