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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF Tsing Yi
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ESF Tsing Yi [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-12 22:01 |顯示全部帖子
我是這間幼稚園K2學生的家長, 真實的經驗是, 這間幼稚園的行政及教學都一團糟:

1. 在小一面試及各ESF Primary School Teachers 來校觀察學生表現前突然大舉調班, 現在不少K2的老師只與學生相處兩三周, 然後就要寫學生的 Language Report;

2. 配合突而其來的調班, 為了讓班主任熟悉學生, 連每周僅有的一節Mandarin也取消了. 如果升讀ESF Primary School, 很大可能中文被編到最差的Pathway 班別;

3. 有61名學生居然在本周開始進行"English Enrichment Program", 當其他同學在Studio Time 畫畫或唱遊時, 這些學生要離群"谷"英文. 美其名是為這些英文達不到面試水平的學生做最後衝刺, 但想深一層, 如果真的教得好, 為甚麼在全英的環境下還有這麼多學生到 K2 仍然要在最後關頭 進行"Enrich".  更何況, 這絕對不是一個 good lable to be attached to the Language Report.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-13 16:34 |顯示全部帖子
[quote]原帖由 oooray 於 09-11-13 13:34 發表

Just some clarifications:

My kid is not in English Enrichment Program.  So I wrote the above not because I'm angry with kids being put into special program, but just to share some of the experiences and observations.

The number "61 kids attending Enrichment Program" - got from school volunteering parents and also from parents whose kids are in the Enrichment program.

True, the advantage of sending a kid to an ESF Kinder is that you'll get a priority for primary school interview (that's the major reason I sent my kid to it).  But don't assume his/her English would be automatically up to the level of what P1 interview requires.  In the past years there had been high failure rates at the first round of P1 interview. Although most kids finally got accepted in round 2, you can imagine how nervous the parents would have been if they had to prepare for a 2nd round.  It isn't a straight-through train as some of the parents might have perceived.

There are other international kindergartens that have very high rates in being successful in ESF P1 interviews and of which the quality of education is probably better.  It's too late for my kid to transfer to another kinder but for the parents whose kids are about to attend a kinder, do conduct some research before you make the decision.
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