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你會點rank? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-24 22:39 |顯示全部帖子
Hi LovelyBB06

I have a same question as your ==>

Good Hope vs YORK

==> most of my friends are couraged me to choose GH as this is ONE dragon school

However, I really don't know their academic result since there is a long time ago for the kinder GH managed before.... all are now unknown ....????

And this is a solely chance of us to choose GH primary if they are just concertrated on the HAPPY school life. Then our kids will be not competitive to flight for other GOOD primary

On the other hands, I am sure YORK will educate the student in a GOOD academic result oriented.

How can I decide ???  

Due to so many unknown issues, I have to re-arrange my girl's extra course planning -

YORK ==> Good English, so I have planned to pay for Mardarin & Maths ...

GH ==> Look for the ENGLISH course, Mardarin & Maths as well

Someone can share with me ?

My girl is BIG girl ar ...


原帖由 LovelyBB06 於 09-11-23 18:11 發表
Good Hope vs York vs Kowloon Tong Cannan?
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